Film Top Gun: Maverick

Seen her lately?

To be fair she is 64 and aged the way people should age.

You have to respect her for not going down the plastic route so many of her colleagues including Cruise himself
Wow that is a depressing thought for the year ahead.

If the best film of the year and Oscar winner as well is the over twenty years later sequel to a bland popcorn effort like Top Gun then Hollywood needs to be wiped out
Yeah the alternative to super hero films is a couple of yearly big budget films based on nostalgia. Dune was the big one last year.

It’s depressing for the long term.
Yeah the alternative to super hero films is a couple of yearly big budget films based on nostalgia. Dune was the big one last year.

It’s depressing for the long term.

I have seen that the guy who made the tweet is a self confessed Tom Cruise disciple whatever he means by a disciple in not sure but I think it's fair to say his opinion of the film is not one to be trusted
I have seen that the guy who made the tweet is a self confessed Tom Cruise disciple whatever he means by a disciple in not sure but I think it's fair to say his opinion of the film is not one to be trusted
Yeah I never trust opening night reviews. Too many times it turns out the film is shite. Hopefully this isn’t the case here but have to wait and see.

Tbh I still feel odd about the Cruise love in. It’s cool that he does a lot of own stunts but like he is part of a very cult like religion.
I'm not overly sure why pre-review from bloggers and twitter fanatics make headlines... they love anything. Well, as long as it's loud and has some CGI. Add even the tiniest bit of depth and it's the greatest thing ever for a couple of weeks. Apparently this is being praised for it's "emotional depth"....

I figure it'll lean heavily on the similarities to something like Force Awakens, a borderline homage remake sequel but very much cleaned up and modernized, and without the epic cheese. So essentially, very safe, and it'll work, for what it is.
I'm not overly sure why pre-review from bloggers and twitter fanatics make headlines... they love anything. Well, as long as it's loud and has some CGI. Add even the tiniest bit of depth and it's the greatest thing ever for a couple of weeks. Apparently this is being praised for it's "emotional depth"....

I figure it'll lean heavily on the similarities to something like Force Awakens, a borderline homage remake sequel but very much cleaned up and modernized, and without the epic cheese. So essentially, very safe, and it'll work, for what it is.

There better be some homoeroticism…
Tom never made a bad movie. At worst it's watchable. I dont get why so much hate for him as an actor.

He has made quite a few films where he has been easily outshone by the rest of the cast good films or not.

A Few Good Men, The Colour of Money and The Firm spring to mind where he was clearly the worst thing in those films.

Other than that stick him in an action film where everything is centred on him and no one gets a chance to steal the show from him and hes fine
He has made quite a few films where he has been easily outshone by the rest of the cast good films or not.

A Few Good Men, The Colour of Money and The Firm spring to mind where he was clearly the worst thing in those films.
Literally 3 films he was superb in.

Saying Cruise is the worst thing in a Few Good Men in particular is a wild take.

A Few Good Men is a great film and Cruise is decent in it but he is not better than Nicholson, Pollack, J.T. Walsh or Kevin Bacon in that film.

I would argue also that Kiefer Sutherland the actors playing the accused and even Demi Moore were better as well.

Same story for The Firm and The Colour of Money good films and he did well in them but his co stars are still better than him.
I omitted Rainman as Hoffman's performance was a bit showy and Cruise played his part the spoilt entitled son brilliantly I felt.

I would say it's my favourite performance of his along with Collateral
Well, he had the best performance in Magnolia and that was a brilliant cast.
A Few Good Men is a great film and Cruise is decent in it but he is not better than Nicholson, Pollack, J.T. Walsh or Kevin Bacon in that film.

I would argue also that Kiefer Sutherland the actors playing the accused and even Demi Moore were better as well.

Same story for The Firm and The Colour of Money good films and he did well in them but his co stars are still better than him.
Except for the fact that Cruise is the main protagonist that keeps the whole film going having more screen time than the others combined. Nicholson always chews the scenery no matter who is there with him on the screen. the rest are OK but hardly pulling trees out.
Just had a skim through his filmography since Risky Business (1983) and the only badly reviewed flop he's starred in since then is Rock of Ages. Fairly sure he did that for a laugh though, terrible idea from start to finish.
Just had a skim through his filmography since Risky Business (1983) and the only badly reviewed flop he's starred in since then is Rock of Ages. Fairly sure he did that for a laugh though, terrible idea from start to finish.

I'm sure the Mummy must have had bad reviews as it was awful
Most people just watched it because of Rachel Weisz.

Different film. Cruise made a new one without her and the fun.

It also flopped and cost the studio around 100 million loss.

It did make 400 million worldwide but only 80 in US.
He's also the example I use when my son is bummed out that he's short.
'Son, yes you may be short but at least you aren't short AND a weird little control freak t*sser like this chap (said pointing at a picture of TC)' - Is that how you do it KD?
Is there another actor who has a better list of directors they’ve worked with ? Just off the top of my head -

John Woo
Micheal Mann
Ridely Scott
De Palma
Paul Thomas Anderson

Crazy list
Is there another actor who has a better list of directors they’ve worked with ? Just off the top of my head -

John Woo
Micheal Mann
Ridely Scott
De Palma
Paul Thomas Anderson

Crazy list
Yeah, the guy has had an amazing career, no doubt. Collateral, Color of Money and Magnolia being my favourites. He gave great performances in each of those and even though I find him irritating, he's a bloody good actor.
Is there another actor who has a better list of directors they’ve worked with ? Just off the top of my head -

John Woo
Micheal Mann
Ridely Scott
De Palma
Paul Thomas Anderson

Crazy list

Just casually forgot a whopping 5 best director winners off the top of my head here too - Coppola, Hanson(actually Cameron robbed him), Stone, Levinson, Howard. Although none of these have been since his ultra wackiness started circa 2006... since then he's just basically used Mcquarrie relentlessly or whoevers up for the big pay day he offers.
Lady Gaga made this new song for all to enjoy with the movie. Be careful as there are possible spoilers in that clip.

Sad state of affairs that the Avatar thread is twice as long as this one despite being a tenth as old.