Turn the Caf Green and Gold

I should have known, to be honest. But that's still the route that makes the biggest wave online. RedCafe turning green and gold will barely make a ripple, but it's still something in the grand scheme if things I suppose.
The point made in the OP is that redcafe gets more traffic than the clubs own website. So it does have some influence, and in my opinion if redcafe could get unified and fully active, we could be the catalyst for big movements.

Eg: if we had a big idea and all committed to making noise with it, we could easily attract the attention of fan channels and then mainstream media. And explode out of that.

but as I wrote in my earlier post, unless someone trusted and influential like Neville Evra or Rio led the initiative in in the real world, we’d just end up as digital white noise that’s easy to ignore.

I should have known, to be honest. But that's still the route that makes the biggest wave online. RedCafe turning green and gold will barely make a ripple, but it's still something in the grand scheme if things I suppose.

Agreed that commenting directly on the club's social media posts is probably the most significant way to generate attention to this.
The point made in the OP is that redcafe gets more traffic than the clubs own website. So it does have some influence, and in my opinion if redcafe could get unified and fully active, we could be the catalyst for big movements.

Eg: if we had a big idea and all committed to making noise with it, we could easily attract the attention of fan channels and then mainstream media. And explode out of that.

but as I wrote in my earlier post, unless someone trusted and influential like Neville Evra or Rio led the initiative in in the real world, we’d just end up as digital white noise that’s easy to ignore.

The thing with these ex player figures is that none of them will ever go against the club in any meaningful manner. Rio and Neville criticize the way things are done as part of their job as football analysts, same with Scholes and Keane, but I don't think we would have seen as much from them were they not employed in football media. Evra is a bit of an outlier as he does seem to just do these things of his own accord, but then Evra is most definitely not someone I would want leading any sort of movement. Almost all of our significant ex players have good relationships with the club by all accounts, so we're unlikely to ever see any of them getting involved in this IMO.
The thing with these ex player figures is that none of them will ever go against the club in any meaningful manner. Rio and Neville criticize the way things are done as part of their job as football analysts, same with Scholes and Keane, but I don't think we would have seen as much from them were they not employed in football media. Evra is a bit of an outlier as he does seem to just do these things of his own accord, but then Evra is most definitely not someone I would want leading any sort of movement. Almost all of our significant ex players have good relationships with the club by all accounts, so we're unlikely to ever see any of them getting involved in this IMO.
Then I cant see how the real world/online, Match going/TV watching and UK/International fanbase could ever get unified.
So then we are stuffed.
Should coordinate with as many other United websites as possible. That may be more effective.
The main problem with this and a lot of other supporter campaigns post 2010 is that it's too reactionary.

If United announced Sancho and Telles tomorrow all of this anti Glazer sentiment would go away until January and the next transfer saga. Just like after we signed Fernandes.

True, i'd hold off until after the window closes. If we change our colors and then change them back to red if Sancho is announced we will all look like a bunch of fecking idiots
Is the reason for the resurgence of this idea that we weren't able to sign big name players? What if we do sign Sancho by some miracle or sign Dembele and he kills it over here?

The issue is the fanbase is always swayed by signings. People were going to Woodward's home to threaten him but when we signed Bruno it all became hunky dory until this transfer window. These protests or the idea for them only seem to pick up when it appears we are not spending as much in the transfer market as we should be.

The reason these protests are ultimately doomed to failure is because the primary reason for them isn't strong enough. The Glazers can always buy a couple of big names and most of the fans will be mollified by that and then turn on the manager if things don't pan out. Then a new manager will come and it's back to Glazers out and the cycle continues.

What is needed is a concerted movement to get the Glazers out and change the structure of the club. It shouldn't matter if they spend a 500 million in the next year or we win the CL and PL. Protests to force the Glazers to spend are merely band-aids, we need a full surgery and if we want to start protests or boycott of Utd's merchandise, it should not stop until the entire upper management, including the Glazers is gone.
Nothing happens unless match-going fans are engaged and there are no match-goers. Also, the hardcore element that stuck around in 2005 are largely middle-aged and jaded and proper movements need youth and energy.

I'm sounding like a miserable cnut about this because I'd desperately love to be part of something that pressures the owners into positive action but I just don't see what that is right now. I agree that hitting them in the pocket is the only thing they'll care about but how you mobilise millions of people from different countries and cultures to do that is a huge challenge.

Yep agree with that.

I also think that there needs to be a coherent plan regarding what people actually want.

"LUHG" went from being a vibrant fans movement in 2005 to being co opted by people who's only real concern is our lack of transfers.

The movement from the creation of IMUSA in 95 which was formed with the declining atmosphere at OT in mind was relatively successful because it did get people from different elements of the support involved. It helped see off Murdoch and was key in trying to fight the Glazers off.

People with genuine respect from match going reds were running these things. They gained this respect because they put the hard yards in with other elements of fan culture.

Social media has given everyone a voice but it also means the sensible voices are a lot quieter and the ones that gain traction tend to do this by, as I said before, by being quite reactionary.

Any new anti Glazer campaign needs to try and deal with a few different issues.

1. Will people be suddenly ok with the Glazers if they suddenly decide to spend some money? How do you keep the pressure on?

2. If Glazers put the club up for sale, who do people want to buy the club? Who do people think can buy the club?
I don't know if doing this will amount to anything. The 'caf is where I spend most of my online time. I love it, but going gold and green would also make me immensely proud of it.

That it's been tried before and not done much good, well sometimes it takes multiple attempts before success, kind of like quitting smoking.

Ultimately its up to @Niall, and it will probably take a some work, and probably other factors he would have to consider, but I hope we do this.

(Do it, Do it, Do it!)
The main problem with this and a lot of other supporter campaigns post 2010 is that it's too reactionary.

If United announced Sancho and Telles tomorrow all of this anti Glazer sentiment would go away until January and the next transfer saga. Just like after we signed Fernandes.
Please do. And whatever else we can do to kick these c*nts in the shins, I'm all for it.
This would be good.
I'd also like to see a Glazer / Ed photoshop thread. Inject some fun into the protest :)
The main problem with this and a lot of other supporter campaigns post 2010 is that it's too reactionary.

If United announced Sancho and Telles tomorrow all of this anti Glazer sentiment would go away until January and the next transfer saga. Just like after we signed Fernandes.
Nail. Head.

Unfortunately, nobody likes aditting they're a glory hunter.
I’m up for this. As others have said it needs to be coherent and sustainable, and not based on the principles of transfer spend, but instead relating to the poor running of the club we love, the debt and the need for the club to get back on track in terms of our ethos. Something which has been lost since 2005 and by all signs has been getting worse
What happens if the club keep spending crazy amount of money and our results doesn’t improve?

Ole has to fix the issue of transfer from the hundreds of millions spent by Mourinho, Mourinho had to fix the transfer from the hundred of millions spent by lvg and our next managers will probably have to fix the issue of transfer from the hundred of millions spent from Ole. Albeit, Ole has improved in this regard tha last two predecessors.

The glazers and the board aren’t stupid. They look at our results and they don’t see the value of spending more when nothing has changed. They are better of finding a top manager and then backing him with even more than normal.
What happens if the club keep spending crazy amount of money and our results doesn’t improve?

Ole has to fix the issue of transfer from the hundreds of millions spent by Mourinho, Mourinho had to fix the transfer from the hundred of millions spent by lvg and our next managers will probably have to fix the issue of transfer from the hundred of millions spent from Ole. Albeit, Ole has improved in this regard tha last two predecessors.

The glazers and the board aren’t stupid. They look at our results and they don’t see the value of spending more when nothing has changed. They are better of finding a top manager and then backing him with even more than normal.

They aren't?
They aren't?
They might be. They might give Ole another £100m to spend and we still won’t be in the contention for the title after spending near a billion pounds post Sir Alex. As a manager and chairman of a company, that will not look great economically. We will look even worse than Barcelona. There has to be on field improvements and like what top manager like Bielsa and Pep states, improvement on players we already have. If those comments about James is true, then that doesn’t look good on Ole. Even the DVDB comment looks bad as well.
They might be. They might give Ole another £100m to spend and we still won’t be in the contention for the title after spending near a billion pounds post Sir Alex. As a manager and chairman of a company, that will no look great economically. We will look even worse than Barcelona.

Glad we agree that the Glazers and the board are stupid then.
What happens if the club keep spending crazy amount of money and our results doesn’t improve?

Ole has to fix the issue of transfer from the hundreds of millions spent by Mourinho, Mourinho had to fix the transfer from the hundred of millions spent by lvg and our next managers will probably have to fix the issue of transfer from the hundred of millions spent from Ole. Albeit, Ole has improved in this regard tha last two predecessors.

The glazers and the board aren’t stupid. They look at our results and they don’t see the value of spending more when nothing has changed. They are better of finding a top manager and then backing him with even more than normal.
I know a manager who doesn’t need millions, in fact he’s the best in the world on a shoe string budget, makes superstars!! Any idea who?
I think it'd be pretty hard to sell a club of our size.

That is definitely an issue. I think Tifo Football had a good video on this subject. Essentially, there aren't any realistic buyers apart from the Saudis(or other wealthy humanitarian nightmare nations) or companies like Amazon(which is highly unrealistic).
I think we should do it. Its just 1 step in many, but redcafe can influence the fan base.
Least we could do until this cancer is gone
Turning the Caf, or r/reddevils, green and gold wont do anything. There were hundreds/thousands of people waving green and gold scarfs, combined with loads of media attention years back for months and it did nothing. Even Beckham got in on it and nothing happened.

The only thing that would possibly have any chance of having an impact is something that can be used on social media. Something that's simple, needs no effort or explanation and easy to get moving around easily.

I hereby declare the movement #MemeUtd