Television Tho Prop Grops Throps

If it is true Sting has a one match deal, then I couldn't see him losing either, But I also cannot see Taker wrestling again

While I think there were various reasons for ending the streak I think one of major contributing factors was/is finally having Taker vs Sting without the streak on the line. Taker always wanted the streak to end before he left and letting Sting end it adds nothing, whereas Lesnar can use it moving forward to put over younger talent.
Most of it was the pre-match promo last night, but with the title win added.
I guess we got a new heavyweight champion folks. I cant see Triple H losing to him twice in two days.
If Triple H, Orton and Batista do have a mini-Evolution reunion, Evolution Vs The Shield would be effin fantastic to see.
Still have no idea what it says at the starts of Cena's entrance theme..."Grrrrrrab a door!"
What? Where?

Edit: See it now :lol: how awesome would it be if it were him just randomly sat there!

He's got previous!
feck Daniel Sturridge.
Christ the autocorrect of f*ck to feck is super shit.
Paul Heyman strikes me as a guy, even outside of WWE, you'd just hate to talk to and want to punch in the face constantly.