Television The Walking Dead

I had a serious crush on her when she was in Prison Break, needless to say i got a boner looking at that love scene in the forest at the start of the last episode. I think she's fierce hot.

I didn't really get the same feeling, mostly because everyone, including Sarah Wayne Callies, looks a little starved. But that's just me.
Why would you put your crappy cop uniform on too? I'd have big feck-off shitkicker boots and all manner of pads and protection to prevent getting bitten and some sort of helmet too. I'd not go anywhere without a baseball bat and a machete at minimum. This lot are swanning about doing their laundry and catching frogs FFS without so much as a knife for protection!
he had it in his mind that his kid and wife were in the big city. Up till then he hadn't really seen THAT many zombies. At least nothing he couldn't navigate

I guess he would of been fine if he hadn't ridden so far into the city.

Why does everyone call them Walkers and not Zombies. I don't think any of them has referred to them as Zombies. Why does the term Zombies not exist in Zombie fiction universes?
I guess he would of been fine if he hadn't ridden so far into the city.

Why does everyone call them Walkers and not Zombies. I don't think any of them has referred to them as Zombies. Why does the term Zombies not exist in Zombie fiction universes?

Yeah.. just one time, I would like one of the people in the camp to suddenly turn around and go, "holy feck, these guys are zombies! This is the zombie fecking apocalypse!".

Maybe someone can even pull out the ol' Zombie Survival Guide. And another guy can cheerfully remark that at least they're not the 28 Days Later kind of zombies.
Yeah.. just one time, I would like one of the people in the camp to suddenly turn around and go, "holy feck, these guys are zombies! This is the zombie fecking apocalypse!".

Maybe someone can even pull out the ol' Zombie Survival Guide. And another guy can cheerfully remark that at least they're not the 28 Days Later kind of zombies.

Rule #1: Cardio
Rule #2: Double tap.
Rule #1: Cardio
Rule #2: Double tap.

I just saw that last night, being in dire need of a zombie fix :lol:

Just not enough good zombie material to go around... I'm dizzy with anticipation for the next episode, despite a couple of blemishes on its handling of an issue or three.
Presumably in this world there's no such thing as zombie films so they can't reference Romero or 28 Days Later and discuss the differences between fast-moving infected and shuffling brain-eaters.

To be fair, zombies aren't really brain-eating shufflers, more like trance-like servants of evil sorcerors. It's a mess alright.
Michael Rooker (Merle Dixon) was on NSFW Podcast a few hours ago and for one of the bits they called people who hadn't watched the show yet to have Michael Rooker berate them live on the air.
Why does everyone call them Walkers and not Zombies. I don't think any of them has referred to them as Zombies. Why does the term Zombies not exist in Zombie fiction universes?

Well I think the 'Walkers' name is probably referencing the comic material where the ‘Zombies’ are separated into two groups: Roamers (Walkers) & Lurkers. I don’t think any Lurkers have been involved yet, but basically they’re zombies that play dead until somebody reaches them! They’ll probably have another name for the Lurkers in the TV series too!
Thought it was a good 3rd episode, there was very little action or gore, mostly dialogue and it still kept me enthralled, which shows the quality of the writing.

It's nice to see Hollywood style zombie gore and special effects mixed with the superior quality of TV writers.
Yeah I think that was the purpose of the "you told me he was dead" line. I think it's mostly to try to paint Shane as maybe a bad guy. At least as far as the living go. Then again they have some other right dicks in the camp as well between the Dixon bros and that one guy that hit his wife. Maybe they just want to set him up as some sort of contrast with Rick, who at the moment is uncompromisingly good.

I'm interested to see how Lennie James's character gets back into the mix. Mostly because I feckin love Lennie James.

I didn't even realise that Morgan was Lennie James! :wenger:

Some tiny info on him getting back into the mix:
From what I can tell he won't return until the final episode of the series! :annoyed: It will be interesting to see how his return coincides with the comic material though!
I base my entire impression of Lennie James based on Jericho. The flashback scene where he just comes out of nowhere and softly tells his wife "Don't make a scene" is one of the greatest things I've ever seen. My roommate started calling him "Black McGyver" for some reason while watching that, so in my apartment he's collectively known as Black McGyver now, even though the name doesn't really make sense. I didn't even realize his name was Lennie James until watching The Walking Dead. But he's absolutely brilliant in the "badass who's just doing what he needs to do to survive" role.

He's amazing, and that's when my love-in with him started too, he made Jericho!

He's got a great presence about him, I hope they have a good role for him in this.
He's amazing, and that's when my love-in with him started too, he made Jericho!

He's got a great presence about him, I hope they have a good role for him in this.

Yeah he's great, I absolutely loved Jericho and it was basically all because of him, he just stole the show. He's also got a Morgan Freeman-esque voice which helps too.
Yeah.. just one time, I would like one of the people in the camp to suddenly turn around and go, "holy feck, these guys are zombies! This is the zombie fecking apocalypse!".

Maybe someone can even pull out the ol' Zombie Survival Guide. And another guy can cheerfully remark that at least they're not the 28 Days Later kind of zombies.

Considering the comic which the show is based on was written before that film (which then proceeded to rip it off) i seriously doubt that'll happen. Ever.
Yeah he's great, I absolutely loved Jericho and it was basically all because of him, he just stole the show. He's also got a Morgan Freeman-esque voice which helps too.

he was by far my favourite character in jericho, i also liked him in Snatch
28 days later had no zombies in the film.
Well I think the 'Walkers' name is probably referencing the comic material where the ‘Zombies’ are separated into two groups: Roamers (Walkers) & Lurkers. I don’t think any Lurkers have been involved yet, but basically they’re zombies that play dead until somebody reaches them! They’ll probably have another name for the Lurkers in the TV series too!

The undead?

Oh snap!
Well I think the 'Walkers' name is probably referencing the comic material where the ‘Zombies’ are separated into two groups: Roamers (Walkers) & Lurkers. I don’t think any Lurkers have been involved yet, but basically they’re zombies that play dead until somebody reaches them! They’ll probably have another name for the Lurkers in the TV series too!

There was one lurker in the second ep, in the tank.
and the guy at the dinner table is Lennie James, who was in Snatch and various tv dramas.

Looks as if he's still playing the same part as he played in Jericho. Nice to see a black English actor doing well in Hollywood.
.. Really? Maybe I need to re-watch that scene..

Edit: Nope, still have no idea what you're talking about :confused:

Really? I'm sure he moved! Can't be arsed downloading it again to be proven right/wrong. Maybe a third party can verify this? Are we really talking about the same scene? I'm 100% sure something happened inside the tank.
Really? I'm sure he moved! Can't be arsed downloading it again to be proven right/wrong. Maybe a third party can verify this? Are we really talking about the same scene? I'm 100% sure something happened inside the tank.

You're correct, Jacob. Rick pulled the gun out and the soldier woke up and turned his head and opened his eyes. Rick shot his brains out through the bottom of his mouth and then was stunned by the loud ringing noise from inside the tank. Then he climbed out the top of the tank to get away from the noise, saw more zombies coming and then closed the lid locking himself back in.

Although I'm watching the pre-aired version. I wouldn't know if they changed it when AMC aired it.
I enjoyed that. The forest was clearly a brilliant idea. I'm hoping they move away from the gay hippy commune now. feck me, it was almost Lost like.
They killed the wrong sister. She was kind of cute while the other is just annoying.
They killed the wrong sister. She was kind of cute while the other is just annoying.

I thought she was her daughter? actually, yeah she was her sister.

And I hope you're eaten alive by a gang of Finnish zombies one day.

Still lovin' it.

Liked that we finally got more to feed our understanding of how the zombie-stuff works, and how quickly they turn and all that. The ending was a right bastard, they know they can get us all itching for a fix through ending on a cliffhanger... arrgh... I wonder why the CDC chap wasn't keen on a bit of companionship? Also found the CDC's decontamination procedure a tad extravagant. Do they opt for explosions much in matters of epidemiology?

I also wonder when's the next time we'll see the ugly jealousy of the main character's wife's caretaker lover... I gave him a tad props for seeming to be straight up when the old man gives notice that he saw him aiming... and then he goes and blows it all with a fecking lame attempt at pretending to mistake what he was referring to.

Can't wait to see what happens next.