Lard arse
married with children
all class, all ended far too soon!
married with children
all class, all ended far too soon!
married with children
all class, all ended far too soon!
Scrubs is not only still going, but has been going downhill in quality for years.
Scrubs is not only still going, but has been going downhill in quality for years.
Dead Like Me should of got a couple more seasons.
It got a made-for-TV film that came out about a year ago.
I liked that show. The main actress falls into the 'strangely atracitve' category for me.Dead Like Me should of got a couple more seasons.
I could have done with a few more seasons of Black Books - although in fairness at 3 seasons it had already had one more season than most of the classic punchy British comedies (Fawlty, The Office, etc)
Jake 2.0 - Not the greatest series ever but was cut short. They could have let them finish the series.
Terminator TSCC - moar Summer Glau, program was just finding it's feet when they canceled it.
Dead like me - Great series, humour in it was basically mine.
Firefly - Duh
Pushing Daises - One of the most original series i've seen for a long time, colourful, brilliant and charming. Cut short again.
Boston Legal - Why on EARTH did they cancel this?
My Wife and Kids
The office (US)
Considering soapies can go to more than 10 season of dragging on madness, 6 season of this old gem is too little, we want more. They don't even have the chance to bring in fresh faces, other than michael's occasional sex object
The office (US)
Considering soapies can go to more than 10 season of dragging on madness, 6 season of this old gem is too little, we want more. They don't even have the chance to bring in fresh faces, other than michael's occasional sex object
Party Down
This went on too long, it should have ended after 4 seasons at most.
It would have stabilized the Olsen twins as stars for surefull house
Party Down