Two more Matrix films announced?


Full Member
May 6, 2007
Ginseng Strip
Keanu Reeves Says Matrix 4 and 5 are Coming |

AICN received a scoop from an event that took place at the London International School of Performing Arts, where Keanu Reeves spoke to the class about his career while promoting his new movie "Henry's Crime."

He spoke briefly about "47 Ronin" and "Bill and Ted 3," but the big news came when Reeves revealed that he met with the Wachowskis around Christmas. They told him that they completed script treatments for two more "Matrix" installments. They are planning to make the films in 3D and have already met with James Cameron to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the technology.

Reeves added that he's excited to return as Neo and promised that the treatments will truly revolutionize the action genre like the first "Matrix" film did.

Source: AICN

Read more: Keanu Reeves Says Matrix 4 and 5 are Coming |

Not sure what to make of it if true. I loved the first Matrix film but I thought that reloaded was meh and revolutions was disasterous.
Just when you thought it couldn't get shitter eh?

First = Great
Second = Meh
Third = Pile of shit
I'm guessing by the 5th we'll all be carving our eyes out with spoons.
I'm looking forward to it. I hope we see a new Star Wars trilogy some day as well....hopefully before George Lucas gets too old.
Not sure what to make of this, while 2 and 3 weren't great I enjoyed them, kinda liked the way 3 ended aswell. Now that Neo will be back I'm not sure what to make of it all.
They should pretend the 2nd and 3rd were some sort of dream world created by the machines and none of it happened.
I thought the second was quite ok, great action scenes, it had Monica Belluci and the story wasn't too implausible, etc.

The third one was a bit ott and the story became just more and more confusing, didn't like it at all, a completely weak movie imo.
No Christ no please. The first was an amazing film, the second was so so (Monica Bellucci brought it up a few notches), the third was garbage.

I loved all three of these Films, The First for obvious reasons, the second for the action and fighting sequences and the third for the story, believe it or not.

After I had watched the third I went onto a few forums and ended up reading quiet in depth about the storyline, the symbolism, philosophy and basically why everything had to happen the way it did and the people that were a bit fanatical about it had actually put the peices together before Revolutions and worked out that Neo would die as a sacrifice because while he is (A) The One he is not (The) The One... because, and I forget if it is a specific religion or wether it is a few religions, but the 7th Being, Phrophet or God or is always the important one while the 6th which is what Neo was usually had to make an ultimate sacrifice but was generally the symbol of hope.

So with all this in mind the Matrix story I always felt was incomplete and along with the garentuee that it will bring in huge revenue, a 3rd and 4th sequel were always coming.

If anyone is interested I'll try and find a couple of the peices I read which are quiet interesting if you like the whole Matrix world. They'll definately make you appreciate the sequels more which in my eyes were only seen as a disappointment to many because all people want to see is Neo kicking ass in the Matrix while using his powers. That would make a pretty shit film btw..
I've always been in the opinion that 2 & 3 were never really as bad as people claimed, it's just that peoples expectations were set too high after the first movie - which is a masterpiece.

Post the links Pexxy.
Bluray trilogy for £17 at the moment. Think I'm gonna get this and watch them all again. Saw the last one only once when it came out ten years ago or so.
I've always been in the opinion that 2 & 3 were never really as bad as people claimed, it's just that peoples expectations were set too high after the first movie - which is a masterpiece.

Post the links Pexxy.

I can't find the exact ones I was thinking of but here is one:

The Matrix, Religion, and Philosophy: What is the Matrix? Is there a Spoon?

I don't know exactly how they are going to go about the next films but this is how the last film finished:

1. Agent Smith, who was essentially a Virus that would see to the demise of Humakind and Machinekind, was deleted by Neo. I hope they don't bring him back just because he was a fantastic character.

2. Neo by sacrificing himself and "balancing the equation" of himself and Smith did not manage to break the system of control. He still returned his "The One" code back to the source which reset the Matrix.

3. There is a truce between Neo and the Machines, the Machines leave Zion alone and will free anyone who "Rejects the Matrix". The machines will not break this truce as it is not in their nature to lie. That is part of human nature.

4. Zion does not know about this "Truce" only that Neo saved them so there is a chance Morpheous will reinsert himself and try to bring Neo back to Zion. Neo will be a new incarnation and wil therefore not know anything about Zion.

5. The Oracle is obviously waiting for Neo as she told Seti (Daughter of the two unwanted codes) who now controls the Sunsets that they will see him again.

So with all this in mind, it's obviously going to be Zion and probably Morpheous who breaks the truce either willingly (because Humans are still being oppressed) or unknowingly (because he is unaware of the deal Neo brokered.

The new "Neo" or "The One" will be the final "One". Maybe it will be Neo who has left some sort of trace of himself and he will remember that he lost Trinity because of the Machines and that will be the sole reason he wants to being them down. EDIT - If this is the case then there would have to be a trace of Smith left because of the Positive/Negative equation :(

Theres lots of possibilites :)
I got the Matrix bluray jobby a while back, the fight in the second one with all the Agent Smiths has aged really badly. It feels like you're watching a PS2 game.
I saw it recently (the fight) and it was still good.

Who do you think the most important character in the Matrix is?

Surely it's either the Architect or the Oracle?
Really not fuused by this.

First one was a great idea but they ruined it by creating a mediocre second and a third that should have been left on the cutting room floor.
I saw it recently (the fight) and it was still good.

Who do you think the most important character in the Matrix is?

Surely it's either the Architect or the Oracle?

Again it's the "Trinity" of Architect / Oracle / The One

The Architect builds it, The Oracle makes sure it works by finding the One to reset it. Without either of them it wouldn't exist.

I guess ultimately though, the Architect is the most important as there wouldn't be any Matrix without him.
I would agree..

Refresh my memory for a sec though - Why does The One have to always reset the Matrix? I haven't seen it for years, but should know this :(
I would agree..

Refresh my memory for a sec though - Why does The One have to always reset the Matrix? I haven't seen it for years, but should know this :(

OK this is from memory so might not be spot on.

It's all part of the element of control. The first Matrix was a Utopia but Humankind rejected something so perfect, we need misery and suffering, or something like that. The Architect couldn't understand why, although it is obviously because we need bad times to be able to enjoy the good times. (Heaven?)

The second was redesigned on the "horrible nature of humans" (Hell?)

The Third version was what we have now and each time it is heading towards a major collapse where everyone is told and shown what world they are living in which would be a real problem for the Machines... "The Code" pops up which is in "The One" and the Oracle steers him towards returning to the Source to reset it.

Which also makes me wonder... Morpheous now knows the power of "The One" and knows the Oracle is a system of control, so he could now look for "The One" and keep him clear of the influence of The Oracle.
Wait.. I thought that during 2 & 3 we are supposed to be in like the 4th/5th version of the Matrix? I'm sure theres a line when Neo meets the Architect and he says something like 'those before you tried.. etc etc.' Could be wrong but I doubt its the third incarnation.
1st - Good
2nd - Pile of shit
3rd - Steaming pile of shit
Just when you thought it couldn't get shitter eh?

First = Great
Second = Meh
Third = Pile of shit
I'm guessing by the 5th we'll all be carving our eyes out with spoons.

I'm really disappointed that in 26 posts nobody has told you there is no spoon.
I thought the second one could have been pretty good if they hadn't crammed it full of pointless characters and made EVERY scene about 20 minutes long.

The third went way too far into stupidsville and it's hard to see how they could claw it back. Such a contrast to the first which was clever and to the point throughout.
Wait.. I thought that during 2 & 3 we are supposed to be in like the 4th/5th version of the Matrix? I'm sure theres a line when Neo meets the Architect and he says something like 'those before you tried.. etc etc.' Could be wrong but I doubt its the third incarnation.

There has been 5 "Ones" before him. The Merovigian was one or it is hinted at. So think of it as the same way we number our computer versions:

3.0 (Merovingian)
3.6 (Neo)

Edit - got that wrong.
I thought the second one could have been pretty good if they hadn't crammed it full of pointless characters and made EVERY scene about 20 minutes long.

The third went way too far into stupidsville and it's hard to see how they could claw it back. Such a contrast to the first which was clever and to the point throughout.

it's like the first was written completely by somebody else

they other 2 almost have No relation, especially the third
I think Quentin Tarantino summed it up well when he put The Matrix at either 2nd or 3rd in his 'all time favourite movies' rankings, and said it would be first if they hadn't made the sequels, or something like that.

The quotes in the OP just sound like the Wachowski bros have seen a cash cow in making a 3D Matrix. I fully expect the films to be shit if they go ahead.
Keanu Reeves in a Hollywood version of 47 Ronin?

Why? the? feck? Hollywood?

You people are fecking useless.
They should do a prequel... and focus on Neo's boring office job.
Despised the sequels, ruined any good memories I had of the original Matrix. If they were rebooting the franchise and going back to its roots fair enough but if its an extension on what occurred in Reloaded and Revolution - it'll be two more steaming piles of horsehit to feast the eyes on.
If they're going to make the 4 and 5 i'd rather them made like Transformer, skip the bullshit part and just create a super saiyan out of Neo and make it non stop action.

I still think reloaded / revolution bordering beyond ridiculous, first one should be a classic and alienated from the rest of the garbage.
it's like the first was written completely by somebody else

they other 2 almost have No relation, especially the third

It was good... the first one, so good that the brothers have problems finishin them up. Make it realistic it'll be terminator once again with a mortal Neo scrapping against the machines, make it inside the matrix it'll be super saiyan neo against agent smith (bejitas). Heck they'll try to make it surealism by showing the oracles and stuff, and the last bit where neo's being a super saiyan in the real world... just meh

PS: making truce with machines? what's next? Broken truce?
If they're going to make the 4 and 5 i'd rather them made like Transformer, skip the bullshit part and just create a super saiyan out of Neo and make it non stop action.

I still think reloaded / revolution bordering beyond ridiculous, first one should be a classic and alienated from the rest of the garbage.

Thats the problem the Matrix has, it was percieved as an action film when really it is more of a sci-fi story which contains a fair bit of kick ass action in it.

If you watch all the Animatrix aswell as actually make a point of understanding the storyline instead of switching off like a 9 year old with ADD because your upset Neo isn't beating stuff up on the screen, then you'll find that they have actually built a world and storyline comparable with some of the best Novels out there. Like I said above, they have taken symbolism from various religions, put twist upon twist in there, paradoxes, multi layered story telling and built an alternate uninverse.

I am firmly of the belief that if The Matrix story came out as a novel first, then the films would be recieved much better.

I suspect you don't care enough to read up on it and would rather call it shit because you have completely missed the "points" that are made but if you do I think you will be pleasantly surprised by how brilliant it is.