Television The Propgropthrop

I'm not your pal, buddy :p.

Disagree re Brock, he's generally awful on the mic. Excpet the "Paul say something stupid" line in the SS buildup.

No way! He used to be awful back in 200whatever, but now he's far more competant - I'd say good in fact. He has a great cocky swagger about him and it makes you believe what he's saying, and he has no problems at all with is delivery. His video promo in the lead to Summerslam is easily one of the best promos of the year so far.

Sorry brah.

No way! He used to be awful back in 200whatever, but now he's far more competant - I'd say good in fact. He has a great cocky swagger about him and it makes you believe what he's saying, and he has no problems at all with is delivery. His video promo in the lead to Summerslam is easily one of the best promos of the year so far.

It was good but got the impression he was reading it off an autoque.
It's for sure got to be a Del Rio armbar on the injured arm, fecks it up, Cena wins somehow and then Sandow cashes in on Cena with the injured arm leading to Sandow as the heel champion, Cena having to go off again and then Sandow can fued with Cody or Ziggler if Cody ends up tagging with Dustin. I just can't fathom how Cena has recovered in 2 months.

It's a possibility. They could have easily have done a Sandow cash in with the hardcore match on Sunday though.

If Cena is not healed up sufficiently to wrestle they are also taking a huge risk booking him against Del Rio, even for one match, at Hell in the Cell.

By Hell in the Cell it would be close to 3 months since his last match and he was expected to be off for 4-6 months. If they don't have him wrestle on TV but just on PPV for the rest of the year, his second match would be within that schedule(Survivor Series).

Either way, Sandow is so ill prepared for a WHC run after his terrible post money in the bank booking, it's going to be weird seeing him as champion after Cena has held the title(for however long) or Del Rio who has beaten all of the upper mid card faces.
Cena always comes back early though, it's not very surprising.

He does and it's no surprise to see him working a PPV match. However, this was a legitimate bad injury and he's getting to the age know where all those quick returns and past injuries catch up with you. Only so many times you can comeback ahead of schedule.
Perhaps they'll book the match for ppv buys and at some point during the ppv, they'll find him unconcious in the vack after some sort of attack, then they can do a 'who done it' type storyline until he actually returns.
Cena's injury was only a partial tear of the triceps and nowhere near as bad as first thought. Sandow might well still cash in but he's probably back full time after HIAC which is about the time Bryan should be finished with Orton and Punk should be finished with Heyman.
This Big Show storyline bores the shit out of me.

I didn't care when they did it with Nikoli Volkoff in 1994, I didn't care when they did it with Shawn Michaels in 2007 and I don't care now!
Does wrestling still have good music ? I remember they always used to have awesome nu-metal-ish/rock songs for their big events, the RAW IS WAR theme used to be epic too. Plus you'd get Stone Cold, D-Generation X, Undertaker, Ultimate Warrior, Legion of Doom etc, all having epic songs.
Does wrestling still have good music ? I remember they always used to have awesome nu-metal-ish/rock songs for their big events, the RAW IS WAR theme used to be epic too. Plus you'd get Stone Cold, D-Generation X, Undertaker, Ultimate Warrior, Legion of Doom etc, all having epic songs.
Few good songs, nothing like back then.
Pure Nostalgia here, watching the undertaker in the process of making a casket for Kamala :lol: AWESOME AS feck! I want to be 6 again :( 92 was a good year for wrestling!
Undertakers casket match with Yokozuna, epic as fook after the match is over, remember seeing this as a kid and being hyper for fecking weeks!!
Pure Nostalgia here, watching the undertaker in the process of making a casket for Kamala :lol: AWESOME AS feck! I want to be 6 again :( 92 was a good year for wrestling!

It really wasn't.

The WWF was just getting over the steriod and sexual harrasment controversies that cost Vince alot of money, WCW was being horribly mis-managed for the first time anjd Hogan was still on top of the world, trying to keep Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels etc down the card.
It really wasn't.

The WWF was just getting over the steriod and sexual harrasment controversies that cost Vince alot of money, WCW was being horribly mis-managed for the first time anjd Hogan was still on top of the world, trying to keep Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels etc down the card.

Yeah, but if he was a kid at that time I doubt any of those issues really bothered him. It's only when wrestling fans grow up we all become cynical bastards about the backstage politics, even though we don't really have a clue what's going on!
Yeah, but if he was a kid at that time I doubt any of those issues really bothered him. It's only when wrestling fans grow up we all become cynical bastards about the backstage politics, even though we don't really have a clue what's going on!

We do with those particular issues, a little look around youtube shows a couple of in depth interviews with Vince and documentaries that examine the issues in depth.

But that wasn't the point i was making anyway, the cost of those scandals had put Vince on the back foot and as a result the product suffered.

You're right though, as a kid none of that would have bothered him, I look back at '94 with similar fondness and looking back now it was just as bad as '92
Meanwhile around 20 years later :p , Hell in a Cell is tomorrow night. Anyone planning on watching it? I was probably going to stream it regardless, but I am actually looking forward to seeing the tag team title match, as well as the WWE title match.
Meanwhile around 20 years later :p , Hell in a Cell is tomorrow night. Anyone planning on watching it? I was probably going to stream it regardless, but I am actually looking forward to seeing the tag team title match, as well as the WWE title match.

I'll be up for it, its my birthday tomorrow and day off on Monday. Be rude not to really.
HBK v HHH at Wrestlemania. It's all set up for it to happen I reckon. Probably ending with HHH officially ending his wrestling career and a standard HBk/HHH hug.

A) And all along, it was Mark's wig that would be split.
B) World's Strongest Haircut
C) WWE sign Rick Ross

Multiple choice joke response there.
After thinking about it, I actually think Orton should (and will) win tonight. He will win based on Bryan looking strong on both RAW and Smackdown this week. He should win because I think Bryan's title win at this point will have such little impact (due to the previous ridiculous false finishes) that putting the belt on him now would be pointless, and also in doing so, Orton will end up looking incredibly weak (3 PPV loses in a row?!).

I'd have HHH screw Bryan out of the title... Byran face Trips at the December PPV for a chance to be in the Rumble, then Bryan to win the Rumble to face either Cena or Punk at Mania for the title.
Think it's nailed on that Shawn will turn heel and help Randy win the title.
Think it's nailed on that Shawn will turn heel and help Randy win the title.

Would they do that finish again though? Triple H was the special ref at Summerslam and said he'd call it fair, like HBK, but then cost Bryan the belt.

Not very inventive from WWE if they do it over with Michaels.