You’ll probably find
this relatable. Are you making any progress at all re next steps? Or are you still in limbo?
For sure. It's a messy situation, and it's one I did worry about even before joining the trial, and one I asked questions about - but we got assurances
No one can assure you that the vaccine (or whatever) that you're trialling is safe or efficacious - and that's the gamble you take when you volunteer. The idea that you're also gambling on the professional and manufacturing talent of the supplier, and the smooth running of the global supply chain, is the bit that feels harsh.
In January they were predicting approval and first shipments in April. In April when they started the crossover doses, they were saying "any time now". They're now saying sometime in Q3 - is that July or September or never?
I don't expect the MHRA or anyone else to approve it without a verifiable manufacturable process. I would like a more honesty about timings - from Novavax and the NIHR. And if I do have to gamble on taking a different vaccine on top of the Novavax then I'd like to know sooner rather than later.
The NIHR say they are negotiating a form of words that can go on the NHS app to say I'm fully vaccinated - and they expect to have that ready in June. The NHS however still talk about acknowledging trialists on the app "once a vaccine is approved." Which, if they stick to it, means no change in the UK until sometime in the indefinite future - which would feel very shoddy.
Once it's on the NHS App, my attention will of course return to EU recognition of vaccine status. If it starts to become the difference between PCR test or not, quarantine or not - then it's a really annoying problem.
In honesty if I could take J&J tomorrow, I would