Television The Propgropthrop

Can someone please, please help me get started? I know WWE is very entertaining and engaging but I don't know where to start, what to watch etc...

A quick guide perhaps?

I don't follow it but I know The Undertaker, The Rock, Stone Cold something etc.. Bret Hart from when I was a kid.
The WWE Attitude Era DVD should be coming out soon. I suggest you obtain a copy and watch it. It should tell you all you need to know.
Thinking back on it, the best things about that RAW is that little thing Punk did before GTSing the Rock, it's far far better than that sleep mime he used to do.





This one nearly gave me a heart attack:
Thinking back on it, the best things about that RAW is that little thing Punk did before GTSing the Rock, it's far far better than that sleep mime he used to do.

He was imitating the Rock wasn't he? Rocky used to do that to people all the time before he Rock Bottom'd them.
The AJ segment literally had my jaw dropped. Probably one of the freshest things that has happened in a while, now watch them feck it up.
Alright... which one of you feckers is this :lol:

Check my post made at 11:32 this morning, then check the post made on that page at 12:05... what an odd post to copy!

I'm registered on there, but I think the continuing absence of Sean Mooney should prove it wasn't me :lol:

Odd thing to copy though, that's an opinion-type of post. I once transcribed in the transfer forum here a statement by Stewart Gardner on MUTV about how Guitan was not and never was a target for us, and later spotted that copied in a few other places like it was the original of those posters, but not seen anything like this :wenger:
It's a bit bizarre really... it's probably a lurker, or just someone who never posts in this thread, but yeah, just a very odd thing to do.

Oh and if you're registered on there, you should definitely pull him up on it :devil:
I'm on a bit of a Rock binge after this RAW, and in particular his fantastic selling for Punk. I always loved how he sold the Stunner, and just generally most moves in particular.... came across this YouTube video as a perfect example. Watch it from 4:30...

Thought Raw was pretty good last night. The General Manager segment was brilliant, and they just about managed to save the ending after the Big Show looked as if he was away to ruin it.

Trish and Lita :drool:

On a completely unrelated note, one of my mates randomly brought up Muhammed Hassan yesterday. He was a brilliant heel, and it's a shame how it ended for him. Get him back.
Thought Raw was pretty good last night. The General Manager segment was brilliant, and they just about managed to save the ending after the Big Show looked as if he was away to ruin it.

Trish and Lita :drool:

On a completely unrelated note, one of my mates randomly brought up Muhammed Hassan yesterday. He was a brilliant heel, and it's a shame how it ended for him. Get him back.

He was fantastic. Yes please.
Shame there was no stone cold, that was the only part missing from a very blackflashing raw.

How great did Lita look by the way? she pulled that moonsault off like she only stopped wrestling yesterday. Oh and shes alot hotter than i remembered :drool:
Lita is back dating CM Punk apparently. We might get to see more of her.

The Rock's selling of Punk's move was class. He still has it. He'd even give Ziggler a run for his money in that department.

The Clothesline from Hell was always one of my favourite finishers. That one of Slater was fantastic.
I'm on a bit of a Rock binge after this RAW, and in particular his fantastic selling for Punk. I always loved how he sold the Stunner, and just generally most moves in particular.... came across this YouTube video as a perfect example. Watch it from 4:30...

That clip reminded me of how much I loved the look of the big gold belt. Does anyone know why the WWE version was made smaller? It looks like a cheap copy. I'm hoping after the Punk heel turn he might finally unveil the new belt they apparently have.
I didn't realise the band who did the (pretty annoying) RAW 1000 theme song, are also the band that do Alex Riley, The Miz, and Dolph Ziggler's theme songs.

This suprises me, as I dislike all of those songs... apart from Dolph's, which is probably my favourite theme in the WWE at the moment.
Which incidentally was also by the same band... I thought that was okay, but I really like the one he has now. Mainly due to the opening "I'm here to show the world" ... which is a great opening beat I think.
Well that wedding was about as silly as I expected. I'm just glad that AJ is slightly less annoying than she was when she got kicked off of NXT
Here's Kurt Angle being all Olympicy and shit, because why wouldn't you want to watch that?

So, it's the build up to one of the biggest shows they'll have this year, and... The stage has been set on fire by dodgy pyro.

Arena being emptied it seems, unverified so far but would be so WWE.
So, the dark show due to start in 20 minutes (ish), going live in 50 minutes and none of the crowd are in, and the fire service are still on stage.

They must be going to extreme measures to prove they can't do 3 hours.
Interesting thought, which some randomer on the internet mentioned, what if this fire is kayfabe/worked shoot and it's just a way to debut Dean Ambrosse. Or perhaps just a "trying to kill the company" type storyline?
WWE Announces John Laurinaitis' Resignation As VP Of Talent Operations

old news or new news, whatever news its good news.