Television Tho Prop Grops Throps

That segment was awesome:lol:

You can only laugh at the possibility of HHH winning the belt. It would be the most hilarious thing ever, although obviously not happening.

I wish HHH had been like this a lot sooner. He's such a good heel.
I'm a Bryan mark, but the thought of HHH winning at Mania is priceless.
I love troll HHH... he's the best version of Triple H.

To be fair, that Bryan vs HHH match needed something to make it a little less predictable... and that was the best way to do it.
Maybe Orton should just do all his promos mid-match. That seems to be when he's most entertaining, shouting random stuff at the crowd.
This Raw has been damn good.

With Heyman/Undertaker up next and all the big names having been out, absolutely no idea what the main event is.
With Punk gone, I'd say you could easily argue that Bray Wyatt is easily the best promo in the company at the moment. I'm into absolutely everything he says.

I can see Bryan and hhh ending in a draw and it being a fatal four way

I was thinking this too... but then again, the last Fatal 4-Way Mania Main Event was a bit of a disaster.
Imagine if they re-did 2000 with the heel Champion retaining at WM in a Fatal four way and then Bryan finally winning at the next PPV with the help of a returning babyface (Punk). :drool:

Although I've changed my mind now, with HHH and Steph finally acting like the despicable heels they should have been all along, I think Bryan will get his WM moment.
Give Bray everything he wants. What a character, one of the best in a long time. Bryan should win the title at Mania and then eventually feud with Bray, who's already beaten Bryan cleanly and it'd make for an awesome story.

Oh and Stephanie McMahon is a bloody brilliant heel right now.
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Any promo on Cena is boring as feck since it's essentially a rehash of any promo from like 2005. How this is still going is beyond me. His heel turn best be genius.
I can see Bryan and hhh ending in a draw and it being a fatal four way

I was going to post exactly the same thing.

I can see it being a double DQ and then Hogan coming out and making the main event a fatal four way.
With Punk gone, I'd say you could easily argue that Bray Wyatt is easily the best promo in the company at the moment. I'm into absolutely everything he says.

Can you help me out? It's just a load of cryptic riddles to my ear. Occasionally he says some cool stuff, but for the other 90% of the time it just seems very "the hills will cry when they see the fear of a thousand eyes cheering..." and I'm just sitting there like "erm... okay..."
It seems CM Punk is really gone for good.

I thought for sure he would be back after a week or two.

Also why did Paul Hayman do that promo on him? And now they've gone back to not mentioning him again?