Television Tho Prop Grops Throps

Reigns, all 3 of them are fecking mint but he is the one supposedly who is going to be the focus in the future.

Now may be a good time to get back into it. The oldens are fading out and you have a new generation headed by Bryan, Cesaro, The Shield and The Wyatt's - just got to hope things are booked right but the current roster has so much potential.

Problem with this is... I'm a 27 year old bloke now, who likes banging women...

If I was 14 and was more into Lara Croft than real women I might have given it a chance :lol:
No no no, the current trend is to only like the skinny guys with attitudes, ala Punk.

Or to only like heels, and hate faces.

EDIT: Jericho was always my fave, so pot, kettle, black, etc.....

Jericho actually made some good songs, I used to love "To Kill A Stranger", infact, going to listen to it now!
Problem with this is... I'm a 27 year old bloke now, who likes banging women...

If I was 14 and was more into Lara Croft than real women I might have given it a chance :lol:
Eh, I'm 24 and married, still get time to enjoy it.
From reddit

2 BO Dallas' Promos thus far, both have been amazing

2 Adam Rose Promos

Paige Now holds both NXT and WWE Diva Titles

Rusev is getting a big push

Big E is IC Champ

The Shield are dominant

The Wyatts are over

Cesaro is now gonna get a huge push as a paul heyman guy

The Future is Now, And HHH realizes it and is embracing it with NXT

I could not be happier
Problem with this is... I'm a 27 year old bloke now, who likes banging women...

If I was 14 and was more into Lara Croft than real women I might have given it a chance :lol:
Don't worry, I'm fairly sure you're still allowed to feck birds.

Otherwise I've been doing this all wrong.......
Jericho actually made some good songs, I used to love "To Kill A Stranger", infact, going to listen to it now!
Yeah, has band is quite good, have a couple of their albums.
Don't worry, I'm fairly sure you're still allowed to feck birds.

Otherwise I've been doing this all wrong.......

Yeah, has band is quite good, have a couple of their albums.

Yeah but if I want to watch something during banging, I am the type of person to have the TV on and watch it, imagine some ladies horror (Well it's already a horror, I'm hanging out of her), when she realises she is sexing a man who watches wrestling!
Married at 24? Wow, pretty young to be married! Nice!

But that's where you've got an advantage, you have her trapped, you can look like a moron and she has to like you.
A year on saturday - she's the ballocks and way too good lookin for me so it's all good :lol:

Yeah, I think she likes me more because I'm a moron - not sure why :wenger:
Yeah but if I want to watch something during banging, I am the type of person to have the TV on and watch it, imagine some ladies horror (Well it's already a horror, I'm hanging out of her), when she realises she is sexing a man who watches wrestling!
Might work to your advantage, perhaps she'd enjoy all these big, muscle packed, mostly naked men...
Could see a Bryan/Shield Vs Evolution & Kane, War Games match at Extreme rules, would be off the hook.
I am disgusted how active I have been in this thread in the past 24-28 hours... considering I usually enjoy taking the piss out of the wrestling watchers.
Bo Dallas .. hah.. Wyatts should go after him
Heyman is brilliant.

Adam Rose is a bit meh. He looks too old to be pulling that party guy look off.
Cesaro thing was expected. Especially after what Foley said in the WM pre-show

Also called Paige.. but AJ losing the title was awful. bastards
GREAT Raw...All the Bryan/Trips/Heyman/Brock/Cesaro/Shield/Wyatt's stuff was superb... and was a big fan of that ending. The Shield are so, so great (they're my favourite thing in the WWE at the moment - even over Bryan)... and HHH/Batista/Orton (mainly Batista and big Trips - who I can't praise enough for his work over the last two nights) are doing very good jobs at being heels that a match featuring those guys could be really good.

Also, poor Mysterio :lol: ... sent out at #30 in the Rumble when people wanted Bryan, fed to Barrett in front of a large British contingent... tough spots. Fecking love Barrett though, he looks like he's having a good laugh with this new role.

Oh, and chant of the night was definitely "3MB! 3MB!" when the Bryan beat down was happening.
Finally finished watching mania. The Bryan matches were both great. Takers match was rather poor, though I guess the shock ending makes up for that a bit. The cena match was ok, nothing great I thought. Big show getting thrown over the top rope was about the only great things for the over the top rope match and the diva match. I enjoyed the show over all.

Watching raw now, what a reaction from the crowd to bryan.
Who the hell is Metsfan4ever?
They wouldn't have had the 21-1 graphic ready if it wasn't supposed to happen.
Metsfan is someone who knows someone in wwe or he works there I forgot which one. The interesting bit was the 2007 bit and how ready undertaker was for it to end.

They wouldn't have had the 21-1 graphic ready if it wasn't supposed to happen.
Yeah im not arguing with that
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Yeh watching it, I got no indication that taker losing wasn't meant to happen. The delay in music and all that I felt was more for effect with the crowd
What about it?
It clearly wasnt botched.
If taker was struggling and was supposed to win, the match wouldve ended with the tombstone which was 30 seconds before the F5

Taker said something to Brock as he was lifting him up. Brock reversed and landed the F5.
Taker didnt land on his head after that 3rd F5 either. It was his shoulder/side.

It was supposed to happen.

It was supposed to happen but Taker got a concussion about 2 mins int the match which made the entire match crap.

I only watch 1 wrestling show a year to see Taker. no more. :(


From his last promo on Raw: "Every man's heart one day beat its final beat, his lungs breathe their final breath."