Television The Professional Grappling Thread

Katie Vick was certainly a very, very low point - but that hand birth was...

Yay my favourite ever Bret Hart!!!

... just ridiculous, how did they come-up with that? Giving birth to a hand??
Man, they struggled badly trying to fill 3 hours for a special show, gonna be hysterical to see them trying to do it on normal Raws. Pretty weak, bailed on the Cena turn, though we knew that, WWE hasn't really been creative in ages.
Where the feck was Austin? How could they have Raw without him being involved?

Ending was better than I expected.
Where the feck was Austin? How could they have Raw without him being involved?

Ending was better than I expected.
Austin is currently filming Grown Ups 2.

Man, they struggled badly trying to fill 3 hours for a special show, gonna be hysterical to see them trying to do it on normal Raws. Pretty weak, bailed on the Cena turn, though we knew that, WWE hasn't really been creative in ages.
To be fair, it is a wrestling show after all, if you're struggling to fill time just put Tyson Kidd out there with Ziggler and that's half an hour of pure gold.
I'm delighted with the Punk turn. He's good in that role, but will be great now that he has a higher profile. If Cena is going to be tied up with TBS, I wonder who is next for Punk. Does it go back to DB as he is effectively a face anyway?

Punk v Rock would be class. I hope they don't make it Cena v Rock again.
Ok, this show featured:

DX. All of both versions. (One pornstar exception, admittedly)
Brock Lesnar brawling with HHH
Return of the Brothers of Destruction
Daniel Bryan and CM Punk in the ring with the Rock
Punk's turn.

And many more. But the thing about this show I will never forget:

Mae Young's Son.
Why does Heath Slater deserve Lita's tits in his face but I don't?

Excellent ending. A multidirectional clusterfeck. Pleased about a Punk turn, him and The Rock will be great. Surprised they gave the first ever failed MITB cash in to Cena. :lol: Even Jerry Lawler says 'superman Cena.'
Just finished watching it... I'm not sure if I can call the show "great", but it was certainly a lot of fun, and pretty noteworthy.

  • DX open was fun... love the fact that Damien Sandow got to interact with them. I'm a big fan of that man.
  • Mae Young's son was a legitimate laugh-out-loud moment... and then I almost instantly became depressed about what I was actually laughing about.
  • Trish looked amazing... I liked the call back with her and Trips, that was fun.
  • Wedding was meh... not up there with the wedding greats of the past, but not bad either... I like having AJ as RAW GM, she's been excellent the past few months and is pretty over, so it's a good move.
  • Bryan/Rock/Punk interaction was great... Bryan is on-fire at the moment, and I think the WWE recognise it, as he got a lot of face time on this show.
  • Bryan vs. Sheen... meh, at least it's big exposure for Bryan.
  • Trips/Heyman/Steph/Lesnar was overly long... and didn't have enough Brock, but served a purpose at least.
  • Kane & Taker was fun for a nostalgia pop
  • Heath Slater is fantastic.
  • That Clothesline from Hell looked incredibly stiff.
  • Decent little match from Punk and Cena given the time they got...
  • Superb turn at the end... true it would have been more interesting had it been Cena, but a Punk turn is still something. It looks like a full blown heel turn... though I think it could be pretty great if it was just a return to an edgier "feck the system, and feck John cena" CM Punk...
  • Also, The Rock coming back for one night and putting over CM Punk was class. The Rock sold Punk's clothesline as if he'd been hit by a bus.
You forgot to mention Sean Mooney!!

Oh of course! fecking loved the Sean Mooney appearance... even if he did only got to say 3 words.

Ha, didn't Miz win the IC title as well? Totally forgot about that... complete after-thought, fitting for the I.C Title these days really.
Yes he did; after Bret's passionate introduction of him :lol:

Nice reaction also when Bret mentioned Mr Perfect :cool:
I fell asleep at the start of the Cena Punk match and woke up to The Rock delivering a spinebuster to Show. Needless to say I hadn't a fecking notion what was going on. Off to watch it now.
Where I want the AJ GM thing to go: Every week, she picks an opponent who is supposed to embarrasses Daniel Bryan and every week, Bryan comes out angry as feck, attacks his opponent and makes them tap like a bitch. Leading up to a SS Match with someone like Kane to put him over.
My greatest ever Raw moment.

Can someone please, please help me get started? I know WWE is very entertaining and engaging but I don't know where to start, what to watch etc...

A quick guide perhaps?

I don't follow it but I know The Undertaker, The Rock, Stone Cold something etc.. Bret Hart from when I was a kid.

Really though, you don't need to watch anything seeing as many of the storylines going right now aren't particularly long or complicated and there's normally a recap/explanation of what's already happened before each segment.
Can someone please, please help me get started? I know WWE is very entertaining and engaging but I don't know where to start, what to watch etc...

A quick guide perhaps?

I don't follow it but I know The Undertaker, The Rock, Stone Cold something etc.. Bret Hart from when I was a kid.

Watch the Monday night wars DVD and leave it at that
Show was really bad. As a normal RAW it would have been below average, but for the SUPEREPICBESTTHINGYOUVEEVERSEEN 1000th episode, it was just really really bad.

Some of it was fun, like the midcard nostalgia fest, but none of the matches were good, the Triple H/Paul Heyman promo was bad, and not even in a funny way, The Rock is back, they wasted Undertaker's return on a pointless segment, and it all felt slammed together at the last second. If this is what they do for the important three hour RAWs, I'd hate to see what the normal ones are like.
There are only 3 divas I ever liked and this episode had all 3. Shame they werent on for longer.
Lita :drool:
I kind of agree with Minkaro here. For me this was an average show bar the end (which I'll get on to):

  • DX opening segment: cool, not that funny IMO. I would've liked to have seen Lesnar come out in this segment instead of having HHH on twice. Also XPac's voice was completely mashed!

  • 6 man tag match: On the whole, pretty poor. There were some really obvious botches in there. The only saving grace was the continuation of the Ziggler/Jericho feud. Extremely excited for that!

  • Mae Young's son: LOL!
  • Trish Stratus: Yum!

  • DB/AJ Wedding: Seriously, AJ as GM? Didn't know what to make of that. I suppose I was hoping for a Ric Flair/Stone Cold return so I was only going to be disappointed. We'll see how it goes.

  • Punk/Rock/DB: Meh, Rock's promos have deteriorated quite a bit. There was too much silence in this segment for my liking.

  • Miz wins IC title: Possible face turn coming? I'm glad he won. Hopefully he can spruce up the IC title some.

  • Lesnar/Heyman/HHH: Only good thing about this segment was Stephanie McMahon. She's still got it! Otherwise, the segment ended just the way anyone would have predicted.

  • Heath Slater/Legends segment: I've come round to Slater. He used to annoy the hell out of me but I think he's grabbed his given opportunity with both hands.

  • Brothers of Destruction: Predicted this as soon as Kane came out. I liked it! Although at the end I was expecting one of them to chokeslam the other, the way they were just standing about. But the ending with the Kane and Undertaker taunts was awesome too.

  • CM Punk vs. John Cena: So Cena goes down as the first not to win the championship from cashing in MITB contract. Who would've thunk it? I'm glad they didn't have Cena beat Punk cleanly. I'm even more glad (and surprised) at the CM Punk heel turn! Excellent ending to an all-round average show. I think the turn was executed perfectly, CM Punk sold the conflict very well. In the end it came across like he did what he could to keep his title. Can't wait for the continuation of this storyline.

That post was a bit long but overall I'd say that the 1000th episode was OK but nothing more. It had some great moments but it didn't hold together as a coherent episode. Nonetheless they have a lot to build on, so let's hope they do it justice!