TV series that were canceled too soon


In Gadus Speramus
Jun 15, 2000
They don't have to be the best thing that you have ever seen, just something you enjoyed that was canceled too early in your opinion. I'll start.

Flashforward - A bit patchy in the first series but after the last episode I really want to see series 2.
Survivors - This remake of the classic UK post apocalyptic story was canceled after series 2. I was beginning to lose interest but I'd have happily watched another series.
Intelligence - a great Canadian drug trade/spy show. Just hitting its straps when they canceled it at the end of the second series.
Tripping Over - A join production between Channel 10 (Australia) and Channel 5 (UK). It was set for a second series but funding issues meant it never got made.
Law & Order

I thought it was brilliant, and very misunderstood. It, like the Simpsons, should be a mandatory staple mark on television.
Agreed. After a couple of poorer seasons the last 1 or 2 have been much much better. Law and Order LA has started instead but I haven't see it yet.
Agreed Elvis.

Mrs Richards:- "When I pay for a room with a view, I expect to see the sea."
Fawlty: "You CAN see the sea! It's over there, between the land and the sky!"
MR:- "Well, it's just not good enough!"
F:- "Well, may I ask what madam was expecting to see out of a Torquay hotel bedroom? Sydney Opera House? The Hanging Gardens of Babylon? Herds of wildebeest sweeping majestically across the plain?"
MR:- "I expect a discount"
F:- "Why? Because Krakatoa isnt erupting at the moment??"
Yup. They are making a film though, so I look forward to that.

Not going to happen apparently, David Cross:

“I think what I will tell you, it’s not going to happen. It’s not official, but I just don’t think it’s going to happen. Way too much time it’s been (since the show ended). I mean, there’s so many people involved. Everyone’s doing their own thing, you know. And everybody’s aged. It’s just not going to happen. I’m sure I speak for everybody when I say we’d love for it to happen, we’d love to work on it, but just I don’t think… not going to happen.”
Not going to happen apparently, David Cross:

“I think what I will tell you, it’s not going to happen. It’s not official, but I just don’t think it’s going to happen. Way too much time it’s been (since the show ended). I mean, there’s so many people involved. Everyone’s doing their own thing, you know. And everybody’s aged. It’s just not going to happen. I’m sure I speak for everybody when I say we’d love for it to happen, we’d love to work on it, but just I don’t think… not going to happen.”

The OC is a strange one for me. I think they gave it the flick at the right time, but something happened post season 1. It had one of the best first seasons in that kind teen soap genre and then the writers got diluted and the show turned to shit. That show had so much more in it, if not for the feckwits at Fox wanting a spinoff.
They don't have to be the best thing that you have ever seen, just something you enjoyed that was canceled too early in your opinion. I'll start.

Flashforward - A bit patchy in the first series but after the last episode I really want to see series 2.

Agreed on this one.

Also, dare I say it, but given that its been dicked about by the networks here...Supernatural? :nervous:
I'll definitely second Survivors, flawed but brilliant series, especially the penultimate episode. Jericho's another in the same vein, and Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles still had a story to tell.
Agreed on this one.

Also, dare I say it, but given that its been dicked about by the networks here...Supernatural? :nervous:

I thought that it had been renewed for a 6th series. I watched most of series 1 and a bit of 2 but nothing since.
Supernatural 6th series is indeed going on. Not been cancelled.
The Black Donnellys

Love that show ^^

They tend to cut shows mid series in the US if the ratings are below par, which is fecking annoying if you are following the series.

Day Break was a really good one that was chopped half way through. I finsihed watching it online.
Dead Like Me - Could of easily got a few more seasons out of this, instead just a terrible made for tv movie followed...

Angel - One more season would of been nice.
Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip...

This. Aaron Sorkin does 30 Rock. Great vehicle for Matthew Perry as well. American TV Drama so much better than ours it can even afford to cancel shows that are too well written for people to watch.
The Young Ones
Father Ted
Black Books

Myth that it ended due to Morgans death. That was planned to be the last episode anyway. More than likely may have just gotten another xmas special or something

Amen to this, absolutely wonderful show. Not often that HBO cancel shows but it was a damn shame that this ended. Shaping up to be a classic.

Freaks and Geeks was definitely cancelled too soon, it was a great show and when you consider some of the comedy Apatow, Cohen etc have come out with since you could tell it could've been excellent.

Firefly obviously.

Oh, and Rome, although they wrapped it up and all, due to the fact that it was so expensive they made them do the second series ultra fast and basically put 4 series of TV into 1 series of TV, so it just wasn't as good as series 1.