Trump/Russia/SDNY investigation

To be fair if you watch a Trump campaign speech its not any less ridiculous than a Hitler or Mussolini one.

Trump didn't win through popular vote though. He won because

a- the typical old white male was angry that his priviledges were 'under threat'
b- Clinton was really really shifty

This Cambridge Analogical story could be the smoking gun we are looking for to tie this all together and bridge the Trump campaign to the Russian trolls . Kushner at the very least will have a lot to answer for as he was in charge of all of this
“So the candidate is the puppet?,” the undercover reporter asked.

“Always,” replied Mr Nix.
“So the candidate is the puppet?,” the undercover reporter asked.

“Always,” replied Mr Nix.

Also....."It's no good fighting an election campaign on the facts, because actually its all about emotion".
- Hey Yanks!
- Whut?
- Your president is a moron!
- Yup
- And he's a racist!
- So?
- And a serial adulterer!
- Who cares?
- And he's filling his own pockets!
- Meh...
-... and some Brits won him the election!

- ...................................

The interview will go down well in the US where British accents are usually typecast as Butlers or Villains.
“Bob Mueller should be allowed to finish his job,” he told reporters at his weekly news conference. “I think it was an excellent appointment. I think he will go wherever the facts lead him and I think he will have great credibility with the American people when he reaches the conclusion of this investigation. So I have a lot of confidence. This is a thoroughly credible individual, I think it was an appropriate appointment, and we all anticipate his finishing the job and telling the American people what they need to know about this episode.”

Mitch McConnell Issues Strong Defense of Robert Mueller

Well bugger me.
The interview will go down well in the US where British accents are usually typecast as Butlers or Villains.
...or both simultaneously, if you're Anthony Hopkins as Hannibal Lecter. ;)
Trump didn't win through popular vote though.

Neither did Hitler...,_March_1933

Edit - forgot to add that Hitler had already been appointed chancellor and started his street anti-communist campaign (important since they were one of the opposition parties) before this election happened.

Edit again - here is the cruz of the issue, every one who helped it happen:
The Nazi Party lost 35 seats in the November 1932 election, but remained the Reichstag's largest party, with 196 seats (33.09%). The Social Democrats (SPD) won 121 seats (20.43%) and the Communists (KPD) won 100 (16.86%).

The Comintern described all moderate left-wing parties as "social fascists", and urged the Communists to devote their energies to the destruction of the moderate left. As a result, the KPD, following orders from Moscow, rejected overtures from the Social Democrats to form a political alliance against the NSDAP.

After Chancellor Papen left office, he secretly told Hitler that he still held considerable sway with President Hindenburg and that he would make Hitler chancellor as long as he, Papen, could be the vice chancellor. Another notable event was the publication of the Industrielleneingabe, a letter signed by 22 important representatives of industry, finance and agriculture, asking Hindenburg to appoint Hitler as chancellor.

Hindenburg reluctantly agreed to appoint Hitler as chancellor after the parliamentary elections of July and November 1932 had not resulted in the formation of a majority government. Hitler headed a short-lived coalition government formed by the NSDAP and the German National People's Party (DNVP).
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The co-founder of WhatsApp telling everyone to delete Facebook.

I must report my bin being stolen to the Counsel today.
Seriously though, if he can't get the word 'Counsel' right then it shows an incredible lack of interest in detail (even details that directly involve his personal interests). You'd think that mere familiarity, what with the word being so frequently in the news, would enable him to spell it correctly...
Seriously though, if he can't get the word 'Counsel' right then it shows an incredible lack of interest in detail (even details that directly involve his personal interests). You'd think that mere familiarity, what with the word being so frequently in the news, would enable him to spell it correctly...

At least it confirms that it is, indeed, Trump with his little hands that's typing those messages :p
At least it confirms that it is, indeed, Trump with his little hands that's typing those messages :p

I think little hands are easier for typing on those small keyboards, its his senility and lack of vocabulary that's at display with those mis-spellings. I have big hands so I type with one hand using swipe keyboards.
Seriously though, if he can't get the word 'Counsel' right then it shows an incredible lack of interest in detail (even details that directly involve his personal interests). You'd think that mere familiarity, what with the word being so frequently in the news, would enable him to spell it correctly...

Funnily enough, he actually deleted the tweet to correct something else but still left council :rolleyes:
I think little hands are easier for typing on those small keyboards, its his senility and lack of vocabulary that's at display with those mis-spellings. I have big hands so I type with one hand using swipe keyboards.
I'm fairly convinced he just types the first couple of letters and then uses autoprediction. So I assume he saw the word and thought "yeah, that's it".