Music Underappreciated Albums

I'm gonna hate that new mix of Be Here Now I think. All the pomp and completely over the top guitars were taken out of the "DYNWIM Re-Think". Those feckers crashed in, just like with My Big Mouth. Those two songs especially are designed to be played loud.

And if they touch Fade In/Out ... I am gonna kick off.
Think Dyou know what I mean is the only song that's been "re-mixed". The new stuff is mostly demos. And yes, Fade In/Out is brilliant, that scream is probably my favourite moment on the album.

EDIT: I do like that the strings on Dyou know what I mean are mixed to be more prominent though.
I love me some noise rock. Halcyon Digest was moderately popular, but Cryptograms is my favorite from Deerhunter. Good bass lines too; I like to dance to some of these songs.


An absolutely brilliant trio of albums.
Script of the bridge :drool:

Post-punk perfection
I think all three are highly acclaimed, but these are some of my favourite albums released within a few years of each other (all rock, if you wish to spare yourself):

Come - 11:11
I flip flop between this album and their second, but I love 11:11 for its singular feel and pace. It doesn't do much and doesn't do it in a hurry. My favourite guitar/rock music has always been chordal as opposed to intricate played melodies - where your mind kind of locks into the guitar line and you feel the small changes in harmony. Zedek & Brokaw are probably my favourite guitar duo - their playing off each other is nothing flashy, it just feels completely intuitive. I think she has the perfect vocals for rock, powerful with a slightly androgynous quality.

Red Red Meat - Bunny Gets Paid
Compared to 11:11, I love this one for its distinctive sound. Their previous, Jimmywine Majestic, is a perfect 90s rock album. Bunny's the same with simple melodies, yet everything's made to sound just a little off. Instrumental parts are fragmented and weird background noises drop in and out. Every sound is so warm and the vocals often incantation-like, that it all combines to create a hypnotic atmosphere that feels live. A truly great headphones album. Gauze is the album's peak and one of my favourite ever tracks, but the opener Carpet of Horses sets the tone:

Th' Faith Healers - Imaginary Friend
I'm an absolutely terrible judge but it still sounds fresh to me - I love the mix of Can/motorik inspired repetition and some completely joyous aspect that I'm not sure whether it's from the loose sound or the vocals, but it just makes me want to join in. I love Quickspace's added slickness but Th' Faith Healers are more fun. Though one person's hypnotic is easily another's boring dirge. Probably nowhere more true than with the 20 minute closer, my favourite track. The guitar tone is bliss.

The Misfits pretty much became nothing but a marketing machine, and the ratio of good Misfits material to bad significantly lessened when Danzig quit. There's a whole lot of shite out there under the Misfits name. The Michale Graves stuff is awful. This record seems to be forgotten about when the first waves of American punk get talked about, which is crazy. I'd sooner listen to this than any Black Flag record.
Opeth got a lot of shit after abandoning death metal vocals, but there's some great prog on Heritage.

I'd also say Stupid Dream and Lightbulb Sun by Porcupine Tree as well. It's only their work post In Absentia that seems to get any attention.

Some honourable mentions: Blackfield - s/t, Anathema - Judgement, Earthside - A Dream In Static, Alice In Chains - Black Gives Way To Blue, Riverside - Second Life Syndrome, Tame Impala - Currents

The Misfits pretty much became nothing but a marketing machine, and the ratio of good Misfits material to bad significantly lessened when Danzig quit. There's a whole lot of shite out there under the Misfits name. The Michale Graves stuff is awful. This record seems to be forgotten about when the first waves of American punk get talked about, which is crazy. I'd sooner listen to this than any Black Flag record.

Static Age is my favourite, but Walk Among Us is cool, too.

I think they should have changed the name for the Graves-era. Having the Misfits name hurts them I think, since I actually find some of the tracks from then to be pretty good, but still think negatively about it just because of that.
Static Age is my favourite, but Walk Among Us is cool, too.

I think they should have changed the name for the Graves-era. Having the Misfits name hurts them I think, since I actually find some of the tracks from then to be pretty good, but still think negatively about it just because of that.

Static Age is great too. I dig that it's sort of less melodic and more like an old garage rock band. Seems less horror and more sci-fi too. Even though it's still Danzig-era, it's almost like two different bands.

Those are the only two LPs worth listening to throughout IMO. The collections have a bit good stuff to sift through, and post-Danzig Misfits has a few decent songs, but overall it's pretty bad.
Static Age is great too. I dig that it's sort of less melodic and more like an old garage rock band. Seems less horror and more sci-fi too. Even though it's still Danzig-era, it's almost like two different bands.

Those are the only two LPs worth listening to throughout IMO. The collections have a bit good stuff to sift through, and post-Danzig Misfits has a few decent songs, but overall it's pretty bad.
I really like some of their EPs, there's some good stuff on those, like the Cough/Cool one. I love the version of She on it

Was gonna start this thread when I realised I already had.

Been listening to the Sun Kil Moon album Ghosts of the Great Highway a lot this week. It got good reviews but it should really be better known given it's ridiculously good.

Was gonna start this thread when I realised I already had.

Been listening to the Sun Kil Moon album Ghosts of the Great Highway a lot this week. It got good reviews but it should really be better known given it's ridiculously good.

Sun Kil Moon is pretty great. Some absolutely beautiful guitar playing at times, and how do you possibly beat this for an opening lyric in a song?

Sun Kil Moon is pretty great. Some absolutely beautiful guitar playing at times, and how do you possibly beat this for an opening lyric in a song?

I had weirdly listened to everything after Benji and everything as Red House Painters but nothing in between. Turns out it's really good. :lol:
The XX - XX.

Basically influenced the whole echoey indie pop vibe of the last decade. I think the influence is underappreciated/the whole album, but individual songs probably not.

I would like to recommend this, one of my favourite albums from the britpop era:
“My Puppet Pal” by Tiger
It’s really great you know
Steel Panther deserve some love as the single greatest 80s (parody) band of the last 30 years. "Balls Out" & "Feel The Steel" are great.

Underrated band.
Been a huge fan for a long long time.
I could've picked out couple of other flawless records. I even have Ultimate Alternative Wavers on original vinyl. One of the great lesser known lo-fi indie bands..
Been a huge fan for a long long time.
I could've picked out couple of other flawless records. I even have Ultimate Alternative Wavers on original vinyl. One of the great lesser known lo-fi indie bands..

Keep It Like a Secret is my favourite, but I really like just about everything they have released. Incredibly consistent, despite not receiving as much praise as they probably should.
Keep It Like a Secret is my favourite, but I really like just about everything they have released. Incredibly consistent, despite not receiving as much praise as they probably should.
Bad light into The plan into Center of the universe into Carry the zero is one of the best album openings I've heard. Like I said could've picked multiple albums .

Stone Rose's- Second Coming
The the - Mindbomb
From personal experience, Jagged Little Pill by Alanis Morissette. Whenever I mention it as one of my favourite albums, it always gets me a funny look.

Its one of the most critically acclaimed albums of the 90s and all time really. Its considered a classic really
Looking for new music to listen to, so....

Pick an album you think is underappreciated and tell me why you like it.

Preferably either albums that people might not have heard of or albums that people unfairly dismissed.
Have you ever tried The Fall? Plenty of critical acclaim but not so commercial success with the exception of Hit the North and Victoria from The Frenz Experiment (great album btw). Well worth a listen if you like something just a little bit different. I'd start with the 1st album, Live at the Witch Trials and work your way through all 30 odd studio albums.
Scott Walker - Scott 4

Apparently this wasn't a commercial success, which I find incredibly hard to believe. Possibly in my top 10 all time.

Its one of the most critically acclaimed albums of the 90s and all time really. Its considered a classic really
I think it's hard for Canadians to accept Alanis Morrisette because we're scarred by memories of this:

Scott Walker - Scott 4

Apparently this wasn't a commercial success, which I find incredibly hard to believe. Possibly in my top 10 all time.

Great album. It's pretty highly regarded these days though.
Bonobo - The North Border is a great album. Emkay is probably the best song.

Fat Freddy’s Drop - Based on a True Story

Morcheeba - Big Calm

Dreadzone - Second light

Aphex Twin - Selected Ambient Works 85-92, though anyone into electronica music must know Aphex Twin it’s still a great album.
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Diamond Mine by King Creosote and Jon Hopkins

We Lost the Sea - Departure Songs

Relaxing, tranquil music about space travel, with an emotional kick at the end...what's not to love?

Blackbird from the album Grit by Martyn Bennett - great travel music

Can't really say whether this is really underappreciated

Mackay's Memoirs, another album by Martyn Bennett

Onra - Chinoiseries

French rapper went to Asian, collected a bunch of different Chinese and Vietnamese songs and albums from the 70s and 80s, and put together a pretty unique album

Just checked out that Onra, my kind of vibe. Anymore suggestions?
Carly Rae Jepsen - Emotion

I’m not even a fan of her, but I really like this album.