US Politics

They re at their desks. You may think I joke but having worked out there and having spent a fair amount those hallways there is an unusual amount of attractive women in some of those offices.
I'd have to take your word for it but you look like an honest and attractive username. By that I mean pleasing.
Yes, there is a partisan divide. Politics like sport has become tribal. Still, from the poll only 29% of the overall respondents support the nomination. And that is why it is likely that he is going to be pulled.

29% support it if it’s proven true. Everyone knows rape is an extremely difficult crime to actually prove. Willing to be it’s far more than 29% if it remains as allegations, even after hearing a testimony like that.
ok guys - I'm in work all day. not getting a chance to follow this.

what's the situation at present. what has happened. is Kavanaugh fcuked or what?
They said that they were representing her pro bono. about the polygraph, i think that she said she still has to check how are things gonna be handled and she talked about go fund me made for her.
Her lawyers definitely confirmed paying for it, out of sheer exasperation over Mitchell trying top use it to suggest Dr. Ford was being paid for her testimony.

Lady Lawyer: "Let me end this mystery. Her lawyers paid for the polygraph."

Dude Lawyer: "As is routine."

Lady Lawyer: "As is routine."
29% support it if it’s proven true. Everyone knows rape is an extremely difficult crime to actually prove. Willing to be it’s far more than 29% if it remains as allegations, even after hearing a testimony like that.

To keep the record straight, it wasn't rape.

I am actually not sure what we are discussing here? That a significant percentage of the population is so blinded by their partisan bias that they are willing to let a credible testimony from a believable witness about a sexual assault go so that they can get their conservative supreme court? Okay, yeah.
He's attempting Righteousness. Achieving Bully.
This is literally the absolute worst approach he could possibly take. feck me Republicans have zero clue of optics.
One of my closest friends is a sexual assault victim!
Surely you jest. This was the only approach. Any remorse or contrition on his end would be like blood in the water.

Arrogance and aggression is absolutely the last approach he should have taken.
He did it, i can tell from his wife's expression that she believes Prof. Ford.