Television Those About to Die (Amazon TV show)


Sensible and not a complete jerk like most oppo's
Jun 24, 2004
Chelsea (the saviours of football) fan.
New Roman gladiator TV show released today.

It's got Hannibal Lecter and Ramsey Bolton in it. Looks like the budget was fairly high.

Can someone watch it and let me know if it's worth my time? All 10 eps released today so I want a full review by this time tomorrow.

Saw the trailer and thought it looked budget as feck.
I love stuff about ancient Rome, but this looks crap. I will watch it anyway. Hopkins as Vespasian has to count for something.
Tony Hopkins doesn't get out of bed to do this kinda stuff for peanuts.

It probably cost more than Rings of Power but it all went on Sir Anthony.
Significantly more expensive per episode than Rome, and nearly an order of magnitude more than Spartacus. Obviously inflation is a thing, but not  that much.
Significantly more expensive per episode than Rome, and nearly an order of magnitude more than Spartacus. Obviously inflation is a thing, but not  that much.

I've watched the first episode this afternoon because I can't do any work.

If you took all the sex, humour and gore out of Spartacus, it would still be better than this steaming pile of turd.
Looks awful, sadly. Not another Rome, or even Spartacus.
Of course it looks awful , its directed by Roland Emmerich ( Independence day, Midway, Moonfall ) and written by Robert Rodat ( Thor : The Dark World, Falling Skies, Kursk).
I've watched the first episode this afternoon because I can't do any work.

If you took all the sex, humour and gore out of Spartacus, it would still be better than this steaming pile of turd.
That's disappointing. I haven't been following the trailers and whatnot, but based on the actors and the setting I thought it would be right up my street.
That's disappointing. I haven't been following the trailers and whatnot, but based on the actors and the setting I thought it would be right up my street.

Maybe it's just meeting a ton of new characters (and therefore not giving a shit about any of them) but yeah, I didn't enjoy it at all.
Of course it looks awful , its directed by Roland Emmerich ( Independence day, Midway, Moonfall ) and written by Robert Rodat ( Thor : The Dark World, Falling Skies, Kursk).

I will not hear a bad word said about Moonfall. Nor Independance Day. Nor The Day After Tomorrow.

Emmerich often does some great global stuff if you leave your IQ at the door. He’s very good at making fun Sunday afternoon cinema.
Spartacus is great, but it's a different kind of television than Rome. You need a lot of money to make Rome, but you can make Spartacus on a budget.
Oh yeah, it's definitely different. I just rewatched bith shows actually.

The pilot of Spartacus is so terrible compared to the rest of the show, it's a small wonder it was even picked up.
Maybe it's just meeting a ton of new characters (and therefore not giving a shit about any of them) but yeah, I didn't enjoy it at all.
I'll still give it a go over the weekend. Maybe lowered expectations will have me enjoy it.
Significantly more expensive per episode than Rome, and nearly an order of magnitude more than Spartacus. Obviously inflation is a thing, but not  that much.

Not likely. My friend who works in production for HBO, who worked on Rome, mentioned that the cost per episode was around 13m per episode (as opposed the reported 10m).
That puts it over Game of Thrones, and if you factor in that this is 13m in early 00's, also over Those About to Die.
Not likely. My friend who works in production for HBO, who worked on Rome, mentioned that the cost per episode was around 13m per episode (as opposed the reported 10m).
That puts it over Game of Thrones, and if you factor in that this is 13m in early 00's, also over Those About to Die.

rome was 2,000 years ago. no way your friend was alive then.
Was he the fellow pawing at his phallus during the eruption?

Unfortunately, yes, he was that guy. But for good reason. One week prior he went to see the Pythia, the high priestess of the temple of Apollo at Delphi, and she prophesied this week of transfers. Suffice to say, not even Vesuvius's eruption prevented our guy from having one last "eruption" of his own.
gonna be watching it wondering if the tiger is going to show up now.
Is there any deep ramming in this show? Any spreading of cheeks and ramming co*k in fecking arse? Any references to Jupiter's co*k?

"Once again the gods spread the cheeks......"
There are a few boobs and arses but certainly no spreading of cheeks and ramming cocks. Not one single character in the show has John Hannah's charisma. It was a very dull opening episode, even the race had very little drama.

I'll keep going as I do love ancient history but it's really not good.
Is there any deep ramming in this show? Any spreading of cheeks and ramming co*k in fecking arse? Any references to Jupiter's co*k?

"Once again the gods spread the cheeks......"
i’ve got some links if that’s the kind of thing you’re interested in.
There are a few boobs and arses but certainly no spreading of cheeks and ramming cocks. Not one single character in the show has John Hannah's charisma. It was a very dull opening episode, even the race had very little drama.

I'll keep going as I do love ancient history but it's really not good.

Yeah, me too. I'll watch anything even remotely average if it's ancient history on the account that there's just so little of it out there.

There's an Italian series called Romulus that's quite good. It's obviously about the founding of Rome, but interesting in that it's all acted in ancient latin.
More recently, Domina is a good series too, about Livia Drusilla.
Watched Tut last year. Practically the only ancient Egyptian TV series there is, which is weird. It's decent enough, with Ben Kingsley as the Visier to the Pharaoah.
It has the feeling of these community-funded Biblical TV-series that pop up from time to time. How did they got Anthony Hopkins there? Did they spend all of their budget on him?

The writing, acting, cgi, everything looks borderline amateur so far (I’m on the 20-something minute).
It has the feeling of these community-funded Biblical TV-series that pop up from time to time. How did they got Anthony Hopkins there? Did they spend all of their budget on him?

The writing, acting, cgi, everything looks borderline amateur so far (I’m on the 20-something minute).
When you look at the rest of the cast, yeah they spent a good sum in bringing Hopkins on board.