To celebrate 10 years of Soccer Manager Worlds, we are offering members of our community one FREE Custom Game World. This is because we believe the best way to enjoy the game is playing in your very own unique Game World with your friends, family and work colleagues.
When you access your account a pop-up will appear advising you that we've added a FREE Custom Game World your account. This can be created at any time via My Game Worlds by clicking the Create button.
However, the following criteria must be met for your FREE Custom Game World to be created and remain open:
- The Game World must have at least 8 managers to unlock;
- Should activity within the Game World fall too low, it'll be closed but you'll be given enough notice and opportunity to invite new managers;
- If the Game World is populated with fake / inactive managers, the Game World will be closed.
We'll never close a Game World without good reason and will always give members of our community every opportunity to keep their Custom Game World open as long as they keep to the above criteria.
This FREE Custom Game World will be offered to our long standing members of our community first before it is rolled out to everyone going forward.
We hope that you enjoy your FREE Custom Game World.