Television The Professional Grappling Thread

Rhodes' vs. Shield was great. Go out of your way to watch that and only that. Really great stuff.

The opening match was okay, but Del Rio automatically makes me disinterested in anything that he's involved with. Not that he isn't a very good wrestler - because he is - but yeah, I just find him so uninteresting... and as such I wasn't a fan of the opening match.

The main event was good until the finish, which made it shit, everything else was terrible. Ryback is a truly awful wrestler - Big E Langston should have had that spot.
Thought it was good barring the Del Rio match. Can't be bothered with either him or RVD
Are they just waiting for Cena to return before doing anything meaningful to the Heavyweight Championship?
Are they just waiting for Cena to return before doing anything meaningful to the Heavyweight Championship?

I do worry with the unclaimed WWE title they are just waiting for him to return. I'd prefer him to go into the WHC picture.

Even if they don't put him straight into the title picture I see him returning and winning the Rumble.
Are they just waiting for Cena to return before doing anything meaningful to the Heavyweight Championship?

It's been relegated to secondary status for the best part of 3 years, Jack Swagger was in the World title match at WM, nothing to do with Cena.

I do worry with the unclaimed WWE title they are just waiting for him to return. I'd prefer him to go into the WHC picture.

Even if they don't put him straight into the title picture I see him returning and winning the Rumble.

Yeah they're probably not going to leave the title unclaimed until the Royal Rumble.
The guy is out injured for months, he's not around, you got your wish, someone else has been given the ball, yet still the John Cena doom mongering and paranoia.
"Oh Roman Reings hasn't lost a one on one match in a state beginning with 'P'". "They must be saving the defeat for John Cena's return". Grip, get one....
It's been relegated to secondary status for the best part of 3 years, Jack Swagger was in the World title match at WM, nothing to do with Cena.

Yeah they're probably not going to leave the title unclaimed until the Royal Rumble.
The guy is out injured for months, he's not around, you got your wish, someone else has been given the ball, yet still the John Cena doom mongering and paranoia.
"Oh Roman Reings hasn't lost a one on one match in a state beginning with 'P'". "They must be saving the defeat for John Cena's return". Grip, get one....

By no means do I think the title will remain open until the Rumble, but with Cena having been out for months by then I have no doubt they'll push him. If they had some real balls they'd make him the face of the company and align with HHH, but let's be honest, he'll likely return beat the new corporation and then go back to the same stale character he's been for years.
Bryan is 7/2 with sky bet to win, worth a punt??

Ridiculous how * Santino Marella and The Great Khali vs. Jack Swagger and Antonio Cesaro is now on main card yet Ziggler v sandow is on kick off show

That's crappy WWE booking as usual.
By no means do I think the title will remain open until the Rumble, but with Cena having been out for months by then I have no doubt they'll push him. If they had some real balls they'd make him the face of the company and align with HHH, but let's be honest, he'll likely return beat the new corporation and then go back to the same stale character he's been for years.
You don't know that, WWE has been in excellent in the last few months, enjoy it, Cena's not around. Let it go.
You don't know that, WWE has been in excellent in the last few months, enjoy it, Cena's not around. Let it go.

I have found it very boring recently. Far too much HHH, having no champion, the burying of great talents like Ziggler, Sandow and Cesaro, a couple of really crap PPVs back to back.
What an absolute shit ending to the main event.

I'm not being funny, I couldn't give a flying feck about the Big show or his 'situation' What do care about is the epic wrestling match between Orten and Bryan. great match, ruined by a bullshit story.
I have found it very boring recently. Far too much HHH, having no champion, the burying of great talents like Ziggler, Sandow and Cesaro, a couple of really crap PPVs back to back.

I dunno about Cesaro being a great talent.... Seems like one of those names that gets thrown around whenever someone goes on a "WWE isn't pushing these 'insert several names nobody really cares about '" tirade.
I dunno about Cesaro being a great talent.... Seems like one of those names that gets thrown around whenever someone goes on a "WWE isn't pushing these 'insert several names nobody really cares about '" tirade.

He's an absolutely fantastic wrestler. Several of the TV MOTYs have involved him (vs. Kingston, Zayn, Bryan).

Wish I could share some of the best matches I've seen from him, but I can't find any of them online :mad:
Cena isn't going to be there. I bet Del Rio "wins" by forfeit, is smugging it up in the ring when Mysterio's music hits. Mysterio comes out, says something like "you know full well Cena is injured, you despicable vagabond, now I shall challenge you to fisticuffs!"
Cena isn't going to be there. I bet Del Rio "wins" by forfeit, is smugging it up in the ring when Mysterio's music hits. Mysterio comes out, says something like "you know full well Cena is injured, you despicable vagabond, now I shall challenge you to fisticuffs!"

Don't think they could do that, could they? Advertise Cena and then say "Nah, he's actually injured."
Cena seems to have confirmed it on Twitter.

For feck's sake, John, take some fecking time off.
Cena comes back still not fully fit, Del Rio beats on Cena's arm re-fecking him over, Cena somehow wins and Sandow cashes in by taking advantage of the groundwork laid out by Del Rio with Cenas arm? Cena then apologises on Twitter, wasn't ready to come back but just couldn't help it, couldn't stay away from the WWE Universe he loves so much, etc etc etc?
I dunno about Cesaro being a great talent.... Seems like one of those names that gets thrown around whenever someone goes on a "WWE isn't pushing these 'insert several names nobody really cares about '" tirade.

I think he's class, personally. If he was a Paul Heyman guy, he could really go far. They should have picked him over Ryback. Ryback has no personality, barely gets a reaction and can't wrestle.
I dunno about Cesaro being a great talent.... Seems like one of those names that gets thrown around whenever someone goes on a "WWE isn't pushing these 'insert several names nobody really cares about '" tirade.

Nah, he's class mate. One of the best matches this year contained Cesaro. He was against Bryan. He'll get a push next year.
Nah, he's class mate. One of the best matches this year contained Cesaro. He was against Bryan. He'll get a push next year.

With the swing move I see a Cesaro face turn in the near future. That spot is getting pops even though he's heel.

He's really good in the ring, just a shame his mic skills aren't the best which is why they've lumbered him with Zeb Colter is the most contradictory team ever. Personally would have preferred him to be the next Heyman guy over Ryback.
With the swing move I see a Cesaro face turn in the near future. That spot is getting pops even though he's heel.

He's really good in the ring, just a shame his mic skills aren't the best which is why they've lumbered him with Zeb Colter is the most contradictory team ever. Personally would have preferred him to be the next Heyman guy over Ryback.

I'd have prefered Moppy.

Spot should have gone to Big E or Wade Barrett in my opinion, though Cessaro would have been grand too... anyone but bloody Ryback. The only person who makes me not care more is Del Rio.

RAW sounded pretty decent from last night... John Cena returning is mental. There's no way you can fully recover fromthat sort of operation in 2 months... he's either on something, or just insane... either way, he can't be 100%, and not only that, but it's setting a bad precedent for other guys who get similar injuries who don't miraculously return within half the expected lay-off time.

I'm not hating on the guy, as I would rather Cena be around, especially at the moment, but yeah...
I'd have prefered Moppy.

Spot should have gone to Big E or Wade Barrett in my opinion, though Cessaro would have been grand too... anyone but bloody Ryback. The only person who makes me not care more is Del Rio.

RAW sounded pretty decent from last night... John Cena returning is mental. There's no way you can fully recover fromthat sort of operation in 2 months... he's either on something, or just insane... either way, he can't be 100%, and not only that, but it's setting a bad precedent for other guys who get similar injuries who don't miraculously return within half the expected lay-off time.

I'm not hating on the guy, as I would rather Cena be around, especially at the moment, but yeah...

Both good on the mic though. Heyman's being used as a mouthpiece to get over guys who are shit on the stick.

I'm not buying this Cena return. Del Rio will either take out Cena with the arm bar leading to some sort of run in, or Cena will get a cheap victory with Sandow cashing in on him. I think they want to put the strap on Sandow but can't have him cash in on another heel.
It's been relegated to secondary status for the best part of 3 years, Jack Swagger was in the World title match at WM, nothing to do with Cena.

Yeah they're probably not going to leave the title unclaimed until the Royal Rumble.
The guy is out injured for months, he's not around, you got your wish, someone else has been given the ball, yet still the John Cena doom mongering and paranoia.
"Oh Roman Reings hasn't lost a one on one match in a state beginning with 'P'". "They must be saving the defeat for John Cena's return". Grip, get one....

I've nothing against Cena, from all accounts he comes across as a class human being. I also think he's underrated in the ring and capable of doing some excellent work. But the treatment of both the championships has been a bit weird. It's also strange that Cena just strolls in and gets a championship match against ADR.
I think getting Cena to return in a WHC feud would be great for the belt. It's been a after thought for so long. The last genuine main eventer who held it was Orton. Del Rio has been champion for most of this year and despite being a very good worker he hardly gets any reaction as a face or heel, so working with Cena will also be good for him.

Can't see it being anything but good for the likes of Bryan, Orton either as everyone knows the WWE title is the bigger one.

Everyone always says Cena is the main event match, whether he is the champ or not, so at least if he is feuding over the WHC, that title gets elevated.
It's for sure got to be a Del Rio armbar on the injured arm, fecks it up, Cena wins somehow and then Sandow cashes in on Cena with the injured arm leading to Sandow as the heel champion, Cena having to go off again and then Sandow can fued with Cody or Ziggler if Cody ends up tagging with Dustin. I just can't fathom how Cena has recovered in 2 months.
It's for sure got to be a Del Rio armbar on the injured arm, fecks it up, Cena wins somehow and then Sandow cashes in on Cena with the injured arm leading to Sandow as the heel champion, Cena having to go off again and then Sandow can fued with Cody or Ziggler if Cody ends up tagging with Dustin. I just can't fathom how Cena has recovered in 2 months.

Stop copying my posts or I'm telling.
Who you calling pal friend??

Both good on the mic though. Heyman's being used as a mouthpiece to get over guys who are shit on the stick.

I'm not buying this Cena return. Del Rio will either take out Cena with the arm bar leading to some sort of run in, or Cena will get a cheap victory with Sandow cashing in on him. I think they want to put the strap on Sandow but can't have him cash in on another heel.

Disagree, Heyman is being used to elevate talent more these days - not just be a mouthpeice. His most succesful runs have been with Punk and Lesnar - two people who don't need to be carried on the mic (though I suppose Brock does because he's not around). He's getting guys over by association, and that's something that Barrett and Langston could definitely have used.
I think you'll find, pal that you copied my 4.11am post. ;)

I'm not your pal, buddy :p.

Who you calling pal friend??

Disagree, Heyman is being used to elevate talent more these days - not just be a mouthpeice. His most succesful runs have been with Punk and Lesnar - two people who don't need to be carried on the mic (though I suppose Brock does because he's not around). He's getting guys over by association, and that's something that Barrett and Langston could definitely have used.

Disagree re Brock, he's generally awful on the mic. Excpet the "Paul say something stupid" line in the SS buildup.
I'm not your pal, buddy :p.
