Tweets Only 2010/14 Archive

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Edit: I guess this is the article:

CALCIOMERCATO ESCLUSIVO AGENTE FABIO E RAFAEL DA SILVA / MILANO - Nei giorni scorsi i tabloid inglesi hanno parlato di una massiccia operazione cessioni in casa Manchester United. Tra i calciatori inseriti nella lista dei partenti oltre ad Anderson - ormai destnato alla Fiorentina - e Nani, si è parlato anche dei gemelli Fabio e Rafael da Silva, accostati oltremanica a Inter e Napoli.

"Non so nulla di queste voci - esordisce in esclusiva a Cassiano Pereira, agente dei due 23enni - credo che siano solamente speculazioni giornalistiche. Ad oggi, mi sento di dire che rimarranno a Manchester fino al termine della stagione, ma in estate è molto probabile che possano partire". Il maggiore indiziato a partire è sicuramente Fabio, il cui contratto con i 'Red Devils' scadrà a giugno 2014, mentre quello di Rafael scadrà nel 2016.
I fully expect us to wrap this up before deadline day as it's only a matter of the fee that is being negotiated.

Rafael Honigstein is saying Draxler is up for sale or has to be sold or something.

Draxler to be the new Thiago next summer. :lol:
Wasn't Moyes meant to be a Bundesliga expert (exaggeration?) and linked with the Shalke job just last season? I hope he will be all over this.
Talk about putting 2 and 2 together and coming up with a bottle of Fairy Liquid.
So what we know is that Moyes is a globetrotter - and he could be interested in practically anyone playing in southern Europe.
It's laughable that the press link us with Pogba when it's widely known we pay less in agent fees than most.

Good price for Draxler and they won't go any lower because that is his buyout clause, sign him up. At the end up the day it will go up to something around £45m because of agent fees. We really need this type of signing to both improve our attack and to make a statement that we're still able to sign these kind of players like we used to back in the day.
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