Television Twin Peaks

I've just stated watching Twin Peaks. I know it's very popular, but the acting and background music really puts me off. It's as if the whole thing is made by amateurs. Not sure if it's because of the early 90s. I'm only on the pilot episode. Will it get better? How was it for any of you who started watching it in recent years?
I've just stated watching Twin Peaks. I know it's very popular, but the acting and background music really puts me off. It's as if the whole thing is made by amateurs. Not sure if it's because of the early 90s. I'm only on the pilot episode. Will it get better? How was it for any of you who started watching it in recent years?

I'd say it's sort of deliberately over-acted and overly dramatic to an extent in a way that many Lynch movies often tend to be. It's probably quite dated to an extent in that if it came out for the first time now it wouldn't work...even though it was quite groundbreaking for its time.

The pilot is kind of different tonally to the rest of the series, although I'd say it's in a more grounded way where everything starts to get more surreal and supernatural as it goes along.

My advice would be to persevere to the end of the third episode. If you've started to warm to it at that point then you'll likely enjoy it a lot more but if you're not on-board by then it might not be for you.
@Cheesy, I'm on the third episode, and it's much better now. This is the first time I'm watching anything by David Lynch.

There's a scene in the pilot, where a teenage boy character drinks beer from a can, standing on the hood of his car, acting like he's standing on a a thin ledge, trying to not to fall down. That made me want to shift delete the whole thing off my pc. But glad that I did not. Was it over acting on purpose, or those child actors were just plain bad?
@Cheesy, I'm on the third episode, and it's much better now. This is the first time I'm watching anything by David Lynch.

There's a scene in the pilot, where a teenage boy character drinks beer from a can, standing on the hood of his car, acting like he's standing on a a thin ledge, trying to not to fall down. That made me want to shift delete the whole thing off my pc. But glad that I did not. Was it over acting on purpose, or those child actors were just plain bad?

Was it James? Because if so James is just universally shit. It's sort of an in-joke in the series. Once you embrace that he's tolerable somewhat. The other teenage actors/actresses are generally fine.

I'd say there's definitely an element of over-acting in there since it's all meant to feel a bit surreal and off, but then there are one or two actors who stand out in the series for just not being very good. But it is meant to have a bit of a camp/soapish feel so it's sometimes intentional.
No. Bobby at Donna's house. Mike is there to meet Donna, and Bobby is with him in the car. He leaps on the the hood to drink, when Mike is talking with Donna's father.
No. Bobby at Donna's house. Mike is there to meet Donna, and Bobby is with him in the car. He leaps on the the hood to drink, when Mike is talking with Donna's father.

Ah, fair enough. Bobby's alright but can be very cheesy 80s in the way he acts sometimes, especially in some of the earlier episodes.
I remember watching a scene with Bob some years ago. Scared the living daylight out of me.
I remember watching a scene with Bob some years ago. Scared the living daylight out of me.
The vibe they managed to create around Bob in the first two seasons is chilling to the bone.
The vibe they managed to create around Bob in the first two seasons is chilling to the bone.

Still think that first season when he appears is probably the most terrifying. He's always a bit freaky but you get used to him...however that first cut to when he's behind the couch caught me off-guard.
Still think that first season when he appears is probably the most terrifying. He's always a bit freaky but you get used to him...however that first cut to when he's behind the couch caught me off-guard.
Yeah that came out of nowhere. I also still get chills when I think about the scene at Donna's house, I think it is, where he climbs over the couch towards Maddie. That grin of his. :nervous:
Yeah that came out of nowhere. I also still get chills when I think about the scene at Donna's house, I think it is, where he climbs over the couch towards Maddie. That grin of his. :nervous:

I will never forget that scene. Absolutely terrifying.
Some of the side stories have like 0 sense. James with the rich woman and her husband thing for instance.
Some of the side stories have like 0 sense. James with the rich woman and her husband thing for instance.

Middle part of the second season gets really silly, yeah. The James Season 2 storyline is probably as bad as it gets insofar as it's completely irrelevant as well as dull and contrived.
Do I watch the new season? Is it worth watching?
If you liked the first two seasons, it's required viewing.

The third season alternates between brilliant and atrocious. It's certainly an experience.
Do I have to endure more of this Dougie nonsense? It’s episode 6 and I still don’t know what on earth is this season about.
Do I have to endure more of this Dougie nonsense? It’s episode 6 and I still don’t know what on earth is this season about.

I'd say keep going. It's a frustrating experience at times but not really like any other season of TV you'll have seen before.
So the show is called "Twin Peaks" and it evolves around "sweet pie". Indecent imho.
White text
What the hell happened in the end? what in the hell is wrong with Lynch?
What the hell happened in the end? what in the hell is wrong with Lynch?
Yeah I usually like these kind of endings but this one was quite a let down.
Is it a dream? Is it time jumping? Is it time jumping parallel universe thingy within a dream?
Who knows, I bet Lynch doesn't know it himself.
Yeah worse thing is it takes 5 years to write a season (Lynch’s own admission) so by the time the next season comes half the cast would have died making it a hash job at best

Already guys playing Albert, Doc Hayward and Carl have died (in addition to Bowie)
fecking hell, real shame, hard to forget how old she was considering how young she still looked.
Loved that final scene for Peggy alongside Everett McGill who plays Big Ed at the Double R. In many ways a fitting send-off.
I've been watching this recently. I bought the DVDs years ago and watched it, but couldn't have been paying much attention as I don't remember any of it. Currently on episode 4 and loving it so far. Great stuff.
I want to watch this again. I don't suppose its on a streaming service?
Twin Peaks is just the best,though s2 is very up and down. Still it finishes on a high.
Still haven't watched the new season. :nervous:

Highly recommend Fire Walk With Me and David Lynch's films in general. Unique artist and storyteller.
Twin Peaks is just the best,though s2 is very up and down. Still it finishes on a high.
Still haven't watched the new season. :nervous:


People who watch it for the first time can safely skip the red episodes and half of the yellow ones too in my opinion.
I'm also a huge fan and bought the new episodes on Blu Ray recently but haven't watched them yet. I'm kinda scared of them tbh.
Edit: there are no spoilers in the spoiler btw

People who watch it for the first time can safely skip the red episodes and half of the yellow ones too in my opinion.
I'm also a huge fan and bought the new episodes on Blu Ray recently but haven't watched them yet. I'm kinda scared of them tbh.
Interesting guide there.

Everyone I've talked too highly recommends the new series. The general consensus is that its totally unexpected in where it goes and for the better too.
Its just finding the right time to watch it for me. I'm not very good with TV programs/series in general. I still prefer film.