Creator of the Caftards comics
I can understand his frustration when his books start appearing in bookstores featuring artwork of The Witcher 3 on the cover. He knows there are a lot of ignorant people out there who play the game but don't know the books exist, or think the books are based on the game's success. Geralt is his character and now he sees the video game creators reaching a far wider audience than he ever could and getting all the credit, no matter how honest and respectful their intentions.
But yes there is certainly a generational thing, he doesn't like video games in general and doesn't appreciate them. He considers the medium far inferior to classical literature. Typical ignorance on the matter of a man his age, I can't really blame him.
I wouldn't say ignorant is the right word in the first case. Unaware is what I'd say.
In the second case I would say it is. I've met numerous snobs from writing, tv and films in the course of making games, people who think because it's a new medium to them it doesn't matter. One would think creative types would jump on any chance to express themselves and ideas and tell their stories to reach new people, but meh, what do I know.