Television Twin Peaks

Been watching this in bits and pieces over the last week

Yes the guy Lynch impression is awful and annoying but it's a really great attempt at getting into something like the meaning of twin peaks.

I love Twin Peaks, always have and always will. But Lynch, like everything he does, made it up as he goes along. Whilst I'm at it, Santa is also not real.

Thanks for this though, I'll watch it ;)
I love Twin Peaks, always have and always will. But Lynch, like everything he does, made it up as he goes along. Whilst I'm at it, Santa is also not real.

Thanks for this though, I'll watch it ;)
It's all about the ideas.


Tbf the guy in the video to my surprise does bring up some Lynch quotes where Lynch says it's possible to come to the correct answer. Although like all Lynch things the mystery is far more interesting than the answers.
She had one of those "one in a million" cameos, random 3 minutes in a series but still one of the first things that come to mind when thinking of Twin Peaks.
Been watching this in bits and pieces over the last week

Yes the guy Lynch impression is awful and annoying but it's a really great attempt at getting into something like the meaning of twin peaks.

Must have missed this one last year, cool, will get watching this! It's also about time for my rewatch.
So I'm watching season 2 again before I dive into The Return for the first time.
Josie turning into a doorknob, what the actual feck?! Must have completely erased that from my mind :lol:
Ok so finally started the Return last night.

First two episodes were even more bat-shit crazy than I ever could have imagined. I absolutely loved it.
I really need to find time to watch the Return.

I consume everything Lynch but I'm just generally rubbish with TV shows.
I really need to find time to watch the Return.

I consume everything Lynch but I'm just generally rubbish with TV shows.
Me too, I've been meaning to for a long time. I wanted to get it on DVD or something but may try to find a high quality online version instead. It's worth it.

Edit: ah, it's rewatch for me. I loved it and want to watch it all again.

So I’ve finally seen S1, S2 and the movie and upon reading this thread this clip basically sums everything up for me.

I tried watching S3 but only got 3 episodes in, it’s a bit and I’m a bit burnt out so don’t know if I can be arsed.
So I’ve finally seen S1, S2 and the movie and upon reading this thread this clip basically sums everything up for me.

I tried watching S3 but only got 3 episodes in, it’s a bit and I’m a bit burnt out so don’t know if I can be arsed.
Yeah I've been thinking of re-watching The Return but it feels a bit of a burden. It's soooo slow and nothing really significant happens I feel.
I fecking love the slow burn of The Return. Admittedly I'm still only on episode 6.
Was just considering rewatching the return today. It must be a sign to see this bumped.
The Return is brilliant but I doubt I'll rewatch it, mainly because I have turned into some sort of giant kettle.
I literally had the Return box-set in my hand in HMV the other day contemplating whether to buy it but I put it back onto the shelf again, for like the 3rd time in a matter of months.

Really need to find time to watch this.
The greatest ending to a tv show of all time imo.

The Return might be Lynch finest work.
Haven't been able to stop thinking about it. I had an actual reaction to it. The shock obviously but there's something deeper that genuinely terrifies me.

The whole series has been phenomenal, a real experience. I'm currently reading Lynch on Lynch, and unfortunately it won't cover The Return. Which is a shame as I'd love to know how he feels about it.
Lynch on Lynch is a great read, as is Cronenberg on Cronenberg.
I'm currently reading Room To Dream, another interesting read.
Haven't been able to stop thinking about it. I had an actual reaction to it. The shock obviously but there's something deeper that genuinely terrifies me.

same with me, and I actually watched it when all the corona madness was starting to get serious. I live in small town anyway and everything was so quiet during the lockdown + I live alone in my apartment. I simply kept thinking about the ending for the next 2 or 3 weeks. when movie or TV show hits you that hard, you know it's great.
Haven't been able to stop thinking about it. I had an actual reaction to it. The shock obviously but there's something deeper that genuinely terrifies me.
It's such a flawless way to end that show.

Although the ending of The Return did remind me of this Simpsons episode.

The whole series has been phenomenal, a real experience.

Even the little things like watching each week to see which musical acts would perform at the bar, was great. To me anyway The Return is the best show of all time, as unlike other before it genuinely felt like a piece of art. It was closer to watching someone paint than a production of tv show.