Top 10 TV-Shows of all time

No particular order here (apart from #1):

The Larry Sanders Show
The Wire
The Sopranos
The Day Today
Twin Peaks
The Office (US)
The Office (UK)
The Simpsons
I love Arrested Development, but I think it gets a little overrated by it's martyr-ish status sometimes.

* I don't mean Martyr, but I can't think of the one that means that without the sacrifice.

Even after watching episodes 3 or 4 times I'm still in tears watching Arrested Development. Dunno about top ten tv shows of all time but if you narrowed it down to maybe top ten US comedies it would definitely be in there.
Shocked at the lack of "The West Wing" in any of those lists besides Zen's..

What's it about? I've gathered it's about the White House but don't know anything else.

I've recently aquired some Deadwood episodes to watch and someday I'll hopefully finish The World at War and The Civil War.
Top 10, eh? I'm not sure I've even watch the the full series of 10 quality shows, and I'd find it a little weird to include shows I haven't watched every episode of, and I don't feel shows like The OC, One Tree Hill and Criminal Minds really qualify for inclusion ;-)

Let's give it a whirl though:

1. The Wire
2. South Park
3. The Sopranos
4. Breaking Bad
5. Arrested Development
6. The Office (UK)
7. The Office (US)
8. Dexter
9. House
10. Seinfeld

There's a distinct possibility that Breaking Bad can overtake The Wire and South Park after the final season, but as of yet those two are the pinnacles of their respective genres.

Shows like Prison Break and Lost were omitted because the couldn't keep my attention as they progressed, but if Prison Break had ended after the first season it would have been top 5 easily. Heroes would probably have been in there as well if they had kept it up after the first season, as I'm a sucker for anything that involves superpowers! But it just got progressively worse after that.

Game of Thrones and Boardwalk Empire are also shoo-ins at making the list eventually, but I feel it's too early to judge them after just one season, given how those two above turned out.
Cannot believe nobody has CSI!

1. South Park
2. Prison Break
3. Friends
4. CSI
5. Lost
6. Office US
7. Big Bang Theory
8. Office UK
9. Arrested Development
10. Freaks and Geeks

NOTE: Havent got round to the wire or sopranos
I can't believe someone thinks Big Bang Theory is the 7th greatest show of all time.
My personal top 10 of all time is:

1) Buffy the Vampire Slayer
2) Angel
3) Friends
4) Quantum Leap
5) Prison Break
6) Fresh Prince
8) Nip Tuck
9) Dawsons Creek
10) Saved by the Bell (had to put it in there because it was my childhood).

To be honest, I strugged as I was getting near the bottom.
tbh I'm more worried that Prison Break is number 2 on it.....but as long as it's only his fave list and he doesn't claim its some kind of great tv writing and acting, then were cool.
In no order

The Simpsons
The Sopranos
1. The West Wing
2. The Sopranos
3. Yes Minister / Yes Prime Minister
4. Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (mini-series)
5. House
6. Spooks
7. The Thick of It
8. Alias
9. Prime Suspect
10. The Simpsons
My personal top 10 of all time is:

1) Buffy the Vampire Slayer
2) Angel
3) Friends
4) Quantum Leap
5) Prison Break
6) Fresh Prince
8) Nip Tuck
9) Dawsons Creek
10) Saved by the Bell (had to put it in there because it was my childhood).

To be honest, I strugged as I was getting near the bottom.

I can't remember any of the scenes in that show but the theme tune is 80's gold:

I can't believe someone thinks Big Bang Theory is the 7th greatest show of all time.

Or that they've seen Arrested Development and still think it's better. Each to their own though.
What's it about? I've gathered it's about the White House but don't know anything else.

Put it this way, there were just shy of 150 episodes across seven series, guess how many Emmy nominations it got?

93, it won 27
Guess how many Emmy noms the Wire got?

2, it won neither

Had to do it. But the Emmys are a pretty big sham unless the show has good producers backing it, which of course The West Wing did and DID deserve it's praise, but it shouldn't have won 4 times in a row beating out the Sopranos 3 times, The Wire once, Six Feet Under twice and The Shield twice(though Chiklis picking up the best actor award in his first year was still a great surprise.)

Although saying that....Lost shouldn't have won at all in like 2005 or 2006, forgot which year it won, 24 shouldn't have won, The Practice shouldn't have beat the Sopranos first season, James Spader shouldn't have won like 3 times, the dude from Monk should't have won like 4 times...all being far bigger fixes.
They are very like the Oscars in that manner absolutely though to get nearly 100 nominations in seven years is astonishing.

Though the same goes for the lack of awards for The Wire and The Sopranos.
Sopranos had more nominations than the West Wing did....winning a bit less though I think due to the West Wing robbing it of a ton in it's first few years...and Spader endlessly winning over Gandolfini.

Also, on the Oscars thing, at least the people involved in nominating and choosing the winners actually watch the full films, in Emmys, the committee or whatever only watch one episode per season to judge them on.
Yes Minister
Yes Prime Minister
Monty Python's Flying Circus
Fawlty Towers
Foyle's War
Danger Man
The various Michael Palin travelogues
Top Gear
Match of the Day
Hawaii Five-O
Black Adder
South Park
Carnivale (would have been my no1 probably if they had finished the story)
The Wire
House MD
The Tudors
This was pre torrents etc, so I reckon a lot of you will have missed it, if you have it is well worth watching.

I found the first couple of episodes on YouTube but then the rest wasn't on there and I couldn't find it anywhere else. The DVD was best part of £100 so hopefully they'll re-release it or something.

1. The West Wing
2. The Sopranos
3. Yes Minister / Yes Prime Minister
4. Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (mini-series)
5. House
6. Spooks
7. The Thick of It
8. Alias
9. Prime Suspect
10. The Sopranos

Was hoping someone would say this, fantastic show.
Was hoping someone would say this, fantastic show.

Any series that focuses on a character played by Helen Mirren deserves to be considered purely for that fact, she is an absolutely brilliant actress.
In no particular order:

The Wire
The Sopranos
Arrested Development
Battlestar Galactica
Trailer Park Boys
It's Always Sunny In Philly
Breaking Bad
Mad Men
1. Firefly
2. The West Wing
3. Battlestar Galactic (new series)
4. Boston Legal
5. 24
6. Blackadder
7. Scrubs
8. Buffy
9. Wire in the Blood
10. Dead Like Me
In no particular order...

West Wing
The Wire
Battlestar Galactica
Band of Brothers
Peep Show
Star Trek TNG
The Wire
The Sopranos
Battlestar Galactica
The Office
The Thick Of It
Quantum Leap

Meh... Can't think of a 10th. Don't really wanna put House, Dexter or Scrubs in it. Broadwalk Empire, The Walking Dead or Game of Thrones will probably all be in there once they've had a decent run.
Any series that focuses on a character played by Helen Mirren deserves to be considered purely for that fact, she is an absolutely brilliant actress.

The whole thing was just brilliantly written. And each one really stood up on its own, you didn't need to have watched the previous ones to keep up. Plus, for what is essentially a murder mystery, it's commendable that you can re-watch them knowing 'who did it' and still maintain interest.
In no particular order:

The Wire
The Sopranos
Arrested Development
Battlestar Galactica
Trailer Park Boys
It's Always Sunny In Philly
Breaking Bad
Mad Men

I forgot about Rome.

Breaking Bad has the potential to be one of the best for me, but have only seen season one so far.