US Fall TV Start Dates


Full Member
Nov 25, 2008
A substandard bag of meat and bones.
Other than the returning shows, is there anything worth checking out other than Boardwalk Empire and Walking Dead?

Sons of Anarchy (FX) Sept. 7
America’s Next Top Model (CW) Sept. 8
Hellcats (CW) Sept. 8
Terriers (FX) Sept. 8
Nikita (CW) Sept. 9
Vampire Diaries (CW) Sept. 9
Gossip Girl (CW) Sept. 13
90210 (CW) Sept. 13
Life Unexpected (CW) Sept. 14
One Tree Hill (CW) Sept. 14
Parenthood (NBC) Sept. 14
Outlaw (NBC) Sept. 15
Survivor (CBS) Sept. 15
Apprentice (NBC) Sept. 16
It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia (FX) Sept. 16
League (FX) Sept. 16
Boardwalk Empire (HBO) Sept. 19
Castle (ABC) Sept. 20
Chase (NBC) Sept. 20
Chuck (NBC) Sept. 20
Dancing With the Stars (ABC) Sept. 20
Event (NBC) Sept. 20
Hawaii Five-0 (CBS) Sept. 20
House (Fox) Sept. 20
How I Met Your Mother (CBS) Sept. 20
Lone Star (Fox) Sept. 20
Mike & Molly (CBS) Sept. 20
Rules of Engagement (CBS) Sept. 20
Two and a Half Men (CBS) Sept. 20
Biggest Loser (NBC) Sept. 21
Detroit 1-8-7 (ABC) Sept. 21
Glee (Fox) Sept. 21
NCIS (CBS) Sept. 21
NCIS: Los Angeles (CBS) Sept. 21
Raising Hope (Fox) Sept. 21
Running Wilde (Fox) Sept. 21
Better With You (ABC) Sept. 22
Cougar Town (ABC) Sept. 22
Criminal Minds (CBS) Sept. 22
Defenders (CBS) Sept. 22
Hell’s Kitchen (Fox) Sept. 22
Law & Order: SVU (NBC) Sept. 22
Middle (ABC) Sept. 22
Modern Family (ABC) Sept. 22
Undercovers (NBC) Sept. 22
Whole Truth (ABC) Sept. 22
Big Bang Theory (CBS) Sept. 23
Bones (Fox) Sept. 23
Community (NBC) Sept. 23
CSI (CBS) Sept. 23
Fringe (Fox) Sept. 23
Grey’s Anatomy (ABC) Sept. 23
Mentalist (CBS) Sept. 23
My Generation (ABC) Sept. 23
Office (NBC) Sept. 23
Outsourced (NBC) Sept. 23
Private Practice (ABC) Sept. 23
Shit My Dad Says (CBS) Sept. 23
30 Rock (NBC) Sept. 23
Blue Bloods (CBS) Sept. 24
CSI: NY (CBS) Sept. 24
Good Guys (Fox) Sept. 24
Medium (CBS) Sept. 24
Smallville (CW) Sept. 24
Supernatural (CW) Sept. 24
Saturday Night Live (NBC) Sept. 25
Amazing Race (CBS) Sept. 26
Bored to Death (HBO) Sept. 26
Brothers & Sisters (ABC) Sept. 26
Cleveland Show (Fox) Sept. 26
Desperate Housewives (ABC) Sept. 26
Dexter (Showtime) Sept. 26
Eastbound & Down (HBO) Sept. 26
Extreme Makeover: Home Edition (ABC) Sept. 26
Family Guy (Fox) Sept. 26
Simpsons (Fox) Sept. 26
60 Minutes (CBS) Sept. 26
Undercover Boss (CBS) Sept. 26
Good Wife (CBS) Sept. 28
No Ordinary Family (ABC) Sept. 28
Sanctuary (Syfy) Sept. 28
Stargate Universe (Syfy) Sept. 28
Law & Order: Los Angeles (NBC) Sept. 29
Human Target (Fox) Oct. 1
American Dad (Fox) Oct. 3
CSI: Miami (CBS) Oct. 3
Friday Night Lights (DirecTV) Oct. 27
Walking Dead (AMC) Oct. 31
Lie to Me (Fox) Nov. 10

Amazing Race (CBS) Sept. 26
America’s Next Top Model (CW) Sept. 8
American Dad (Fox) Oct. 3
Apprentice (NBC) Sept. 16
Better With You (ABC) Sept. 22
Big Bang Theory (CBS) Sept. 23
Biggest Loser (NBC) Sept. 21
Blue Bloods (CBS) Sept. 24
Boardwalk Empire (HBO) Sept. 19
Bones (Fox) Sept. 23
Bored to Death (HBO) Sept. 26
Brothers & Sisters (ABC) Sept. 26
Castle (ABC) Sept. 20
Chase (NBC) Sept. 20
Chuck (NBC) Sept. 20
Cleveland Show (Fox) Sept. 26
Community (NBC) Sept. 23
Cougar Town (ABC) Sept. 22
Criminal Minds (CBS) Sept. 22
CSI (CBS) Sept. 23
CSI: Miami (CBS) Oct. 3
CSI: NY (CBS) Sept. 24
Dancing With the Stars (ABC) Sept. 20
Defenders (CBS) Sept. 22
Desperate Housewives (ABC) Sept. 26
Detroit 1-8-7 (ABC) Sept. 21
Dexter (Showtime) Sept. 26
Eastbound & Down (HBO) Sept. 26
Event (NBC) Sept. 20
Extreme Makeover: Home Edition (ABC) Sept. 26
Family Guy (Fox) Sept. 26
Friday Night Lights (DirecTV) Oct. 27
Fringe (Fox) Sept. 23
Glee (Fox) Sept. 21
Good Guys (Fox) Sept. 24
Good Wife (CBS) Sept. 28
Gossip Girl (CW) Sept. 13
Grey’s Anatomy (ABC) Sept. 23
Hawaii Five-0 (CBS) Sept. 20
Hell’s Kitchen (Fox) Sept. 22
Hellcats (CW) Sept. 8
House (Fox) Sept. 20
How I Met Your Mother (CBS) Sept. 20
Human Target (Fox) Oct. 1
It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia (FX) Sept. 16
Law & Order: Los Angeles (NBC) Sept. 29
Law & Order: SVU (NBC) Sept. 22
League (FX) Sept. 16
Lie to Me (Fox) Nov. 10
Life Unexpected (CW) Sept. 14
Lone Star (Fox) Sept. 20
Medium (CBS) Sept. 24
Mentalist (CBS) Sept. 23
Middle (ABC) Sept. 22
Mike & Molly (CBS) Sept. 20
Modern Family (ABC) Sept. 22
My Generation (ABC) Sept. 23
NCIS (CBS) Sept. 21
NCIS: Los Angeles (CBS) Sept. 21
Nikita (CW) Sept. 9
90210 (CW) Sept. 13
No Ordinary Family (ABC) Sept. 28
Office (NBC) Sept. 23
One Tree Hill (CW) Sept. 14
Outlaw (NBC) Sept. 15
Outsourced (NBC) Sept. 23
Parenthood (NBC) Sept. 14
Private Practice (ABC) Sept. 23
Raising Hope (Fox) Sept. 21
Rules of Engagement (CBS) Sept. 20
Running Wilde (Fox) Sept. 21
Sanctuary (Syfy) Sept. 28
Saturday Night Live (NBC) Sept. 25
Shit My Dad Says (CBS) Sept. 23
Simpsons (Fox) Sept. 26
60 Minutes (CBS) Sept. 26
Smallville (The CW) Sept. 24
Sons of Anarchy (FX) Sept. 7
Stargate Universe (Syfy) Sept. 28
Supernatural (The CW) Sept. 24
Survivor (CBS) Sept. 15
Terriers (FX) Sept. 8
30 Rock (NBC) Sept. 23
Two and a Half Men (CBS) Sept. 20
Undercover Boss (CBS) Sept. 26
Undercovers (NBC) Sept. 22
Vampire Diaries (CW) Sept. 9
Walking Dead (AMC) Oct. 31
Whole Truth (ABC) Sept. 22
I'm looking forward to House, NCIS, and NCIS: LA despite it being rubbish. Criminal minds should also be good.
How I Met Your Mother
Big Bang Theory
Cleveland Show
Family Guy

Only one's that interest me, however Shit My Dad Says does sound interesting.
God dammit US TV is in it's hey day right now.
Shows I am looking forward to...

Modern Family
The Office
Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia
Rules of Engagement
30 Rock
How I Met Your Mother
Outsourced (new series)

Big Bang Theory (CBS) Sept. 23
Chuck (NBC) Sept. 20
Dexter (Showtime) Sept. 26
Family Guy (Fox) Sept. 26
House (Fox) Sept. 20
It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia (FX) Sept. 16
Office (NBC) Sept. 23
Walking Dead (AMC) Oct. 31

Looking forward to these.
Amazing Race (CBS) Sept. 26
Apprentice (NBC) Sept. 16 (Maybe)
Big Bang Theory (CBS) Sept. 23
Community (NBC) Sept. 23
Dexter (Showtime) Sept. 26
Hell’s Kitchen (Fox) Sept. 22
How I Met Your Mother (CBS) Sept. 20
It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia (FX) Sept. 16
Modern Family (ABC) Sept. 22
90210 (CW) Sept. 13 (Moderately)
Office (NBC) Sept. 23
Outsourced (NBC) Sept. 23
Shit My Dad Says (CBS) Sept. 23
Survivor (CBS) Sept. 15 (Maybe)
30 Rock (NBC) Sept. 23
Two and a Half Men (CBS) Sept. 20 (Moderately)

feck University!
Really looking forward to The Event and Outsourced and even No Ordinary family looks decent.
Today's the beginning of fall schedule, proper. Anyone else excited? It's pointless for me because I live in the UK so tomorrow morning's the earliest I can get anything anyway but I'm looking forward to it a lot.

Apparently, some of the new stuff is amongst the best TV's churned out in recent years. Initially I only had five shows to watch but I can see that list expanding a lot now.
Can't wait bro. I'm back in Canada as well for a while so going to watch them on the Telly right away.

How I met your mother and House tonight :drool:

I'll be watching Chuck & House as usual tomorrow and will also be checking out The Event. Anything else I should look out for?
I watch almost all the shows you've listed, Sol. Take a stab at it.
Can't wait bro. I'm back in Canada as well for a while so going to watch them on the Telly right away.

How I met your mother and House tonight :drool:


I'll be watching Chuck & House as usual tomorrow and will also be checking out The Event. Anything else I should look out for?

Between the two of you, you've listed the shows that I want to watch badly, except The Event. I'm going to wait for it to get half-way through the season to see how it goes down.

Is the event airing tonight then?

Yup, NBC.

I hear good things, I'm not sure if it's my kind of comedy though. I say this despite having never watched it.

I watch it and, like McLovin, I seem to have similar TV taste to you. It's good stuff. Just watch the first episode or something, what's the worst that could happen? :D
Season premieres of How I Met Your Mother, Rules of Engagement, Two and a Half Men and House all tonight...should be good!..

not an American show, but 2nd epi of Inbetweeners tonight as well, should make for great viewing..
The Event kinda reminds me of the show last year, where the guy said "because I was loaded"
The Event kinda reminds me of the show last year, where the guy said "because I was loaded"

A show that I actually wish was renewed.

Oh, I recommend people watch The Big C too. Nice little dark comedy on Showtime with Laura Linney, first few episodes have been good.

Not looking forward to HIMYM or The Office as much as I used to, they're just milking them too much and the quality has really gone downhill.

Chuck is back :drool: