I don't know I don't really group bands like a lot of people do. Emo
basically evolved from punk/pop punk with bands like braid and joan of arc in the 90's but if I had to given a modern list then My Chemical Romance, the Used, Saves the Day, Saosin, Something Coorporate, Hawthorne Heights, Taking Back Sunday, Bedlight for Blue Eyes, are all good examples of modern day 'emo' bands. I actually went off on one a bit in my previous post and over reacted a little bit. Emo has just become a word used to describe teenagers who dye their hair black and wear copius amounts eye makeup. If you say you like a band most peopel classify as emo you are automatically assumed to be a manic depressant who hates everything and everyone. By todays definition bands like coldplay are emo, yet no one would classify them as that, though I am not sure why as they tick all the boxes. Probably as 'emo' is more about the image than the actual music these days.