TV series that were canceled too soon

Freaks and Geeks
Sports Night
Lucky Louie

My So-Called Life wasn't cancelled, but it still should of went on longer, feck Claire Danes and Romeo and Juliet.
Deadwood, Firefly and Arrested Development are the most obvious ones I've watched.

I wish the final season of the Wire was a few episodes longer as it felt a little rushed.

I also would have liked to see John From Cincinnati given a 2nd season.
Eli Stone definitely had more to it.
Studio 60.......Damn you 30 Rock(Still love it).
Brimstone, A mate turned me onto it a while back and I hate him for it because it was fantastic but depressing because there would be no more.

Just watched both seasons last few weeks and the fact HBO cancelled it should be a criminal offence. Great story, great characters, great athmosphere, great everything. I really hope seasons 3-6 will be made one day.
Firefly and Dark Angel (surprised nobody else has mentioned it) are the two that really stand out for me.

Disappointed to hear Survivors was cancelled too early, I've only seen the first series but it's quite a good one. Did they wrap it up well at least, or did they only find out it was cancelled after it finished?

Just watched both seasons last few weeks and the fact HBO cancelled it should be a criminal offence. Great story, great characters, great athmosphere, great everything. I really hope seasons 3-6 will be made one day.

No chance really. Too high budget for anyone other than HBO. Amazing show though.
Dirty Sexy Money

only lasted two seasons, but I thought it was quite promising

I thought that was decent without really being great, I've got the second season somewhere but not got round to watching it which isn't like me which I guess shows I wasn't that into it. Donald Sutherland is ace though.
I used to always like the Black Donnelly's , used to be on RTE late at night. Ended on a feckin cliffhanger too!
i've still never seen it

We have watched all six series back to back over the last couple of months. Great TV even if the first 3 series, where there is a great deal more mystery, work better than the latter 3 that try to explain what went on. Not quite as good as Dexter but well worth watching.
Firefly and Dark Angel (surprised nobody else has mentioned it) are the two that really stand out for me.

Disappointed to hear Survivors was cancelled too early, I've only seen the first series but it's quite a good one. Did they wrap it up well at least, or did they only find out it was cancelled after it finished?

The end assumed a further series. Very disappointing.

Been mentioned a load of times already but Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip. Fantastic show
Been mentioned a load of times already but Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip. Fantastic show

I loved the show until they actually started showing the sketches. They were so awful that I couldn't believe it was a popular SNL. They should have had separate writers for the sketches. Completely killed the show for me.
Outcasts. While it was pretty shit it seemed like the first series was only partly completed at the end of the alleged series finale and then it was canned for good. Shit series but I'd have liked to have found out a few things about the plot.

1) Where did the diamonds come from. Especially since they were huge cut and polished stones.
2) What is the exact nature of the organisms that are trying to kill the humans.
3) Why is the God bothering Yank trying to conduct a bloody coup with the newly arrived ship (and who are they?)
4) Where did the extinct hominids come from?
5) What happened to earth?


Of course the answers would probably have been engagingly stupid but I'd have liked the opportunity to be enraged. 1 more episode to wrap it up might have been enough.