Paul the Wolf
Former Score Predictions Comp Organiser (now out)
They're not stopping the UK signing the WA treaty, that is true.
No way could that be construed as "leaving" though, outside of the Tory press office.
Actually "leaving" requires the negotiation of an FTA.
Which as far as I can see, the EU has no incentive to offer anything reasonable once said WA treaty is signed. They know the UK won't walk away. So no reason to compromise anything, 4 freedoms or anything else.
My best guess is the FTA negotiations will drag on for a couple of years, then the UK rejoins and it'll be like the GE never happened...
Actually I think that is probably the plan on both sides.
What we're witnessing is just a charade to make it look like the referendum has been honoured...
Leaving does not require the negotiation of a FTA though. As it is the UK will be officially leaving the EU on 31st January 2020 and will become a third country on 1st February and after this date would have to reapply to join the EU and has an 11 month transition period maintaining the same standards and laws while they theoretically adjust to their new life outside the EU which they'll have to do to obtain a FTA with the EU which I believe will take several years at least. It may mean that the UK ask to extend the transition period for a few years.