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I'd say he's looking his age, but he's not. He looks twice his age. Poor guy could be playing for Lazio under 17's
Well, at least this host probably isn't going to make the show all about himself, and then have terrible matches at the next two Wrestlemanias.

He isn't, is he? Guys? :nervous:
Cesaro is awesome. Really hope he and Raines are the 2 guy's to make it big out of this new generation.
That beard could just add to Takers character.

Speaking of golden oldies, Hogan has been announced as the host of WMXXX.
MoneyMay said, I think everyone is trying to pretend it's all imaginary.

We can all imagine Monday can't we? Zeb cutting a promo in the ring with Cesaro and Swagger, Real American hits on the titantron, out he comes, cuts corny promo based around the "Real American" term and proceeds to destroy all of Cesaro's momentum that's been built up over past couple of months with a big boot and a leg drop
Firstly bad news - Jake the Snake apparently diagnosed with cancer, only a month before going into the HoF too.

Secondly, not staying up for EC tonight but hope things get kicked up a gear over the next few weeks heading towards Mania.
Elimination Chamber predictions.

Orton will probably win. I expect Cena to be cost by the Wyatts in some way. Still hope Bryan wins. WWE may be worried of another RR reaction so give him the win or book it some way so he gets inserted in the main event at mania. Kane costing him or something.

Part of me still thinks lesnar will be in the chamber match. Reckon he'll take out Christian.

Wyatts will go over Shield. This match will be the beginning of the end for the Shield. Ambrose to somehow cost them victory by tagging himself in when Reigns is about to spear Bray.

Couldn't care less about the other matches. Reckon Santino will win.
Before the Rumble I remember there a few people made predictions on who would win, etc so thought I would do the same before EC.

Not watched since the Orton vs Cena Raw but kept updated.

Rhodes vs Ryback/Axel : winner = Rhodes Brothers
Big E vs Swagger :winner = Big E
Usos vs NAO : winner = NAO keep the belts.
Titus vs Darren Young: winner = Titus O'Neill
Batista vs Del Rio : winner = Batista
Wyatts v Shield : winner = Wyatts
Elimination Chamber : winner = Orton with Bryan getting screwed by someone from the authority.

Feels like a predictable PPV. Would love to be surprised but I think all of the big moments are being saved for tomorrow when this big Raw to promote the Network kicks off.
Can't disagree with you there. Maybe Rybaxel will win the pre-match show, but other than that it's fairly straight forward.

Absolutely no way that Alberto beats Batista. Be amazed if I saw anyone predict that on any site.
Rhodes vs Ryback/Axel - with Goldust turning heel leading to a match at Mania
Big E vs Swagger - maybe this can become a meaningful feud, but no sense in putting the strap on Swagger.
Usos vs New Age Outlaws - Rematch at Mania with Usos getting the titles
Titus O'Neill vs Darren Young - could be a decent match with straightforward outcome. Young put out a good promo on Tout.
Batista vs Del Rio - boring.
The Wyatt Family v Shield - Dean Ambrose gets greedy again and somehow causes his team the match. Triple threat Shield at Mania with Reigns getting the win.
Elimination Chamber: Orton AND Bryan (here's to hoping for some kind of double-pin; simultaneous pin/tap-out finish with Bryan going into Mania main event).
Looking forward to the show tonight. Shield/Wyatts should be immense and the Chamber is always fun and should be even more so considering the lineup this year. Tag Title match should be pretty good too, Uso's are fantastic for the most part. Not overly interested in the other three, IC Title match might be decent and I'm interested to see if Lesnar shows in the Batista match or tonight at all.

Network Launch in the day tomorrow, hopefully be getting it once it's confirmed you can get it on DNS.
The IC match was great.

Anyone else think Barrett's podium is "stuck" for storyline reasons? Keep him low down so a face can attack him?

I guess the Shield will start to cave in properly on RAW?

It turns out that Ambrose was never injured, but left of his own accord because Bray has swayed him. Ambrose grows an awesome beard (in a night) and joins the Wyatt Family, leading to the greatest team promos of all time.
No doubt what so ever that the WWE will be throwing Lesnar or Bryan into the title match. Orton/Batista on their own would rank up there as one of the worst title matches in recent Wrestlemania and anybody with any sense knows it'll get shit all over by the crowd on the night. They've got no real choice but to put Lesnar or Bryan in to save it, I expected Lesnar but feck knows who that leaves for Taker.

I had Cena facing Taker but now it looks set for Wyatt/Cena instead. That alone pretty much leaves Bryan and Lesnar as the only viable options for Taker unless they did the absolute unthinkable (you know who), which we all know they won't with the short time they've got left to build.
The reaction by Michael Cole and The King at the end pretty much confirm Bryan in the main event at mania. They did a good job sounding pissed off. No way are we getting Kane v DBD.

Mania 30 looking at:
Batista v Orton v DBD
Taker v Lesner
Cena v Brey
Reigns v Ambrose v Rollins
Cesaro involved in a big match
Fatel four way for the tag belts.
Maybe if Punk returns we get Punk v HHH

Could be a great Mania. Not a lot of big names but a lot of the young talent in big spots.
I did not watch EC. Got a long day at work now.

Checked the results and I got every prediction right down to the ending of the main event. That's how predictable WWE is. Read the EC match and Wyatts vs Shield was good and Batista got booed after his win.

Now, Raw should be very good as they are pulling out all the stops for the NEtwork. Hopefully they find a way of changing the main event for Mania.
Heard the tag match was very good, not surprisingly.

They need to get Bryan into the title match by any means necessary - a roster mutiny, winning the title on raw, running a Kane/HHH gauntlet at WM...however, but Batisa v Orton will get shat on.

Think I'll stay up for Raw tonight, looks like some major stuff could happen.
The reaction by Michael Cole and The King at the end pretty much confirm Bryan in the main event at mania. They did a good job sounding pissed off. No way are we getting Kane v DBD.

Mania 30 looking at:
Batista v Orton v DBD
Taker v Lesner
Cena v Brey
Reigns v Ambrose v Rollins
Cesaro involved in a big match
Fatel four way for the tag belts.
Maybe if Punk returns we get Punk v HHH

Could be a great Mania. Not a lot of big names but a lot of the young talent in big spots.

How are they going to get Bryan in the title match now?

Didn't win Rumble, didn't win at Elimination chamber last night so to me if they do put him in, it will just feel they've shoe-horned him in there instead.

What are they going to do? Just have someone come out and announce he's in the title match like how he was anointed by Cena?

Being gifted a title shot does Bryan's underdog character no favours because instead of earning it through hard work, he gets it on the whim of someone else.

If anything it should be Triple H vs Bryan at Mania with the stipulation that if Bryan wins, he gets inserted into the main event.

Two birds one stone, he gets his revenge on HHH, fans get to see their favourite wrestler twice in one night and he ends the night standing tall as WWE champ.
I can't remember the last time I saw a match that I actively wanted to rewatch... however, when I get home tonight, that's exactly what I'll be doing with Shield vs. Wyatt's. I loved everything about it.
How are they going to get Bryan in the title match now?

If anything it should be Triple H vs Bryan at Mania with the stipulation that if Bryan wins, he gets inserted into the main event.

Two birds one stone, he gets his revenge on HHH, fans get to see their favourite wrestler twice in one night and he ends the night standing tall as WWE champ.

I like your suggestion, first match at Mania Vs HHH. DBD wins but after the match gets beat down with a sledgehammer or something like that. Against the worst odds DBD still competes in the main event and wins. Rumours are tonight Hogan involved being the host or guest GM tonight somehow and we get Kane v DBD. DBD wins is in the main event, we get a great moment with him and Hogan at the end of Raw. DBD/Hogan Vs the Authority. I actually wouldn't mind that either.

I know most people don't have much faith in WWE now but I think they will get this one right. Orton v Batista would go down like a fart in a lift. 2 things will happen we get DBD in the main or they hide the title match. Have Lesner v Taker end it, DBD v HHH before that with Orton v Batista 3rd from the end. The reaction to both over past weeks is telling. Not just the "IWC" but the chants every week. Can you imagine the crowd reaction in New Orleans if that was the main event? If you thought the chanting at the Rumble during Cena/Orton was bad this would be on another level. WWE can't risk that.