Television The X Factor 2011

I will pay all of my money for a remote control that signals out Kelly Rowland, and just mutes her on TV.
Now that Kitty has gone, Misha is the only one left who can sing.
But he says it with unnecessary smugness and arrogance. He was positively radiating it when telling Janet how bad she was.

Rowland is fit though, so she's excused surely!

Gary - along with the others - raved about Janet's first audition, but I thought it was dire. She's improved since then I suppose, but can't understand how he can criticise her now, whilst thinking the first audition was something special.

Her voice irritates me - especially on the M&S ad.
Gary - along with the others - raved about Janet's first audition, but I thought it was dire. She's improved since then I suppose, but can't understand how he can criticise her now, whilst thinking the first audition was something special.

Her voice irritates me - especially on the M&S ad.

What did you think was so bad about her first one? I thought she was absolutely fantastic, she was so different to the usual X Factor singers they get on this. Why she's changed away from singing how she did in that audition I don't know.
Amelia has a habit of doing this extremely annoying facial expression - like an ageing American porn star overacting on orgasm. And she looks really tacky.

Just feck off, basically.