Television Tho Prop Grops Throps

On a side note, this may be the first benifit of ending the streak - Heyman claim to being "The manager who's client ended the streak" has now rubbed off on Cesaro - maybe it was a clever move after all.
I don't normally do Main Event, but I may have to just this once, Shield Vs Wyatts
On a side note, this may be the first benifit of ending the streak - Heyman claim to being "The manager who's client ended the streak" has now rubbed off on Cesaro - maybe it was a clever move after all.

I said something similar earlier.

Hrs already referred to himself as the mastermind behind breaking the streak twice tonight.
Well they've mentioned Taker there, looks like we will have to wait at least a week.
This has been one of my favourite Raw's in AGES.
Agreed, always enjoy the one the night after Mania but honestly, may be my favourite Raw in years - spot on, it has a fresh feeling to it, like it has a direction that is new and exciting.

Looks like The Shield may help Bryan retain here - this should be fun.
Having not watched wrestling in years, enjoyed last nights and tonights viewing. Although it appears these are the exceptions rather than the norm.
Having not watched wrestling in years, enjoyed last nights and tonights viewing. Although it appears these are the exceptions rather than the norm.

Last nights was alright, not in the same league as years ago imo, and tonights has been pretty dire imo :s Fueds dont seem to be as... intense as before, like these fueds could end pretty quick and everyone moves on.
Building to an Evolution vs The Shield fued.
It looks like it is heading that way and it feels like the late 90's again where there was a clear alliance between most of the heels and faces.

You have Evolution/Authority Vs Bryan, The Shield and The Uso's. Titles involved on various levels and having a group of bad guys vs group of good guys dynamic provides lots of opportunities for different match-ups etc. Reminds me when the had a month or two in early 2000 of DX and The Radicals up against Kane, Taker, Rock, Foley and Too Cool.
So Steph did hurt her ankle last night.
BOOM! Take that HHH! That one who speared him looks like a proper animal! Reckon he'd be who I followed if I watched this regularly.
Bryan and the shield as the good guys and HHH and co as the baddies? This has turned into a decent show after all. Even though no taker :(

Man, imagine the taker in charge of the shield !!
BOOM! Take that HHH! That one who speared him looks like a proper animal! Reckon he'd be who I followed if I watched this regularly.
Reigns, all 3 of them are fecking mint but he is the one supposedly who is going to be the focus in the future.

Now may be a good time to get back into it. The oldens are fading out and you have a new generation headed by Bryan, Cesaro, The Shield and The Wyatt's - just got to hope things are booked right but the current roster has so much potential.
BOOM! Take that HHH! That one who speared him looks like a proper animal! Reckon he'd be who I followed if I watched this regularly.
No no no, the current trend is to only like the skinny guys with attitudes, ala Punk.

Or to only like heels, and hate faces.

EDIT: Jericho was always my fave, so pot, kettle, black, etc.....
Wouldn't matter? DQ's means the title doesnt change hands anyway? Or has that changed?

I know but usually they'd announce it at least. Ref should have rang the bell as soon as Reigns speared Triple H. Not important anyway.
Honestly one of the best Raw's in years...what the feck is this crap on SS3?