Television The Propgropthrop

News had broken that they were both leaving the company and they got serious heat from the crowd because of this.


But more significantly, news had got out that Lesnar had accepted an offer to try out for the NFL and the fans shit all over the match and chanted 'you sold out' throughout the whole thing.

But more significantly, news had got out that Lesnar had accepted an offer to try out for the NFL and the fans shit all over the match and chanted 'you sold out' throughout the whole thing.

Yep the fans were proper wound up. It didn't help that it took about ten minutes before they stopped looking at one another and started wrestling either.
The one slightly good thing about that match was Goldberg hitting a Military Press into a Spear.
Bryan is 7/2 with sky bet to win, worth a punt??

Ridiculous how * Santino Marella and The Great Khali vs. Jack Swagger and Antonio Cesaro is now on main card yet Ziggler v sandow is on kick off show
Looks fairly crap to me. Seems like one of those PPV's where the main event will end in countout/DQ.

Yeah that's kind of what's putting me off - back in the day when I was young and full of energy (about 4 years ago) I'd easily stay up on a Sunday and get up for work fresh as a daisy. Nowadays if I stay up it affects me for the full fecking week :lol: and I don't want to sit there at 4am and think "well that was shit, oh and i've got to be up in 2 and a half hours"
Watching this in bed, we'll see how long I last.

I'm predicting A Ricardo heel turn to re-align himself with Del Rio here.

Dusty :lol:.
Not watched the PPV but just seen a GIF of Cesaro performing the giant swing on Khali. Very impressive spot.
I'm going to watch it later, but I've heard good things about the Rhodes/Shield match.
That was the only great match in the PPV. Pretty disappointing really.

Reviews I have read all rate the opening matches as decent and the Rhodes match as good.

Seems to fall down with Ryback vs Punk and the ending to the main event, not that it was a especially well booked PPV to begin with.

They need a good Raw to keep this main event angle going and to salvage it for Hell in a Cell. The TV shows since Night of Champions has been pretty boring/average when it was consistently good throughout the summer and in the build up to Night of Champions following Summerslam.
Reviews I have read all rate the opening matches as decent and the Rhodes match as good.

Seems to fall down with Ryback vs Punk and the ending to the main event, not that it was a especially well booked PPV to begin with.

They need a good Raw to keep this main event angle going and to salvage it for Hell in a Cell. The TV shows since Night of Champions has been pretty boring/average when it was consistently good throughout the summer and in the build up to Night of Champions following Summerslam.

The opening was decent. Don't know why Ziggler isn't being pushed. Does anyone know why he's not receiving a shot at the WHC? The Del Rio and RVD match was good, but the former has been a poor champion. He doesn't have the appeal that one would want... He's been champion for too long.

Best match was the Rhodes one. In my top four matches of 2013. Excellent all round. Divas match was alright, better than I expected. Punk and Ryback was awful really, and not because of the match itself, but how the match ended. Ryback is a new Paul Heyman guy, he has to pick up the win, there's really no need for Punk to win.

The ending was disappointing. For a new PPV, you simply can't finish it off like that. There's nothing that happened that I didn't know of. Another interference... I suppose it means things will finally be settled at Hell in a Cell. My only concern with this storyline is that Orton and Bryan are cogs.
I thought all the matches bar the last 3 were great. Fast paced and explosive, until we got to Punk/Ryback, Kofi/Bray and Bryan/Orton which were all underwhelming. I did like the end to Bryan/Orton though. It starts to make Show relevant again, it wasn't the right time for Bryan to win, he doesn't look weak by having Orton beat him and it keeps the feud going til HIAC.