So looks like Samoa Joe wins tonight and MJF takes some time out to heal from his injury. I’d bet my house on it especially after MJFs piece (
I suspect he will go on the shelf for a while and the will he, won’t he about his contract will rumble on (I think he’s already re-signed but this will be the angle along with his injury). In the meantime Joe will take the title and someone like Strickland will be written in to the challenge along with Osprey in February. Unsure where Wardlow fits in mind as he was written back in to feud with MJF and has been built up to be unstoppable.
The biggest question tonight is who is the devil and who are their men? It seems likely Adam Cole playing the long game with Roddy and the rest.
Dynamite main event was awful though. Dropping the RoH tag titles like that and to a pair we don’t even know has clearly been shoehorned in. I guess because MJF is going away for a while so they needed to get rid before tonight.
I will give AEW a bit of a pass though as the injury to Cole totally derailed the story and now with MJF injured it feels like they’ve had to try and throw something together or rush it through.