Started a NG plus playthrough (my third), and it's instantly striking just how phenomenally well made this game is. I've just played Assassin's Creed Odyssey and while I couldn't be bothered with that that after ploughing through 30 odd hours, I actually felt they pretty did a pretty darn good job of copying the Witcher 3 to the tee. From the story being 'a search', to the world, to the combat to the RPG elements. It really was Assassins Creed: The Witcher Edition. But depsite this terrific copy paste job of one of the greatest games of all time, the impact it had on me was miniscule. And after playing the Witcher 3 for only a few hours I realise why - the writing. The writing and the feel of the game. But mostly the writing. The writing on the Witcher 3 is downright absurd. Within the first few hours - lady with a missing pan, the pellar, nilfgardean Garrison, the interaction at the White Orchard pub. The dialogue is just perfect. And the other takeaway is the feeling of being Geralt. The graphics of TW3 are somewhat dated on a technical level to the likes of Odyssey and RDR2 but the feeling of being Geralt, in this world, in this story, with that music, in this combat system, is fanstastic.
So yeah, needless to say I'm quite enjoying my third playthrough. On a side note, White Orchard is smaller than I remember it being.