The Trump Presidency - Part 2

Any evidence of this ?
Buddy, this level of sheer stupidity is on point in this country. An African American coworker of mine asked me about four weeks ago was Bill Clinton a Republican or a Democrat. For months he's been blowing the filthy trumpet, being very confident in his "research".
These people don't know the fecking basics of the relevant information they are arguing for or against, that also goes for a lot of the left over here.
He also said we would have the best economy in the world on day one. I hadn't the energy to go any further with him because I'm pretty sure he could tell me the date of "day one", never mind that it would still be Biden's economy.
It's staggering that so many make the choice to be ignorant. There is no excuse for that with the information available at our fingertips.
I had no interest in the fantasy fight last week except for Katie the fecking champ Taylor. I browsed for longer than I should on social media posts/comments regarding her fight. fecking destroyed my algorithm to the point that if a random person went through it they would assume I was Jake Paul's stalker.
We need another fairness doctrine implementation to curb this craziness. Especially with AI manipulation.
It's literally the guy's job to spam nonsense. An endless amount of likes and clicks for less than a handful of examples, and the people cheering believe they're not the morons.

Some examples are in that post but as others have seen and as have I, there have been numerous other people across different posts and other articles making the same mistake not knowing the difference in terms of healthcare.
Some examples are in that post but as others have seen and as have I, there have been numerous other people across different posts and other articles making the same mistake not knowing the difference in terms of healthcare.

Og course there will be examples, there are more than 300 million Americans.
What happened to the ethics report?
Part of me would be in support of that just to see the cluster feck.

Sadly enough this might be one the better outcomes. Giuliani has kinda lost it. He would be incompetent which would limit the damage he could do. Which is basically the hope for the Trump admin. That its super incompetent to do the dumb things they promised. The worst pick would be someone who is capable and driven as AG that could gut the justice department and leave loyalist there who could be MAGA's attack dogs on Trump's enemies