What's this about 'wrist notes'? The Rock, arguably the greatest entertainer and talker in the WWE history has to resort to writing notes on his wrist to remember promos? If this is true, I shake my head.
But, why would The Rock wear a sleeveless shirt with words blatantly wrote on his wrist for millions to see? Why would he put himself in that position of embarrassment? I've never seen Rock before with words wrote on his wrists. Were they put there on purpose specificially for this 'feud' and as ammunition for Cena's character, or were they actually there for real?
Do John Cena and Dwayne Johnson really hate each other? There seems to be some venom in their promos which suggest that yes they don't really see eye to eye. I haven't seen the segment yet, but everything I've read about it suggests that The Rock was genuinely taken back by Cena's comment about the wrist notes, and that The Rock was pacing and stumbling over his words he was that angry.
Why?? What's so terrible about having bullet points (3 or 4 one or two word bullet points if you believe reports) on your wrist for a 20minute long promo?? Especially when you haven't delivered one live in months?
Why is that any different to Cena memorizing his promo's word for word (which he clearly has done in the past)? Sure it looks a bit untidy, but is it really that bigger deal?
This did make me wonder though... did seem a little bit contrived.
As this is wrestling, my first reaction is to think that this is a work. Rock did seem very rattled by the comment... but then Rock is an actor, and a fairly decent one at that... it's not beyond the realms of possibility that he played up on it. I'm still not sure though...
And I don't think Cena and Rock actually hate each other, this is only Wrestling afterall.
Quite a few WWE wrestlers haven't gotten along in the past. It's no Bret Hart & Shawn Michaels hated each other years ago. Also Batista and Booker T didn't really see eye to eye. And also Kurt Angle had a run-in with Eddie Guerrero one time. Just because wrestling is scripted doesn't mean they all get along in real life.
Well obviously, it's like any work place... in any given large company, certain people arn't going to get along with each other.
But... "hate" is a very strong word... hate would imply that these guys actually wan't to damage each others reputation, or physically, and I can't see that being the case between Cena and Rock. They may not be best mates, but I'd be suprised if they actually hated each other.
As I say, there are some exceptions, Hart and Michaels is well documented, Batista and Booker T actually had a scrap at a Summerslam promo event (as Batista was acting too big for his boots apparently)... but yeah, "hate" is a very strong word, so I wouldn't be overly keen to brand it around, especially in the world of wrestling.
You could also add Balls Mahoney and JBL to that list... definitely some hate there.
That is a name Ive not heard for many a year. I loved Balls in ECW.You could also add Balls Mahoney and JBL to that list... definitely some hate there.
That is a name Ive not heard for many a year. I loved Balls in ECW.
Is he in WWE nowadays? If so I bet they ruined him
I fecking love Triple H.
Just watched the segment. The Rock really needs to let these lame, corny catchphrases go - fruity pepples, boots to asses, kong pow chicken/bitch, missing balls etc. That's corny Rock, and please stop with the trending!
I want The Rock from the attitude era, I want The Rock who was in the Nation. Hell I would even take Hollywood Rock from 2003 right now.
Those notes on the wrist were clearly a work, The Rock has never had to write notes on his hands or wrists before in his whole life. It's clearly part of the feud, trying to make it real as possible.
That's because he's not The Rock anymore. He's Dwwwaaaayyynnnneeeee.I hate The Rock for making me feel like I should be on Cena's side right now. That's how lame that promo felt to me. He's turned himself from an entertainer into a catchphrase machine gimmick. He might as well have done that promo via satellite. Every time he shows up, we get a show riddled with commercials only for him to do a little bit of posturing at the end, but we put up with it, because he's The Rock and cuts a better promo than anyone else to ever grace the business. But if he can't even do that anymore, what's the point? If it's to put Cena over, it's not working for me. It just makes me want the whole thing to just go away.
Thing is though, amongst all the catchphrases (which I didn't overly mind) and the twitter bullshit (which I did mind... but I blame Vince as much as I blame Rock for that)... he actually had a really good line when he talked about how, when he was a face and was booed by the crowd, that Stone Cold, Triple H, Macho Man, and Roddy Piper didn't fight for him, and he fights for the people, as opposed to the "guys in the back" ... and then the crack about him being innovative and Cena changing his shorts. Unfortunately that took up about a minute of his promo. If he had concentrated more on that kinda stuff and less on the other stuff, it would have been much better.
Regardless... best line of the night went to CM Punk, for his "All the while, I'm here, swimming with sharks, while you're dancing with stars." line to Jericho. Had a good ring to it.
tbh, when he was showing his wrist at the start of the promo I thought he was implying Cena talked from notes....then he said he had goosebumps -_-
Just read the Smackdown Spoilers
Looks like we're gonna get Orton vs Kane for WM, thoughts on that?
It's just so random. Waste of a match!Just read the Smackdown Spoilers
Looks like we're gonna get Orton vs Kane for WM, thoughts on that?
It's just so random. Waste of a match!
If it ends cleanly either way it buries Kane further after losing to Cena or shows that nobody is up to Cena's level cos Orton has been the 1b to Cena's 1a for a while, and would just show he can't do what Cena could
Liverpool as Yoshi. Nobody takes them seriously, they get rolled over every week, and they have shit entrance music.