None of the losses were surprising or unexpected. People were hoping WWE would go against the standard, but why act surprised if they did not?
Wyatt has survived the same numerous times. He's popular and can take this hit too. Notion of them beating BoD esp on a 25 year celebration for Taker, is just not going to happen. Nobody expected them to win, so will not be that bothered by this loss.
Same with Neville. He entertains and is popular, but has never won against big stars. Nothing out of ordinary for him.
Charlotte just won the title and Paige just turned heel. No point in making a change now. Yes, she could have lost with interference..but doesn't impact much at all. In fact I think sh should start improving her performance in the ring. The Diva's match was quite meh.
Reigns. Yesh, this could have gone either way. And Sheamus is in midst of getting a temporary push. Reigns is better off as underdog fighting against Authority. He'll win it in Rumble.