Agreed. The first series had real promise but they utterly fecked the second season up with the writers strike making things worse followed by a ludicrous rush to get to just about any conclusion. An utter clusterfeck.
I remember that, the little boy was called Caleb. Did that get cancelled before the end? I can only remember watching the first series but I can't remember much about it.
American Gothic
American Gothic in particular was an absolute beast of a show, for those of you unaware basically Gary Cole is the devil and also the Sherriff of a small American town down south, his illegitimate son who is being haunted by the ghost of his dead sister lives in the same town and Gary Cole is trying to influence his boy by any means neccessary. Can't believe it's been over for 15 years!
Flight of the Conchords
IT Crowd (if they never get around to making another series)
American Gothic
American Gothic in particular was an absolute beast of a show, for those of you unaware basically Gary Cole is the devil and also the Sherriff of a small American town down south, his illegitimate son who is being haunted by the ghost of his dead sister lives in the same town and Gary Cole is trying to influence his boy by any means neccessary. Can't believe it's been over for 15 years!
Flight of the Conchords
IT Crowd (if they never get around to making another series)
I remember that, the little boy was called Caleb. Did that get cancelled before the end? I can only remember watching the first series but I can't remember much about it.
Again, this didn't end prematurely. They clearly said they only wanted to do two series (they didn't even want to do the second, really) so it ended exactly when they wanted it to.
You may have wanted more episodes, but that ain't the same thing.
Well I thought it ended prematurely. I'll be sure to check with you before I post in future![]()
Blimey, keep the sarcasm in check, matey!
I was merely pointing out that it wasn't cancelled without resolution, but that it went as far (if not further) than the writers actually wanted it to.
Shit, what about The Wire? That ended prematurely, in fact every other season was cut-short.
Eh? The Wire was always supposed to be 5 seasons. Are you messing?
Meh I'm tired, bored and hungry, sarcasm is my natural instinct.
Your points are pretty valid, although I still think you were being more than a little pedantic.
Oh, and Flight of the Conchords ended at exactly the right time. The songs in S2 weren't as good, and Brett himself said they just wouldn't have been able to keep coming up with new stuff on a yearly basis.
Hi, I'm Count Duckula, I guess we've never met![]()
Keen Eddie.
It survived a whopping 13 episodes on FOX.I remember watching this overseas and being very impressed, only to get back to the States to find it not on any network.
The Black Donnellys.
The Chappelle Show, ended after two seasons. Third one was scheduled before Dave Chappelle felt that the producers had fecked him over and fecked off to Africa for a while, and decided on not doing a third season. Some material that would've been included in that third season has been released as "The lost episodes", but are hosted by Charlie Murphy and some other dude.
The O.C.
It survived a whopping 13 episodes on FOX.
The O.C.
This and Third Watch.
I'm not sure about the first 4 seasons but the 5th was definitely cut short, it was evident in the last few episodes.
However it is true that it was always supposed to be 5 seasons.
Rome. They ran out of cash. Gutting.
They brought it back for a second season though, which albeit wasnt as good. That 13 episode/scene was fecking awesome, Vorenus was a fecking bad ass when he needed to be.
It was only cut short by 2 episodes, and they told them that before they even started filming, so it wasn't even really cut short, technically.
HBO never go above 12 or 13 episodes for a series, they're not season long like the cable networks.
It was supposed to be 13 episodes and ended as 10, so 3 short of original plan (at least that is what I read). In any case they had the script ready before they were informed that it would be cut to 10 episodes so even though filming hadn't started they had to re-write the last season. In the last 2-4 episodes you can see that they had to skip things they would've normally addressed. When there are so few episodes in a season a cut like this does have a major impact.
Mostly true, but it doesn't have a major impact, I didn't notice much wrong with the final season personally.
Anyway, this thread is about shows that ended 'prematurely', which The Wire didn't. 60 episodes instead of 63 is hardly premature.
Don't know if its been posted but Rome the film is getting nearer. Script is sorted. It will pick up three years later after the series.