UK General Election - 12th December 2019 | Con 365, Lab 203, LD 11, SNP 48, Other 23 - Tory Majority of 80

How do you intend to vote in the 2019 General Election if eligible?

  • Brexit Party

    Votes: 30 4.3%
  • Conservatives

    Votes: 73 10.6%
  • DUP

    Votes: 5 0.7%
  • Green

    Votes: 23 3.3%
  • Labour

    Votes: 355 51.4%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 58 8.4%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 3 0.4%
  • Sinn Fein

    Votes: 9 1.3%
  • SNP

    Votes: 19 2.8%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 6 0.9%
  • Independent

    Votes: 1 0.1%
  • Other (BNP, Change UK, UUP and anyone else that I have forgotten)

    Votes: 10 1.4%
  • Not voting

    Votes: 57 8.3%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 41 5.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Of course there is no claim that a Labour government would make significant impact on global poverty. It's the UK where that would happen.

I think you may be over complicating the tax matter. It is just replacing loopholes with new ones. The profit based tax system can work. Surely closing tax loopholes for businesses and taking corporation tax back to 28%, as it was before the Tories dropped it to (soon to be) 20%, would help?

Back on the topic of equality, reducing corporation tax for businesses by 10% while pushing austerity on the poorest in the UK population (bedroom tax, benefit cuts, NHS, social care reduction for the elderly etc.) surely was not helpful?

Ive never seen anyone on here change political opinion. I don't expect to in this exchange either. But I cannot consolidate some of your comments regarding the need for better equality with your lack of desire for the politicians you vote for to do anything about it.

Haven't voted in the UK since the two elections in 1974.

I follow my own hopes / desires / whatevers for improving equality through charitable donations and voluntary work as years ago I came to the conclusion that politicians and party politics will never provide the necessaries unless it also benefits themselves even more.

As for Revenue Tax....I think it's good. Doesn't mean I expect everyone to think it's good, but as I said, if like lots of us you think Amazon paying virtually no Tax in the UK because of clever Tax Lawyers, it's a start of the fight back.
Fresh evidence has also emerged of attempts by the Kremlin to infiltrate the Conservatives by a senior Russian diplomat suspected of espionage, who spent five years in London cultivating leading Tories including Johnson himself.

It can now be revealed that Sergey Nalobin – who once described the future prime minister as “our good friend” – lives in a Moscow apartment block known as the “FSB house” because it houses so many employees from the Kremlin’s main spy agency.

He looks like he should be selling fish out of the back of a van.

The age gap in the 2017 election always amazes me. Here is another way to see it:

Rees-Mogg really putting the effort in to ditching the nasty Tory label....

Seen multiple Lib Dem MPs struggling to explain why if their preference has always been for a second referendum they've moved away from that and why people shouldn't therefore just vote Labours approach.

They've clearly made a move to find relevancy through an alternative but I'm not sure whether it was a wise one. Then again perhaps people won't care about the logic and will just vote revoke because it's the quickest route., hard to say if political journalism will reflect man on the street.
Out of interest, why do you believe that?

A fundamental part of their economic policy is to increase tax on businesses. Not just Amazon and Starbucks, but all companies. Not the best idea as we prepare to leave the EU and many businesses are already struggling.

The other main focus is increasing tax on the rich, but they don't really mean the rich. They mean anybody who has anything at all. Own your own house? Have any savings? You'll be hit by the ludicrously low proposed thresholds. The actual rich will just leave and take all their money with them, leaving even more of the burden on the normal people as they crank up spending.
Grieve is the Chairman of the Group and probably will publish sometime in the run to the Election, he's nothing to lose now, this could be his last hurrah

Somebody needs to leak it, they can't get away with burying potentially explosive stuff like this in the run up to an election.

I think people like Grieve have too much integrity to do it, but hopefully someone who has a copy will see the bigger picture.
Somebody needs to leak it, they can't get away with burying potentially explosive stuff like this in the run up to an election.

I think people like Grieve have too much integrity to do it, but hopefully someone who has a copy will see the bigger picture.

If he doesn't publish after all the fuss he's made, then I wouldn't credit him with too much integrity... perhaps lack of?

'Sniping from behind cover' is not a nice trait. On the other side, in failing to stand in the Election himself Farage is in the same boat as Grieve... 'all mouth and trousers'!
He looks like he should be selling fish out of the back of a van.

"Fwawking Bweksit wif all them immigwayshuns and benefit SCUM stwooping the Bwitish fwom being Bwitish. Always making us ow keep ar eds down an howd ar tongues cos ov pwowiticawl cowwectnis makes me sick and jwuan cwod jwuankar wif changing twerminlogy gowlpowsts ewased not just moved all becus Laybur twashed the conomy. Jewemy Cwohbin."

He says as mouthfuls of Gingsters pasty come flowing out of his mouth and spluttering onto the reporters microphone.

In the distance a single horn blow signals the rest of the pack to start stocking up on Peperami and Gregg's sausage rolls in preparation for the impending apocalypse.
Grieve was on with James O'Brien and suggested that Johnson could well be generating a sort of fire-storm of speculation over this report because he knows if it was then released/leaked it would likely be underwhelming. Not that it's contents wouldn't be damaging but that the blocking of it's release makes it seem much more sinister than it actually is.
A fundamental part of their economic policy is to increase tax on businesses. Not just Amazon and Starbucks, but all companies. Not the best idea as we prepare to leave the EU and many businesses are already struggling.

The other main focus is increasing tax on the rich, but they don't really mean the rich. They mean anybody who has anything at all. Own your own house? Have any savings? You'll be hit by the ludicrously low proposed thresholds. The actual rich will just leave and take all their money with them, leaving even more of the burden on the normal people as they crank up spending.

Care to add any actual detail around these assertions? What thresholds? What tax levels?

Nobel winning economist was on sky news this morning saying there's no evidence of the rich leaving if you raise taxes and there's plenty of evidence to suggest no movement. Care to share any evidence for your assertion on this?
Corbyn taking a lot of questions in his conference can't imagine Boris doing the same. If he has one at all as his event today seems to be a recorded speech at cabinet.

Nothing inspiring but clear enough messaging i think.
Lib Dem were given a second chance to make amends...they voted Jo Swinson.
Care to add any actual detail around these assertions? What thresholds? What tax levels?

Nobel winning economist was on sky news this morning saying there's no evidence of the rich leaving if you raise taxes and there's plenty of evidence to suggest no movement. Care to share any evidence for your assertion on this?

Labour have given hints at what they plan to do. Corporation tax increases and possible moves to revenue based taxation, increases in tax on the financial services industry, personal income tax thresholds lowered, and lifetime gift taxes replacing inheritance tax.

Evidence = France. They imposed a heavy tax on the very rich and it backfired massively. 70,000 millionaires left and it cost the economy billions before they reversed it. Three quarters of European countries with wealth taxes in 1990 don't have them today, because they didn't work.
Does Swinson genuinely think the Lib Dems are in with a chance at an actual majority? Ruling out working with Labour entirely is a sure-fire way of putting off labour leaning remain voters from lending the Lib Dems their vote. I'd imagine Labour will be delighted with Swinson's comments this morning. Also noticed Labour using the Thatcher on Steroids line quite a lot today. Sounds like a theme they think/hope will play well in the northern leave areas the Tories are targeting.
Does Swinson genuinely think the Lib Dems are in with a chance at an actual majority? Ruling out working with Labour entirely is a sure-fire way of putting off labour leaning remain voters from lending the Lib Dems their vote. I'd imagine Labour will be delighted with Swinson's comments this morning. Also noticed Labour using the Thatcher on Steroids line quite a lot today. Sounds like a theme they think/hope will play well in the northern leave areas the Tories are targeting.

I would imagine the play here is that they're trying to attract Conservative Remainers who are scared of Corbyn.

The problem, obviously, is that Labour Remainers will rightly run for the hills when they see that the Lib Dems even contemplate propping up a Tory government again. They don't tend to think much of their flagship policies when there's a sniff of power.
Labour have given hints at what they plan to do. Corporation tax increases and possible moves to revenue based taxation, increases in tax on the financial services industry, personal income tax thresholds lowered, and lifetime gift taxes replacing inheritance tax.

Evidence = France. They imposed a heavy tax on the very rich and it backfired massively. 70,000 millionaires left and it cost the economy billions before they reversed it. Three quarters of European countries with wealth taxes in 1990 don't have them today, because they didn't work.
Link ?

At best I found CNN report saying 10,000 left in 2015.
Labour have given hints at what they plan to do. Corporation tax increases and possible moves to revenue based taxation, increases in tax on the financial services industry, personal income tax thresholds lowered, and lifetime gift taxes replacing inheritance tax.

Evidence = France. They imposed a heavy tax on the very rich and it backfired massively. 70,000 millionaires left and it cost the economy billions before they reversed it. Three quarters of European countries with wealth taxes in 1990 don't have them today, because they didn't work.

To be fair, the ' rich ' have always fled France for Switzerland or Monaco for the 40 years that I've been here.

And by ' rich ' I don't mean millionaires - salary above the today equivalent of about £ 150,000 per year and assets of about £350,000 was enough to make the move not just worth it but almost necessary.

I think the answer to Smores' question is that nobody keeps official statistics of reasons for emigration, so it's difficult to provide hard evidence.

I'll just repeat the question - Were all the millionaires and billionaires and zillionaires who choose to live in low tax countries like Switzerland, Monaco, Channel Islands, Isle of Man, Liechtenstein, etc, born there ?? Or did they go there to avoid higher rate taxes in their own, original countries ?

And I think we know the answer to that question....

Edited to add the bit about assets.
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To be fair, the ' rich ' have always fled France for Switzerland or Monaco for the 40 years that I've been here.

And by ' rich ' I don't mean millionaires - salary above the today equivalent of about £ 150,000 per year and assets of about £350,000 was enough to make the move not just worth it but almost necessary.

I think the answer to Smores' question is that nobody keeps official statistics of reasons for emigration, so it's difficult to provide hard evidence.

I'll just repeat the question - Were all the millionaires and billionaires and zillionaires who choose to live in low tax countries like Switzerland, Monaco, Channel Islands, Isle of Man, Liechtenstein, etc, born there ?? Or did they go there to avoid higher rate taxes in their own, original countries ?

And I think we know the answer to that question....

Edited to add the bit about assets.

This forum never fails to amaze at times.
Quite incredible how fecking useless Swinson is being. Golden chance to be the standard bearers for Remain, and she seems determined to throw it all away.
"Fwawking Bweksit wif all them immigwayshuns and benefit SCUM stwooping the Bwitish fwom being Bwitish. Always making us ow keep ar eds down an howd ar tongues cos ov pwowiticawl cowwectnis makes me sick and jwuan cwod jwuankar wif changing twerminlogy gowlpowsts ewased not just moved all becus Laybur twashed the conomy. Jewemy Cwohbin."

He says as mouthfuls of Gingsters pasty come flowing out of his mouth and spluttering onto the reporters microphone.

In the distance a single horn blow signals the rest of the pack to start stocking up on Peperami and Gregg's sausage rolls in preparation for the impending apocalypse.

Does Swinson genuinely think the Lib Dems are in with a chance at an actual majority?

Yes, in public she has to promote this, how else is she going to 'hoover up' disenfranchised voters (mainly remain)from the other main parties?

Swinson has already provided a home for 'turncoat' MP's from the present parliament, in the process perhaps disenfranchising a number of her existing prospective candidates for Lib-Dem seats, who now find themselves undermined by the 'carpetbaggers'. Swinson will welcome anybody, they need not be Liberal, or even Democrats, because she is going to revoke A50 and even if in a second referendum the vote for any leave option won, she would still oppose it.

Farage is on the other side of the Swinson coin, both him and her will need to go down on their knees and hope for a hung parliament where their respective parties have enough seats so they can play 'king maker', and keep the Brexit show on the road. The danger for both Farage and Swinson, is that their own (existing) supporters may desert them; leavers to Boris (even in the north) and traditional Lib Dem supporters, maybe feeling they have lost their own party, may look elsewhere as well.

Farage can stand it since the Brexit party starts with 0 seats anyway, Swinson could lose traditional Lib -Demo seats and her 'johnny come lately' crew will all disappear after the Brexit show closes.

There has been a lot made of the belief that the British electorate are a 'thick lot', and don't know what they are voting for, we will find out for sure on the 12th December.
I would imagine the play here is that they're trying to attract Conservative Remainers who are scared of Corbyn.

The problem, obviously, is that Labour Remainers will rightly run for the hills when they see that the Lib Dems even contemplate propping up a Tory government again. They don't tend to think much of their flagship policies when there's a sniff of power.

They've been losing ground to Labour since the election has been announced so you're probably right that they're deciding to shift focus and target disaffected Tories now in order to reverse their declining poll numbers. Still a big gift to Labour I'd imagine and their surrogates are predictably jumping all over it already...

Come on you can't just say well my position is correct but its difficult to provide any hard evidence for it. There's plenty of evidence to show the rich don't leave when you tax them.

I can't find any Stats. Genuinely, I don't think they exist. Apologies if they do, but I'm not trying to hide anything which would contradict what I wrote.

On the other hand, I'll point to a few hundred thousand millionaires, billionaires and zillionaires who DO exist and live in the low tax countries I mention and who were not born there.

So although I can't link to statistical evidence, I'm happy to believe a few hundred thousand physical examples of circumstancial evidence.
I can't find any Stats. Genuinely, I don't think they exist. Apologies if they do, but I'm not trying to hide anything which would contradict what I wrote.

On the other hand, I'll point to a few hundred thousand millionaires, billionaires and zillionaires who DO exist and live in the low tax countries I mention and who were not born there.

So although I can't link to statistical evidence, I'm happy to believe a few hundred thousand physical examples of circumstancial evidence.

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