Television The X Factor 2011

I haven't been watching X-Factor in full... the housemates always have it on though, so just tend to catch chunks of it from time to time... and from what I've seen, can I ask what the feck people see in that Little Mix group?? To my ears, they started off utter shite and have been consistant in that goal... yet they're still in it somehow??

Also, they all look like they've been run over by a milk float.
Clearly piggy is the best looking left in the competition




Anyone who disagrees is a fool I tell thee, a fool.

Now bow down before me and apologise for doubting me eye for talent. :cool:
The blonde (second to the right) is the most attractive, followed by the one in the red dress on the right.
Songs (Guilty Pleasure/Heroes Week)

Amelia Lily – China In Your Hand & Since You’ve Been Gone
Janet Devlin – Mmmbop & Under The Bridge
Misha B – Girls Just Wanna Have Fun & Killing Me Softly

Little Mix – Baby & Beautiful

Marcus Collins – I’m Your Man & Lately

So ballad/upbeat song (not necessarily in that order) then.
"You know what, we just had so much fun tonight. And that's what Little Mix is all about, just having fun"

What is that even supposed to mean? What does that have to do with their talent or performance? Are we supposed to be judging contestants on how much fun they are having? In that case, bring back Frankie and let him go on stage with a big bag of coke and a bunch of his fangirls.
Weak performance...lacking the fun factor...and doesn't know the words

Painful viewing
Think, Hanson were hated at one point, mmmbop was better than anything the Jonas Brothers or Julian Beirbar has ever done.

Also, Janet has mmmdied on stage.
"I didn't forget the words, I felt like I was going to throw up"

So not only is she a bad performer, she is a liar. You forgot your words, and not for the first time. Just admit it.
fecking usless pathetic ginger bitch, get rid of her, forever i dont even want to look at her ever again she makes me feel sick the ignorant slutbag

Relax geez.

I can guarantee half of you lot ripping her now were among those ***ping to her voice when she first auditioned.

admittedly that was an overreaction, but she is ginger so its acceptable
Janet was dreadful. She says she was ill, but she's been that bad from the start.