I loved all three of these Films, The First for obvious reasons, the second for the action and fighting sequences and the third for the story, believe it or not.
After I had watched the third I went onto a few forums and ended up reading quiet in depth about the storyline, the symbolism, philosophy and basically why everything had to happen the way it did and the people that were a bit fanatical about it had actually put the peices together before Revolutions and worked out that Neo would die as a sacrifice because while he is (A) The One he is not (The) The One... because, and I forget if it is a specific religion or wether it is a few religions, but the 7th Being, Phrophet or God or is always the important one while the 6th which is what Neo was usually had to make an ultimate sacrifice but was generally the symbol of hope.
So with all this in mind the Matrix story I always felt was incomplete and along with the garentuee that it will bring in huge revenue, a 3rd and 4th sequel were always coming.
If anyone is interested I'll try and find a couple of the peices I read which are quiet interesting if you like the whole Matrix world. They'll definately make you appreciate the sequels more which in my eyes were only seen as a disappointment to many because all people want to see is Neo kicking ass in the Matrix while using his powers. That would make a pretty shit film btw..