Originally posted by ryangiggsisno1:
<strong>Weaste, mate, honestly I don't know if selling Scholesis the best solution.
I'm not saying we should keep him anywats since for mealso this year he's .......been below par.
Right now I'mnot sure that Veron is our man......although I may agree that if we can't sell him at the price we paid we'd better keephim
also if,similarly to the stockmarket, the idea of holding shares when they go down is feasible until they don'tmakeyou loose all your money</strong><hr></blockquote>
So what is the solution RG?
It is totally crazy to keep one of them on the bench!
But thinking about it, maybe Veron is too much of a maverick to do us any good.
Sell Veron for a loss and keep a very underperfoming Scholes or vice versa?
One thing is for sure in my mind, one ofe them, be it Verón, Scholes, Butt, or Keane has to go.