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- Oct 16, 2011
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An interesting election from an outsider's perspective.
An obvious rise in nationalisms, Scotland through the SNP and England with the Tories. Both voting patterns are a reaction to the Scottish independence election. The Scots keep pushing the envelope and finally the English have responded. Caught in the middle of that battle were the Liberals and other parties. This election will see more powers devolved to England and a reduction in the Scottish politicians influence in Westminster. Superficially this looks good for Scotland but I think it will find lead to hardship, especially if the English now leave Europe. England could very easily isolate Scotland via non-membership. It's also a reaction to immigration and there is a definite return to a mood of closed borders and Little Britain.
Economically the result seems to suit everybody and the markets will rise and the £ will place greater pressure on the Euro. Prosperity or the hope of it always favours the Tories. Socially, the ordinary people will once again take a beating for voting with their guts rather than brains. Killing the Liberals will destroy any real electoral reform and crushes the minorities within first past the post system. The shift towards the right often isolates large swathes of the population and leads to pockets of extremism. Happened under Thatcher and will again. Labour now carries the can for being the idiots who granted the bankers deregulation during the late 1990s and the resultant crash in 2008. The last government's austerity hardships have hit them and the Liberals hardest; and the fractures in the Labour Party between its traditions and the Blairites will open up a can of worms. I was already hearing that from aides to their main players.
The next five years are going to be very rocky in Britain, not the time for good causes or minority interests. Instead of appealing to common sense the government will impose tests of loyalty to the nation and society. The rich will get richer and the poorest will find it increasingly difficult to find a hand up never mind a hand out.
If anybody thinks I'm biased I am British but was disenfranchised by the last government and denied the vote in this election because I have lived in an EEC country for more than 15 years. A typical example of how this government will restrict mobility in the so called free market. If I had the choice I would have abstained, as a historian I am fully aware of the horrors of modern nationalism. Today is VE Day in Europe, a lesson many of my country folk seem to have forgotten.
Not really. About 45% of Scots voted for the SNP at Holyrood in 2011; it was a matter of time until this translated to Westminster with the Labour parties awful performances up here.