Television The Professional Grappling Thread


Ryback is absolutely shite on the mic. They need to get him a manager

He's improved, but that isn't saying much at all. Most fans don't seem to have the time of day for him, no wonder though it's hard to believe he will win the title when he's lost every big match he's competed in. Creative didn't need to turn him heel, there is a lack of faces in the upper card and now he's almost completely irrelevant. The goldberg chants are getting louder every week too which is not doing anyone any favours.
Even WWE have picked up on it.

WWE Universe ‏@WWEUniverse 27m
Man Utd's legendary manager Sir Alex Ferguson retired today. If he's not busy, Sir Alex could make a great @WWE Superstar mgr!
Ryback is absolutely shit in every way. He can't talk and he can't wrestle. They built him up at the start like a monster but then had him lose every meaningful match and now it's just not believable that he can win anything.

I went to a recent house show in Dublin and Cena was the headline v Ryback. It was horrendous. It was awkward and there was no fluency, it was easily the worst match.

On the other hand, they are burying Cesaro and he is a proper beast. He is class and he is a superb wrestler. I cannot understand why they have turned him into Zac Ryder.
rofl yes. the only promo that comes close to a steiner one. slightly ruined by the plonker interrupting in the middle of it. should of just let lethal and flair go at it.
Steiner’s maths promo (at work, otherwise I’d stick a video in here) is actually THE greatest promo of all time. Better than Punk’s pipebomb, better than Foley’s “cane dewey,” better than Austin 3:16, better than Dusty Rhode’s “hard times” promo. It is a work of art that wouldn’t be out of place in television or film.

Normally if you go one-on-one with another wrestler you have a fifty-fifty chance of winning. But I'm a genetic freak, and I'm not normal. You've got a 25%, at best, of beating me. And then you add in Kurt Angle to the mix, your chances of winning drastically go down. See, the three-way, at Sacrifice, you have a 33 and 1/3 chance of winning, but I got a 66 and 2/3 chance of winning, cause Kurt Angle knows he can't beat me, and he's not even gonna try. So Samoa Joe, you take your 33 and 1/3 chance, minus my 25% chance, and you've got an 8 and 1/3 chance of winning at Sacrifice. But then you take my 75% chance of winning, if we was to go one-on-one, and then add 66 and 2/3 percent, I have 141 and 2/3 percent chance of winning at Sacrifice. You see Joe, the numbers don't lie.

- Professor Scott Carl Rechsteiner

Just…stunning. Brings a tear to my eye, la.
Love it. I just absolutely love Scott Steiner though, guys nuts.

I love that Lethal/Flair one just because both seem to be having such a great time doing it. You can see them both almost laughing numerous times. Brilliant.
Dunno if any of you watch NXT (you should, it's usually good), but the last episode (one of the exceptions) features perhaps the worst promo of all time between Adrian Neville and Bo Dallas.

Seriously, it is fecking painful. Bo comes across as an arrogant prick, even though I'm sure he's meant to be face, neither of them are looking at each other, so there's the impression that they're reading from cue cards just off camera, and the delivery is so slow and oddly timed that it's just possible the cue cards are written in really bad hand-writing.

I very nearly cried watching it.
Dunno if any of you watch NXT (you should, it's usually good), but the last episode (one of the exceptions) features perhaps the worst promo of all time between Adrian Neville and Bo Dallas.

Seriously, it is fecking painful. Bo comes across as an arrogant prick, even though I'm sure he's meant to be face, neither of them are looking at each other, so there's the impression that they're reading from cue cards just off camera, and the delivery is so slow and oddly timed that it's just possible the cue cards are written in really bad hand-writing.

I very nearly cried watching it.

Bo Dallas? Awful? Nah, you must be mistaken.

Please say that his brother did a promo to make up for it? I may have even watched this NXT if it's the one with the tag title match?
Cesaro lost again on raw?:confused:

What the feck are they doing with him? I hope this is the start of a real big push for him even if it looks increasingly unlikely
Dunno if any of you watch NXT (you should, it's usually good), but the last episode (one of the exceptions) features perhaps the worst promo of all time between Adrian Neville and Bo Dallas.

Seriously, it is fecking painful. Bo comes across as an arrogant prick, even though I'm sure he's meant to be face, neither of them are looking at each other, so there's the impression that they're reading from cue cards just off camera, and the delivery is so slow and oddly timed that it's just possible the cue cards are written in really bad hand-writing.

I very nearly cried watching it.

The one where Bo is telling him how Cena always says Never Give Up? I agree. His character does come across arrogant. I think he said at one point 'You know who John Cena is right... winner of the 2013 Royal Rumble... the same Royal Rumble I qualified for?'
Read on another forum that they're impressed with Generico but want him to calm the spots and bumps. He can even cut a promo!
Please say that his brother did a promo to make up for it? I may have even watched this NXT if it's the one with the tag title match?

I refuse to believe that he and Bray Wyatt are related by blood.

Bray cut two promos! The second, a backstage one with Corey Graves, was actually very good.
Ahhh didn't realise he was on NXT already, don't watch it any more.

Don't like that name, but it's far from the chunder they've come out with recently.

Brilliantly comfortable in front of the camera, has to be said.
I refuse to believe that he and Bray Wyatt are related by blood.

Bray cut two promos! The second, a backstage one with Corey Graves, was actually very good.

It's almost unfair how Bray got ALL of the talent in that one.

If Bray cut two promos and only one was very good I'd be very shocked, and assume he had a very bad day at the office.
Dunno if any of you watch NXT (you should, it's usually good), but the last episode (one of the exceptions) features perhaps the worst promo of all time between Adrian Neville and Bo Dallas.

Seriously, it is fecking painful. Bo comes across as an arrogant prick, even though I'm sure he's meant to be face, neither of them are looking at each other, so there's the impression that they're reading from cue cards just off camera, and the delivery is so slow and oddly timed that it's just possible the cue cards are written in really bad hand-writing.

I very nearly cried watching it.

I didn't think Neville was that bad, at one point I was certain the look on his face screamed "why the feck do I have to work with this twat?".

fecking hate Bo. He certainly seemed a heel throughout it. I'm really looking forward to Corey vs Bray next week.
Don't knock Fandango. Quality performer who's making the best of a bad gimmick.

Bray is stuck because of the Shield, basically. They're not going to bring a group up straight after but the Wyatt Family need keeping together really, so that the whole cult leader thing comes across right, rather than having one guy one his own talking as a preacher.

It's unfortunate, but it's a risk you take with having the Shield around. Bray is still VERY young though at 25, so I wouldn't worry too much about him being wasted. When the times right he's going to set the roster on fire. I'd worry more about the likes of Kassius Ohno.
Meh, Fandango is at very best mediocre. The gimmick is fecking awful though. Doesn't have the personality either.

I get you on the groups deal, and as you say, he's young.

Kassisus Ohno, another godawful WWE name, should be in the main roster though, shame about the delay in signing him.
Meh, Fandango is at very best mediocre. The gimmick is fecking awful though. Doesn't have the personality either.

I get you on the groups deal, and as you say, he's young.

Kassisus Ohno, another godawful WWE name, should be in the main roster though, shame about the delay in signing him.
I watched the Stone Cold Steve Austin dvd when it came out and one of the names that was suggested to him was 'Fang McFrost' :lol: