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Originally posted by fjred:
<STRONG>You lot, ( Softhead & Divbo ) are just brainless cnuts who practise the old fashioned 'skaus' habit of 'spinning - see Blair for definition' i.e. for you illiterates, pick the words and not the point because you can't answer it!
You what dopey?
Do you get the message that some of us on 'ere - at Nialls discretion - wonder why you're on?
Perhaps we could have some sort of vote eh? Ban the scousers.....now that's an idea....
Not 'ad an answer to this one yet amongst all others - maybe you can please enlighten, try me, I can speak English
I like to meet interesting sorts like yourself, and allow you the chance to wind me up... <IMG SRC="smilies/lol.gif" border="0">
If not, which I doubt you can, feck off, wankers!</STRONG>
You're an angry little tw@t aren't you?