Absolutely crapping it and loving it!
I like your suggestion, first match at Mania Vs HHH. DBD wins but after the match gets beat down with a sledgehammer or something like that. Against the worst odds DBD still competes in the main event and wins. Rumours are tonight Hogan involved being the host or guest GM tonight somehow and we get Kane v DBD. DBD wins is in the main event, we get a great moment with him and Hogan at the end of Raw. DBD/Hogan Vs the Authority. I actually wouldn't mind that either.
I know most people don't have much faith in WWE now but I think they will get this one right. Orton v Batista would go down like a fart in a lift. 2 things will happen we get DBD in the main or they hide the title match. Have Lesner v Taker end it, DBD v HHH before that with Orton v Batista 3rd from the end. The reaction to both over past weeks is telling. Not just the "IWC" but the chants every week. Can you imagine the crowd reaction in New Orleans if that was the main event? If you thought the chanting at the Rumble during Cena/Orton was bad this would be on another level. WWE can't risk that.
Oh great, SuperBryan.