Television The Wire

I noticed it straight away (the different versions of the song) because I'm binge-watching it. I wonder if it took some people a while in real time.
I remember I noticed instantly as well, simply because I started to adore the season one intro. The show is so damned good that even the opening credits were enjoyable! Jealous of you, you've got some great viewing ahead.
Yeah, I constantly tell people they earned that buck like a mother fecker.
"The man said if you wanna shoot nails, this here's the Cadillac, He meant Lexus but he ain't know it" Loved that scene
I loved it, but then I do wonder if I'm being influenced by all the "love" (from people that have seen it already)?

I'm constantly being reassured how good everything's going to be … so how can it not FFS!

I can imagine it might have been hard to get into the show the first time around as people didn't have access to the viewing options they do now ;). Had they then, perhaps more of the people that stumbled onto it may have had a chance to backtrack and catch up, rather than dropping it in confusion!

It was ahead of it's time i guess I'm saying.

I watched it in 2009 (which was when season 5 was wrapping up) after my then girlfriend insisted heavily. Before then my best friend had told me it was the bees knees, as well as a few friends of mine that work in TV and editing and who generally never steered me astray. I tried watching it, but found myself half-way through season 1 and couldn't see what people were so worked up about. It wasn't until aforementioned girlfriend gave me a strong push that I restarted the show from the first episode, and gave it a serious shot... and like I said, it took me until half-way through season 2.

I got no excuses except that I didn't have that much experience with shows that start slow and that build slowly without spoon-feeding you.

Thanks to shows like the Wire, though, I now find myself intrigued when a show doesn't try to hook you straight away :)
Just started Series 3 Episode 1 … my life man :p

Love the Neville Brothers, saw them live in Camden Market with Carlos Santana at the start of the nineties (yeah. I'm old).

Need to know, is the fly important (like a metaphor for a bug or something) about 40 minutes in? Got up and tried to swipe it away a few times until I realised that it was camera-side. feck knows what it must look like on a huge screen :lol:
You know what I like most about the was up on Under Armour, before anyone knew Under Armour existed. It's all Sydnor wore from like season 1. I know people who think it only started out about 3 years ago.

Still dislike the muddling that is season 5, though theres good in there, not a massive fan of the ultra slow start to season 3 and again a few subplots that fall just a little flat for my liking. But you 1,2,4...and the tail end of 3 are almost perfect, so who cares. I mean if I thought 5 was that bad, I could skip it like I do with other shows where I'll just end the rewatch where I think it should end, but it's still completely necessary for the complete arc - lot of key stuff there. Just the more I watch it, the more I despise the stuff everyone dislikes season 5 for.....well the main thing, even if Simon does try and paint over it intelligently with a purpose for it all.
Season 5 is definitely the weakest of the show but it's still better than 99% of other television, and benefits from repeat viewings where your expectations aren't as high as coming off the brilliant season 4.

It also features Gus, who is brilliant.
Season 5 is definitely the weakest of the show but it's still better than 99% of other television, and benefits from repeat viewings where your expectations aren't as high as coming off the brilliant season 4.

It also features Gus, who is brilliant.

Yeah Gus is class.
I actuallly like season 5 a lot. It is more relatable to the current state of journalism and fake news. I am a sucker for any narrative with a crooked journalist angle. Makes it lot more easier for the viewer to draw parallels.
Season 5 is definitely the weakest of the show but it's still better than 99% of other television, and benefits from repeat viewings where your expectations aren't as high as coming off the brilliant season 4.

It also features Gus, who is brilliant.
Who's that? The African American reporter/Editor?
I think I've got to get viewing number 6 underway, it's been too long and the bumping of this thread is giving me an itch I can't scratch without getting back into it.
I liked every season, that includes the 5th. It was more goofy but still miles better than 99.9% of other TV shows + we got a great scene where McNulty has to explain himself to Rawls. :lol:
Who's that? The African American reporter/Editor?
I liked every season, that includes the 5th. It was more goofy but still miles better than 99.9% of other TV shows + we got a great scene where McNulty has to explain himself to Rawls. :lol:
I love every single Rawls/McNulty scene in it. Rawls usually scalps his arse though.
Rawls is brilliant. It was a bit of a shame they didn't make any more use of him seemingly being gay.
I can't remember any other scene apart from the first time you see him drunk and leering at the bar stragglers in the gay club.
That was the only scene, him randomly being sat at the bar in the gay club when brother mouzone's guy is looking for Omar iirc.
Rawls is brilliant. It was a bit of a shame they didn't make any more use of him seemingly being gay.

Personally I liked that they didn't make a "thing" of it, it was just a little detail about him that you'd never have guessed, and you get a little glimpse of the guy behind the professional asshole.

That was the only scene, him randomly being sat at the bar in the gay club when brother mouzone's guy is looking for Omar iirc.

Unless you count Landsman's snickering at the graffiti in the loo stating, "Rawls sucks cock" :lol:
Personally I liked that they didn't make a "thing" of it, it was just a little detail about him that you'd never have guessed, and you get a little glimpse of the guy behind the professional asshole.

Unless you count Landsman's snickering at the graffiti in the loo stating, "Rawls sucks cock" :lol:
Yep, we count that now.
Personally I liked that they didn't make a "thing" of it, it was just a little detail about him that you'd never have guessed, and you get a little glimpse of the guy behind the professional asshole.

Very true, but they weren't afraid of using an unexpected sexuality for Omar and it could have been interesting although in fairness nothing about the show should be questioned so I'll shut up!

Unless you count Landsman's snickering at the graffiti in the loo stating, "Rawls sucks cock" :lol:
Very true, but they weren't afraid of using an unexpected sexuality for Omar and it could have been interesting although in fairness nothing about the show should be questioned so I'll shut up!

Yeah, but Omar was a character that they followed, both out in the streets and at home. Rawls, on the other hand, was only a character insofar that other major characters interacted with him (or went to gay bars).

I'm sure in an alternate universe David Simon made the choice to show us more of the inner life of the likes of Rawls and Burrell. Would be damn interesting to know how that would look :)
Yeah, but Omar was a character that they followed, both out in the streets and at home. Rawls, on the other hand, was only a character insofar that other major characters interacted with him (or went to gay bars).

I'm sure in an alternate universe David Simon made the choice to show us more of the inner life of the likes of Rawls and Burrell. Would be damn interesting to know how that would look :)
You can see Rawls get up to all sorts of shenanigans in Borgia.
I think Landsman was horsing something into him every time he was sitting in his office. Hotdogs, burgers, burritos, crisps, sandwiches...
All while flicking through kebab monthly.
Oh yeah? That dude's lived a life. He got up to some shit in Oz, too.
Hang about. Who was he in Oz? Don't remember. Only seen it once (the whole series I mean) but I rate Oz as one of the best TV shows ever.
I think Landsman was horsing something into him every time he was sitting in his office. Hotdogs, burgers, burritos, crisps, sandwiches...
All while flicking through kebab monthly.

And keeping an open bottle of Pepto on his desk to wash it all down. That was gold.
So many levels for me to look forward to :drool:

Already planning a rewatch marathon. Complete series BluRay box set on order.

Question: Does anyone here from Germany know if the translation for all the street language stands up or not? Really want to watch with the missus (in original English with D subtitles) as she won't stand a chance with the English audio alone. Normally the translations of these things are so tame that they are pants - probably why most of these shows rarely do well over here.
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