Ticket submitted 
Meanwhile it's taken me 2 days to add Greece in from scratch. #pro
Greece?? Tis no Sweden
And they closed my ticketSM said:Hi green,
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We have now reviewed this ticket and believe that there is no reported bug. Howeve we will pass on your comments to our development team to look nto
Soccer Manager
Server is newMobile app is working for me, although extremely slowly and buggy. But what's new?
Congratsfinally won a league.. just in the wrong game world.. mk 2
You've got back in then? Good.Forever 6th
You can have Kompany for Neymar if you win. Try my tactics, maybe you'll beat him 6-5.Put something on the table amigo.
Ah, too unfair to you.You can have Kompany for Neymar if you win. Try my tactics, maybe you'll beat him 6-5.
Thanks!@KN5 I know the issue. At some point you clicked on Actions>Offer To Clubs and offered him to Reading. That isn't a bid that Reading has made on Okazaki, just you offered him to Reading at some point and they haven't taken you up on the offer.
Here's me testing it out on Arsenal with Boateng:
Withdraw Offer means you withdraw the offer you put in place.
Hint: Ascacibar is already takenSM Forum said:What is happening with these updates?
Put a bid in for Santiago Ascacibar yesterday for 2.8million and he went from 82 to 86 on soccerwiki but hasn't changed on SM but still got accepted.
This surely means that I've just cheated the game so to speak because I already know what rating he's at, no doubt he should be costing me about 6 million. I'm surely not the only one doing this?
SM need to sort this asap!
Whoops, forgot to confirm. I'll go Pellegri
Added and no moreconstantly getting 502 bad gateway errors with this "new" server
if still possible I'd like to pick Ikone for the race to 90 challenge
WooooTips to earn easy money (while you still can)
Hint: Ascacibar is already taken
@syrian_scholes, Stobz won Bacca in a draft but didn't bid for him before he quit. If you want him, put the bid in (£14.2M)