Cider whilst your here.
Will you be looking to sell Adebayor when the loan expires?
Depends if I get a good enough offer or not.
Cider whilst your here.
Will you be looking to sell Adebayor when the loan expires?
Great, going to miss out on Moses as Sheff Wed's barged in late.
feck sake Moses is worse then Hazard for making a decision.
Hurry up and put me out my misery! Put a poor offer in as I was the only bidder and then SM decides not to notify me when someone else bids the absolute bastards.
Why are there some players that you aren't able to submit a bid for? No transfer ban or anything, the "confirm bid" button or whatever it is just doesn't come up...
are you in the negative?
I have had it before when trying to sign Nick Powell, I couldn't put an offer in for 3 days straight for him (despite bidding for a signing other players), and on the fourth day I got a notification that City had made a bid and it allowed me to make an offer.
The club I'm looking at to sign this specific player has 60+ players, so there's no way they'll go under any potential limit either.
Excellent. Went from being worth £10k to over £500k
Well done, mate, congratulations on cheating with the the cheat forums, you're almost as good at cheating as Trionz with that find, you should give yourself a real hard pat on the back, you fecking faggot.
Vrsjlko got a nice update to 86 and Spehar went up to 78.
Peterborough, look after Vrslkjo or lose him. He's at 60% match fitness for some reason.
Moses up for loan, must state he can be recalled at any time.
Put in a loan bid for Moses. He'll be first choice for a couple of weeks, after that I can't promise anything. Will depend on injuries/who I can get in. Can send him back to you when he's no longer first choice.
If you get another offer from someone guaranteeing first team footie then you should probably take that I suppose.
Eh? Half of his squad are 'NMF'. No point a player getting played into the ground, he can go on loan elsewhere.
Yeah you're right.
BTW, Levo, look after my players or lose them; Emmanuel Adebayor is at 89%. I was considering selling him to you at the end of the season, but I'm worried about his wellbeing if left to work his feet to the bone under your charge as he has been being.
Yeah, going to leave it open for a few more to see.
Birmingham are in the lead at the minute as he'll be first choice. Rejected a few from the lower leagues as he'll just get concerns which will lead me to re-call him anyway.
Yeah you're right.
BTW, Levo, look after my players or lose them; Emmanuel Adebayor is at 89%. I was considering selling him to you at the end of the season, but I'm worried about his wellbeing if left to work his feet to the bone under your charge as he has been being.
Birmingham can put out a front 6 with no one rated below 88. Not sure why he'd be first choice.