TV series that end prematurely

Bodies. A grim hospital drama with Max Beesley. I think they did two seasons but it didn't get the ratings.

Agree with Deadwood but Rome finished at the right time.

It's better to finish too early than too late like the Simpsons and Scrubs though.
:confused: Scrubs is not only still going, but has been going downhill in quality for years.

Technically this is a spin off that's running isn't it? 'Scrubs: Med school' or something.

I agree though the quality has gone down, particularly this year when they replaced JD with that splitarse. How can you have Scrubs without JD? He IS Scrubs.
:confused: Scrubs is not only still going, but has been going downhill in quality for years.

Holy shit! Holy fecking shit!

I watched the "final" episode! I watched JD saying goodbye and moving on and everything being finished!

And now I find out that it's carried on, except that the only two characters left in it are Dr. Cox and Turk, a woman is now narrating it and it's set in a fecking medical school!

Jake 2.0 - Not the greatest series ever but was cut short. They could have let them finish the series.

Terminator TSCC - moar Summer Glau, program was just finding it's feet when they canceled it.

Dead like me - Great series, humour in it was basically mine.

Firefly - Duh

Pushing Daises - One of the most original series i've seen for a long time, colourful, brilliant and charming. Cut short again.

Boston Legal - Why on EARTH did they cancel this?
I could have done with a few more seasons of Black Books - although in fairness at 3 seasons it had already had one more season than most of the classic punchy British comedies (Fawlty, The Office, etc)

tbh, I thought it had ran its course midway through the third series.

The reason why things like the Office and Fawlty Towers are remembered so fondly is because they knew when to call it a day.

You take a situation and you make it funny but you can only make so many jokes about it before it starts to repeat itself and you start to get that deja-vu feeling.

I suppose it doesn't apply completely to comedy - it can just as easily apply to other genres too.

Far too many great shows have outstayed their welcome imo.
Jake 2.0 - Not the greatest series ever but was cut short. They could have let them finish the series.

Terminator TSCC - moar Summer Glau, program was just finding it's feet when they canceled it.

Dead like me - Great series, humour in it was basically mine.

Firefly - Duh

Pushing Daises - One of the most original series i've seen for a long time, colourful, brilliant and charming. Cut short again.

Boston Legal - Why on EARTH did they cancel this?

Boston Legal was good, I dont think it ended early though they seemed to get through what they wanted as a script as far as I remember although I wasnt the most avid watcher I think I have seen every episode
Flashforward - BECAUSE I WAS LOADED Nah just kidding, it was a pile of shit.

Can't think of anything that wasn't mentioned a year ago. Rome, Arrested Development, Firefly and Carnivale are still the most gutting for me, after all these years.
The office (US)

Considering soapies can go to more than 10 season of dragging on madness, 6 season of this old gem is too little, we want more. They don't even have the chance to bring in fresh faces, other than michael's occasional sex object
The office (US)

Considering soapies can go to more than 10 season of dragging on madness, 6 season of this old gem is too little, we want more. They don't even have the chance to bring in fresh faces, other than michael's occasional sex object

Is this a joke?
The office (US)

Considering soapies can go to more than 10 season of dragging on madness, 6 season of this old gem is too little, we want more. They don't even have the chance to bring in fresh faces, other than michael's occasional sex object

This went on too long, it should have ended after 4 seasons at most.
Freaks and Geeks
Kitchen Confidential
Greg The Bunny
Sports Night(it at least had two seasons)
My So-Called Life(Claire Danes' fault though)
Chappelle's Show(again, not really a fault of the network)
Pushing Daisies(again, it at least had two season, though one was short)
Dead Like Me(film was horrendous)
The Riches
Networks not pissing off David Lynch for Twin Peaks
Flight of the Conchords(not sure if this was their decision or forced by HBO though)

Deadwood and AD also, but they had 3 seasons at least, so can't really moan.
I think Flight of the Concords was there decision, I think they couldnt come up with material quick enough, as it took a lot time in writing/creating the music and show.
Party Down

Watching the second season now on netflix instantwatch... it's not as good as the first without whatshername that went to Glee.

Swingtown was pretty good and that ended too soon.

Better off Ted was cancelled after two seasons

Lucky Louie was great, that lasted one season
buffy- had 1season of 12 eps and 6 more of 22eps as a fan and despite the myriad of vamp copies it had its time .
i think that quantum leap also had a good run.
i did feel as though angel had another series or two in it.
This went on too long, it should have ended after 4 seasons at most.

Oh come on, they maintain originality of the cast, if they decided to bring it along with new casts it'll be 10 season at least, I can't believe people say this considering Buffy ended up being related with monsters, dracula, werewolf, and other mythical mumbo jumbo nonsense after a few season.
Firefly was basically DOA for Fox. They aired the episodes out of order. So you had shit like, in Episode 1, everyone knows each other and all the major cast members are around and chilling.

Then in episode 2, people are gone and nobody knows anyone and all sorts of oddness.

Made it impossible to follow for people tuning in.