Television The Propgropthrop

WWE officials have reached out to numerous former talents in recent months for tonight's Raw celebrating 1000th episodes. The following former WWE Superstars have been confirmed as being in St. Louis, Missouri, site of tonight's epic show:

* Billy Gunn

* Bob Backlund

* Bret Hart

* Diamond Dallas Page

* "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan

* Jim Ross,

* John "Bradshaw" Layfield

* Lita

* Mae Young

* "Mean" Gene Okerlund

* Mick Foley

* Psycho Sid

* Road Warrior Animal

* Ron Simmons

* "Rowdy" Roddy Piper

* Ryan Shamrock

* X-Pac

With Road Dogg already a WWE employee, I'm chuffed to see Billy Gunn and X-Pac on that list.

Oh you didn't know!!!
With Road Dogg already a WWE employee, I'm chuffed to see Billy Gunn and X-Pac on that list.

Oh you didn't know!!!

as a road agent Road Dogg has to be there, the appearance of them two on the list has me prematurely marking very hard.

Ladies and gentlemen boys and girls, children of all ages, Degeneration X proudly presents to you, the soon to be taggggg teammmm champioooooons of the worrrrrrrrrrrld!

The Road Dogg Jessie James, the Bad Ass Billy Gunn, THE NEW AGE OUTLAWS!

And if you ain't down with that, I got 2 words for ya!


I mean seriously, who else could get the crowd this hot as heels?

Just getting caught up on Smackdown
was anyone else expecting Sheamus to call Rey Mysterio "little fella" like he does with Hornswaggle?
as a road agent Road Dogg has to be there, the appearance of them two on the list has me prematurely marking very hard.

Ladies and gentlemen boys and girls, children of all ages, Degeneration X proudly presents to you, the soon to be taggggg teammmm champioooooons of the worrrrrrrrrrrld!

The Road Dogg Jessie James, the Bad Ass Billy Gunn, THE NEW AGE OUTLAWS!

And if you ain't down with that, I got 2 words for ya!


I mean seriously, who else could get the crowd this hot as heels?

2:01 the old woman singing along :lol:
Apparently when Punk and a few others got to the Airport in St. Luis one of the fans went all psycho confronting CM Punk, leading to Punk throwing the guys backpack in the trash.
As much as I'd love to see the New Age Outlaws do their old school entrance, I do worry about the crowd reaction and how much they'd know to sing along.

We all know the majority of the audience now is kids.
Few more spottings, only one of which is actually worth spoilering really.

Ric Flair

Green Day (potential live performance of new Raw theme song)

Also; Trish is almost certainly not there, and while Austin and Edge haven't been spotted, both are expected to be there.
Yep, I hope they do their old entrance then I hope Lesnar comes out and destroys them all, to set up his match at Summerslam. The undertaker is apparently going to be there as well.
I'm going to guess that the undertaker sets up a match with the rock at WM.

I really hope we see Stone Cold in some sort of segment with Vince culminating in a stunner and beer bath.
I swear, at least three quarters of every "wish" I've seen for RAW has revolved around Lesnar killing somebody. At this rate, if the internet gets its way, RAW will just be three hours of Lesnar storming about the building killing people.

I'd watch.
Not basing this on any info, but spoilering anyway. Would LOVE to see Regal made GM, and Ambrose to "sabotage" his crowning.

Also, am I the only fan who really doesn't want to see Lesnar back? Paul Heyman yes, Lensar no.
I swear, at least three quarters of every "wish" I've seen for RAW has revolved around Lesnar killing somebody. At this rate, if the internet gets its way, RAW will just be three hours of Lesnar storming about the building killing people.

I'd watch.

A bit like Kanes' infamous night of destruction? Would make an interesting one at the moment.

Not basing this on any info, but spoilering anyway. Would LOVE to see Regal made GM, and Ambrose to "sabotage" his crowning.

I posted that it could work and I'd like that only yesterday (I think it was yesterday), would be a brilliant move to get two of the better talents high up the roster.

Also, am I the only fan who really doesn't want to see Lesnar back? Paul Heyman yes, Lensar no.

Love Heyman, Lesnar is one of the most impressive athletes I have ever seen, however his body can't really hack it to be anything more than an occasional performer, unfortunately. He provides ample brawn to Heymans brains.
Thought maybe I'd read that on phelan, but I'll give you the credit. Thing is, any chance creative would be that bold?
They seem to have been building for this show forever, hell even MitB was building up to this, so they must have some BIG plans, what's bigger than that?

Do remember, Punk, Bryan et al have been lauding Ambrose for ages, and who better to help bring him through than Regal? The man is all that is good about the business, he could get me over.
Right, I'll be avoiding this thread until late tomorrow night, will start the download in the morning and watch it after the gym tomorrow evening. Enjoy it folks!
Yeah, from now on RAW starts at 1

Also, i've looked around a bit and it seems there will be a RAW Pre-show. Unless they've for some reason plugged it at the very last minute but from what I gather it'll start on youtube in 12 minutes.
Well I'm doing nothing tomorrow, so I'm here all the way till 4am. I have a Masters degree you know :o